Monday, December 31, 2012

Friend, Be blessed. Greeting A New Year and A New Day Through the Eyes of a Father's Heart

  Through the Eyes of a Father’s Heart

“Bring to me what You have spoken of me.”

Genesis 18:19 19 For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

“Bring to me, God, what you have spoken of me.”  That is my prayer.  I want what Abraham had.  Every day for a week, I have prayed it all day long.  In the night, I wake praying that prayer.  In just a few days, we launch a major initiative for Fathers and Leaders.  It will take enormous time, talent, and finances.  Anything worth doing will meet resistance on all fronts.

This New Year, as I consider next steps, my heart turns toward my physical and spiritual and relational children.  All are important.  As a Dad, the children of my wife, Dian, and I are precious.  They count a lot in my thinking and praying.  As a pastor of some 30 years in the same metro and now assisting in Mexico and across the United States, spiritual children who look to me for guidance and leadership are priceless.   As a businessman and manager and community participant, those that look to me for direction are powerfully on my mind.  As a personal mentor of men, those that look to me are present in my thoughts.   In all of these ways people have been impacted and had direction pushed into their lives through example.

“Bring to me, God, what you have spoken of me.”

Abraham was a commander of lives.  Command pushes.  Command influences.  Command is generally not gentle.  In Genesis 18:19, God tells us that Abraham received so that he could ‘command’ into the lives of his children and his grandchildren and his community.  He was to command righteousness and justice.  He was to command the way of the Lord.  God gave to Abraham what He had spoken of him because He could trust him to live the message into the lives of others.  Abraham was a generational influencer.  God gave him much because of that.
So, Friend, I want to pray for you today as your life commands into the lives of those around you.  What has been accumulated in your life and what is promised is meant to strengthen those around you.
Father, here is my friend, Friend.  Take what has been built that is good in them and bless others.  Take what has been built that is not so good and let it slide to the side.  Grace over mistakes and build upon goodness.
Father, I speak love and life over Friend. 
This is a New Day. Every day is a new day.  Your mercies are new every morning.
Let the promises of the heart find fulfillment in the days ahead. 
Cause vision to look up to a world of promise and a world of plenty.
Cause insight to see the good impact of life and yearn for more.
Stir  the heart of The Father to grow and prosper those entrusted to their care.
And may the coming days be merry and bright and full of hope and constancy of dream and vision and purposeful generational influence to good.

More thoughts on this can be found at the full blog: Through the Eyes of a Father’s Heart « The Community Transformation Initiative
Phil Larson 405-388-8037  (blog,FB,Twitter,Slideshare)
to support financially
Community Transformation c/o PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3
508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099

Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

See a Great Light! Merry Christmas, Friend.

Isaiah 9: In Galilee of the Gentiles. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.


During the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, my family has always enjoyed watching Christmas themed movies and celebrating time with friends.  For us, an opportunity to have a world focused on giving and receiving and thanking the God of Comfort is special.  More so, the stirring story of God become man to bring us back into unity with Him and each other lifts my soul.   Whether you believe it or not, you have to admit, Friend, it is a great message of hope.


I am thankful for each of my friends and family. The honor to exchange prayer with you, Friend, is a blessing.

Yet, there is darkness.  The events in Connecticut are horrendous and full of grief.  So are other events throughout our world.  Every moment abuse is in motion and the hearts and minds and bodies of individuals are tormented.  The light of Christ gives us relief.  Dwelling on the pain too often darkens our souls.
So let me pray:
Father, let some light into our darkened world.
Bring relief to those families and friends whose sensibility has been assaulted.
Guide them through grief and anger and pain and connect them with the Light of Christ.
Through love of family and friend bring healing to their minds and emotions.
Erase thoughts of feelings of guilt with a redemptive embrace of Christ's love.
Erase pains of remorse and loss with a confidence in acceptance in the Family of God.
Stay beside them Father in days ahead.  Comfort them. 
Father, bless my friend, Friend.
In this Christmas season of Life shine joyfully over Friend.
Capture happiness deep in the soul of Friend and bring it to life.
Don't let the darkness rule.  Shine!
Give a hope and a lift in the truth that surely You love us so much that You were born one of us, lived as one of us, died as one of us, resurrected as one of us, and offer to live in us.
Bring Christmas alive in Friend. 

Phil Larson 405-388-8037  (blog,FB,Twitter,Slideshare)
to support financially
Community Transformation c/o PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3
508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099

Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Finding Time To Get It All Done

1 Peter 5:6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you
  Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Hanukkah, and other holidays crowd into the last few weeks of the year.  Though each of us celebrate in different ways and times and for different reasons, all are affected.  The rush affects the way we conduct ourselves over the phone, the internet, in person, and alone.  The excitement can be thrilling and exhausting.  If that is not enough, there is all the normal activities to which we must attend.
Yesterday was busy. 
First to Starbucks for prayer and preparation to preach at Luz Y Vida.  It is always an honor to encourage the saints.  A man came up to me and opened his heart over coffee.  Twenty years he was a minister.  Then he spent eight years living in hell as an atheist.  Now, he has been back with God for ten years, yet, never restored to his call.  Why did a stranger come to me in a coffee shop and open with such a story?  He is no longer a stranger, but a soul for whom I pray and desire deeper relationship.
As you travel the seasons, take time to encourage one that may not have as great a blessing as you have.
Then to Luz Y Vida (Light and Life) on NW Expressway.  The people are beautiful.  Friends came with us and blessed the people.  The congregation took an offering large enough to pay a chunk of expenses for the team to Mexico for Christmas.  I won't go this year, though my heart will go.  The Holy Spirit touched hearts deeply and encouraged men and women to continue in the life of Christ.
As you travel the seasons, take time to give out of your abundance to bless another.
In the evening, another 400+ legislators were added to the prayer and encouragement list. They have a tough job ahead.  We now reach 4,427 in 32 states.  That is a lot to pray over and answer requests and encourage.
As you travel the seasons, think of someone just a step away from you that could use a word of encouragement.
All of that is just a normal day.  One day can have a week of impact crunched into a few hours.  Then this weekend there were Christmas lights to hang and grandchild to play with and, and, and....  Life is good.  God is good.
It is Monday, and like me you are looking ahead to many activities and engagements.  The office parties are starting.  Last minute budget spending pushes business and government and education to make final decisions.  Tax preparations push.  Business is still busyness.
The admonition of Peter is simple.  Submit to God's requests of your life.  Let Him do the work through you.  Live the life at work, home, community, and neighborhood that has been allotted you.  Then don't worry.  Don't fret.  Let Him develop value in it.  Let Him bless it.
Father, You are here for Friend.  You walk among us and talk among us with light and life and joy and peace and patience and kindness and longsuffering.  In our rush, touch us.  In our doings, encourage us.  Cause the work of our hands to be blessed and sufficient.  Give us joy to give to others.  Let us see Your life in others and be sensitive to breathe a breath of life into pains and problems which we encounter.  Thanks for Your Son, Jesus.  The salvation and life and reason for the season. 
In all of this, Friend, I pray for you.  If you have a specific request, let me know.  PrayerMetro is here for you.  The Center for Father/Leader is here for you.  The home bible study on Tuesday in south OKC is here for you.  The quick bible study and prayer downtown OKC on Wednesday is here for you.  This "super quick" bible study and prayer is here for you.  Take advantage. 

Phil Larson 405-388-8037  (blog,FB,Twitter,Slideshare, website,LI)
to support financially
Community Transformation c/o PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3
508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099

Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17

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