Friday, August 9, 2019
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Fixing Fractured Families... thoughts
1. Immigration levels are at all time highs. This is not Hispanic. This is other cultures. Middle East, Asian, African, and some Hispanic.
2. Cultural morass ensues. How do you immigrate and integrate into anarchy? There is a loss of moral center. Our churches are failing and flailing. Our solutions don't work.
3. Families are fractured. 41% of kids are born into unmarried situations. 40% of kids have no father in the home. Lifelong dads. Kids need 'em. It takes two to tango. It takes a good balance of father and mother. Not to be too simplistic, but no body is born without the contribution of male and female. It is a natural, creative design. Humans are not asexual. Abandonment of children by fathers is a tragedy.
4. Violence is high, especially among people in their 20s and 30s.
5. Drugs, alcohol, legal and illegal addictions are rampant.
6. Jobs will not fix this. Political rhetoric will not fix this. Good deals will not fix this. Fixing fractured families will fix this. The government does horrible in fixing fractured families. That is the job of kingdom minded people.
Think! Study! Pray! Act!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friend, Be blessed. Greeting A New Year and A New Day Through the Eyes of a Father's Heart
“Bring to me what You have spoken of me.”
Genesis 18:19 19 For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”
“Bring to me, God, what you have spoken of me.” That is my prayer. I want what Abraham had. Every day for a week, I have prayed it all day long. In the night, I wake praying that prayer. In just a few days, we launch a major initiative for Fathers and Leaders. It will take enormous time, talent, and finances. Anything worth doing will meet resistance on all fronts.
This New Year, as I consider next steps, my heart turns toward my physical and spiritual and relational children. All are important. As a Dad, the children of my wife, Dian, and I are precious. They count a lot in my thinking and praying. As a pastor of some 30 years in the same metro and now assisting in Mexico and across the United States, spiritual children who look to me for guidance and leadership are priceless. As a businessman and manager and community participant, those that look to me for direction are powerfully on my mind. As a personal mentor of men, those that look to me are present in my thoughts. In all of these ways people have been impacted and had direction pushed into their lives through example.

“Bring to me, God, what you have spoken of me.”
Abraham was a commander of lives. Command pushes. Command influences. Command is generally not gentle. In Genesis 18:19, God tells us that Abraham received so that he could ‘command’ into the lives of his children and his grandchildren and his community. He was to command righteousness and justice. He was to command the way of the Lord. God gave to Abraham what He had spoken of him because He could trust him to live the message into the lives of others. Abraham was a generational influencer. God gave him much because of that.
More thoughts on this can be found at the full blog: Through the Eyes of a Father’s Heart « The Community Transformation Initiative (blog,FB,Twitter,Slideshare)
to support financially
Community Transformation c/o PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3
508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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Sunday, December 16, 2012
See a Great Light! Merry Christmas, Friend.
Isaiah 9: In Galilee of the Gentiles. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.
During the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, my family has always enjoyed watching Christmas themed movies and celebrating time with friends. For us, an opportunity to have a world focused on giving and receiving and thanking the God of Comfort is special. More so, the stirring story of God become man to bring us back into unity with Him and each other lifts my soul. Whether you believe it or not, you have to admit, Friend, it is a great message of hope.
I am thankful for each of my friends and family. The honor to exchange prayer with you, Friend, is a blessing. (blog,FB,Twitter,Slideshare)
to support financially
Community Transformation c/o PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3
508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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Monday, December 3, 2012
Finding Time To Get It All Done (blog,FB,Twitter,Slideshare, website,LI)
to support financially
Community Transformation c/o PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3
508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
to unsubscribe reply with unsubscribe in the subject line.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Our nation struggles, Friend. You can make it better.
Phil Larson has worked diligently for the past 15 years to strengthen fathers and families. His efforts have provided hope for many households. With your help he can accomplish much more and I look forward to seeing the results across Oklahoma, the Mid-West and the U.S." Ken R Canfield PhD, Founder, National Center for Fathering, Director, Urban Center for the Family. World Impact, Los Angeles, CA.
Your support of fathers, leaders, and pastors makes enormous difference. Together, Friend, we can educate and encourage thousands of fathers and strengthen their families by reaching where it is hard to reach.
The moral strength of our nation has atrophied in the last five decades. Fathers need strengthening. The leadership mindset in business, government, congregation and community develops from fathers. The leaders developed in a world of fatherlessness need strengthening. From 1960 forward, we have seen a disastrous rise in fatherlessness and related social ills such as divorce, suicide, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, drug usage, and moral apathy. Unmarried birth has skyrocketed to 40% of all births and primarily to women in their twenties and thirties.
Fathers and Families
What love can engulf our families through the message of Godly fathering? "I am aware that you, Phil, are a man of great persistence and determination to spread the Word of God to encourage others. ….. express my appreciation and say that I understand how important "Fathering" and good loving fathers are. My hope is that you will be successful in this effort” .an Oklahoma City dad.
Community and Congregation Leaders
What blessing can engage our congregations through powerful prayer and counsel for pastors and ministers? “You must continue to reach pastors, Phil. You have been anointed for it. It has meant much to me.” Pastor of a large Black Baptist congregation
Government and Legislative Leaders
What would be the impact on our nation if every legislator in our nation received hope and peace and grace as the present 3242 we reach? “I want to take a moment to “THANK YOU” for your prayers and for every email I have received from you during this session. Sir, this is my 6th session since my initial election and, by far, this has been my most enjoyable and successful session. …I give God the ultimate credit for everything that occurs every day, but know that you deserve a tremendous amount of credit for keeping me on the right path with every expression of support and encouragement. Thank you again and my God bless you.”
We intend to find out.
In past years, all of these areas have been a part of our efforts and energy. Yet, there has never been enough time while working 60+ hours a week in the business community. Now it is time to turn the tables and give the lion’s share of time to the community and flexible hours to business. That can only happen with your help and hundreds of others like you.
Fathers and leaders count with me.
Our nation struggles with family bonding and long term fathering engagement. The results are horrid.
Research is clear, Friend. When the father stays actively engaged with his children, there are specific results.
1. They perform better in school.
2. They are less likely to live poor.
3. They are less likely to be engaged in criminal activity
4. They are less likely to engage in destructive behaviors such as drug use and early sexual activity.
5. They become more compassionate adults.
In Oklahoma, we started a good thrust in support of fathers in 2001 and have continued over the years. More Father/Daughter Summits have been held here than in any other city in the nation. Men have been trained and enabled. Counselors and social workers and ministers have been trained in new techniques. Citywide campaigns and single congregation campaigns have educated and enabled thousands of men and women. Children have been blessed. Community cooperation with CBMC, the Oklahoma Family Policy Council, American Fidelity, US Security, the Department of Human Services, CDC, Character First, business leaders, and hundreds of congregations of multi-cultural and multi-denominational background has benefited us all through more family stability and generational blessing. This has extended in support of leaders in congregations and community.
Now, I have a dream.
It is time to develop our community with targeted and morally responsible resources and support for fathers and leaders. Right now, I am working with Carey Casey and the National Center for Fathering to bring an affiliate of the NCF to Oklahoma on a full time basis. In January, I will meet with a brainstorm team in Kansas City at the National Center to make further plans for Oklahoma City.
We need your input and we need your support.
Dream with me.
· An interactive resource place for men to come and receive advice and education. Online and onsite.
· Continual community visibility through education in business, congregation, and governmental interaction.
· Constant equipping of community leaders such as pastors, men's group leaders, social workers, counselors, and others to equip and empower men as effective fathers and leaders.
· A strong and visible voice for families and fathers and two parent homes.
This dream is real. It is in motion. We need your support.
What dream do you have to support fathers and families?
Talk to me now. Don’t delay your action and your feedback. Do something positive about the next generation. Do something distinctive for this generation. NOW!
Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially the undergirding 501c3 since 2002 for charitable contribution is:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Have a Great ThanksLiving, Friend. You are dear to God's heart this morning. I am thankful for you.
Phil Larson 405-388-8037
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17