Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Meeting Jesus takes preparation. So many times we want our friends to meet Him so quickly. But that meeting takes preparation. We have the opportunity to be Johns to help others prepare to meet Jesus. Even after many miracles, from prison, John sent his disciples to check Jesus out. It was a multi-stage process to meeting Jesus through John. The same is true today. People come one step closer each time, until they really meet Jesus for who He is, God.
Meeting Jesus in our daily life takes preparation. Sometimes we need to adjust our attitude and thoughts to be ready to receive Him into our day's activities. How many times have I spent an entire day with no communion with Him. Yet, He is always with me. He is always by my side. He is present 24 hours a day. Yet, communion with Him is not always there. It takes a stopping and listening to hear His voice quietly speaking. It takes opening the channels of our heart to connect with Him.
ACT! Think about a friend who needs to meet Jesus. Speak one sentence to them that will help prepare them for that moment of their first meeting.
PRAY! Holy Father, prepare me today to meet Jesus. Help my attitude and approach get focused. Surely Jesus has acted in my day, and I don't want to miss Him. Give me the words to speak to help another sojourner come one step closer to their first meeting with Jesus.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Cousin John
Matthew 3: 1: In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, 2: And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Family is important.
Jesus' cousin John was a preacher of repentance. "The kingdom of heaven is at hand" was his most famous phrase we have recorded. That says a lot about him. He was looking for immediacy in acting toward God.
Meeting Jesus gets us into the immediate. Delay can be costly when a prize is sitting in front of us. John declared that the prize was ready for the taking. It is as close as our hand.
The great aspect of John was his ability to receive a family member as a great man or woman. Too often we get stuck on the fact that God would use a family member in a big way. It prevents us from receiving all God has for us. John had no problem. He did his part and let Jesus do his. And, he did it with immediacy. There was no hesitation or delay.
ACT! Grab the prize. Think of one act in the last 24 hours that needs repentance. Repent. Work on changing your thoughts away from it and toward God and His kingdom at hand.
PRAY! Father, give me the grace of John, Jesus' cousin. Help me to see actions that need immediate turn of direction and thought pattern. I give them to You for change
Friday, February 6, 2009
Nazarene - Homie
Later in life when brother told brother about Jesus, one replied, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Nazareth was just simple and probably had a more than ample share of troubles. There was nothing good or outstanding about being from Nazareth. There was nothing outstanding about being from Nazareth.
Jesus wasn't who He was because of where He was raised or a tremendous good family name. He gives us the same opportunity to be the best of the best according to our calling and destiny. Hometown, family, community standing, and other accolades of men mean nothing when we meet Jesus. All of us can succeed.
Just recently someone asked me the question, “Who are you?” The real question they wanted answered was, “What have you done?” Maybe what they wanted was, “With whom are you connected?” Possibly what they wanted answered was, “What is your position in an organization?” Nonetheless, who we are is not what we have done, with whom we are connected, or what position we have been granted of me. Yet, that is what people relate with value.
After answering a few of the related questions to give them a frame of reference, they opened up and asked for prayer. Life had not been gentle with them. They had worked hard to build a relationship, and it aborted on them. They needed Jesus, the Nazarene. They needed Jesus, the one who has lived life in a simple town under simple circumstances. They needed a Jesus to whom they could relate and who could relate to them. They needed Jesus in the flesh living through you and me being somebody because we are related to Him.
ACT! Erase out of your mind the idea that some status to men makes the difference in succeeding in Jesus. If you take pride in it, put it out and stand tall in Him alone. If you take shame in it, stand tall in Him alone.
PRAY! Father of Birthright, you placed me in the time and circumstance of my upbringing. You will bring it to good in Jesus. You will bring me to success in Jesus, the Nazarene.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Escape From Trouble
When trouble arises, Jesus is an escape artist. He is totally able to get us to a place of escape and safety. That's necessary sometimes. Sometimes facing the issue won't help. Sometimes trying to bring the trouble under rule won't help. Sometimes we need a place of escape. Sometimes we need Jesus to take us to a place to let trouble blow over. Then we can go back.
A few year's back had has been one of explosive blessing and trouble. Throughout that year He covered. Two children were married. Two children graduated from one level of school to the next. One child entered the university. My wife’s mother lived with us all year going through chemo. For six months I had a horrible disease keeping me from sleeping. A threat was held against my life and safety for many months. There was more. In all of this, one week I was working on some outlines to teach on God’s Plan for Health. While reading the notes, I notice I had slept soundly for four days and all symptoms of the disease were gone. I had tried diet changes, exercise changes, sleeping changes, purple pills, prayer, and frustrated yelps. In the midst of the mess, He just gave me a simple escape in healing.
ACT! Trouble comes in many forms. Do you need escape from one form or another? Take time to listen to God. Where is Egypt for your trouble? Where can you wait it out until it passes?
PRAY! Father, troubles surround us every day. You know all my troubles. You know the ones I can face and conquer. You know the ones I can give over to the governance of Jesus. You know the ones that need a place of escape. Show me the difference. Guide me.