Monday, December 27, 2010

Soul's Physician

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Meet Jesus : Soul's Physician

Matthew 9:12: But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. 13: But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

“If you have everything you need physically, mentally, and emotionally and are healthy, why would you need a doctor or consultant?  The well folk don’t need help, but the needy.  But shake your brains and learn what this means, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the perfect in their own minds, but those that realize their needs to a new way of thinking and living.”


Ever thought of your soul needing a physician?  That would be Jesus.  The influence of the influx of the world into our soul requires a constant physician. Over the years, I’ve found it valuable to listen in on the words of wise men and women on a regular basis.  The world spews some pretty tough and ugly words as a matter of normal course.  Listen to the world and you will believe that the only way to true happiness is sex, beer, fast cars, a 60” led/lcd/hd/tv thingamajiggy with phones that walk, talk, and stalk and a bag of chips.  Good words negate the poison and set a right direction. Yet, even all of the wise words have to be sifted.  I need a standard and a cleaning agent.


Jesus offers both.  Mercy and truth form a standard and cleansing comes through His blood.  Righteousness, the ability to confidently stand before Him with no thought of judgment or punishment, comes through the sacrifice of His life.  When I can stand in confidence, I can freely give up errant thoughts knowing I am accepted in Him.  I can freely take up good thoughts knowing He will work in me to bring them to good success.


All of us are welcomed into that healing relationship.  This is a free clinic.  There is no charge. Pained, stained, and ingrained stinkin’ thinkin’ can be exchanged for pure, cleansed, healthy thoughts 24/7.  Oh, He does want your life in exchange.  You would give up that old, hard heart for a new soft one right?  You would continue to give away the old, dirty, sickly stuff in your mind in exchange for clean, new purified and strong thoughts, right?


ACT!  Dump some junk out of your soul.  Pick up the ugliest thought you have and throw it out.  Find a good clean new thought in Jesus to replace it on the shelf of your soul's closet.


PRAY!  Father, it would be great if you just took this old mind and replaced it.  I know You have given me a new heart as I repented.  Help me to keep the process of mental cleanup going continually.  Stuff gets in.  Stuff corrupts my thinking.  I come to You honestly with some sickened thoughts of a sinner saved by grace.  These days, the world presses with wrong directions and my flesh misses the turns needed to get me where I need to go.  Purify, Father, my thoughts every day like a clean shower.  Build right thinking according to mercy and truth that wisdom would prevail.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .



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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Better Than A PEZ, Evotion.

The  Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Dignity Dispenser: Better Than A PEZ

Matthew 9:10-13(liberally interpreted): While Jesus took some moments to rest and eat at the house of friends, many neighbors, street folk, and just downright hardcores made their way in and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the settled pastors and community leaders and self-satisfied noticed, they spewed fresh poison into the ears of his disciples.  “Why is your leader sitting with ‘those’ people, who are not worthy of time or attention?”

 But when Jesus heard their words and discerned their intentions, he spoke strongly.

“If you have everything you need physically, mentally, and emotionally and are healthy, why would you need a doctor or consultant?  The well folk don’t need help, but the needy.  But shake your brains and learn what this means, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the perfect in their own minds, but those that realize their needs to a new way of thinking and living.”


As a child,Evotion, the PEZ candy dispensers always lightened my eyes.  The public gumball nickel (now quarter) dispensers at the front of so many stores always cried out for the precious few pennies in my pocket.  A few times I used the gumball dispenser and enjoyed every chew, but not too many.  The pennies were too precious.  Put together over a few weeks, they would buy a comic book or some bigger piece of candy.  Even the PEZ dispensers were a rare treat.  Anytime I bought a PEZ or bought a candy from a gumball machine, it was like a six inch boost in stature.  This was something special.


Funny how we walk by joy even when there is enough in our pocket.  I just never believed there would be enough for me.  Even though I could always cut another lawn or sell another newspaper on a street corner or pick up another bottle along the road and redeem it, I never believed there would be enough if I did not squirrel it away.  Those types of experiences,Evotion, build in us a resistance to joy. 


Personal dignity is so fragile.  Our world defines it.  Our desires define it.  People around us define it.  Not until many years later did I decide that dignity was a God-given commodity dispensed when He took the care to breath His breath into these clay pots of men and women.


Jesus reeks with dignity.  He is a dignity dispenser.  Unlike the PEZ, which would run out of candies, He cannot run out of dignity.  Unlike the gumball machine that takes the only nickel in my pocket, it oozes from Him at every touch.  No one is up or down in His eyes or His treatment.  Just being around Him causes us to feel better about ourselves.  Now, that doesn't mean we feel better about our behavior.  He challenges our behavior while making us feel dignified, accepted, and encouraged.  


When we spend ourselves for those who are hungry, they are affirmed and dignified.  When we spend ourselves on behalf of others, our dignity as God-breathed creations is amplified and certified and enabled to rise to our consciousness.


ACT!  Spend some dignity today.  Find a person feeling low and just spend time with them.  No big discussion.  Just give them you.  It dignifies.


PRAY!  Padre Dios, Father God, help us to receive the dignity of Jesus today.  Embody in us His love and absolute acceptance of each person as a person and as Your specific creation.  Lead Evotion and me to the person, who needs a little time, today.  Help us to simply listen and live life with them instead of trying to "help" them.  Help us dispense dignity.  Help us to take up personal dignity in You instead of in accomplishments and acquisitions.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .



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Friday, December 17, 2010

The Call

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

The Call

Matthew 9:9: And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.


Matthew or Levi, he went by both, is changed at this moment of encounter.  Here he is going about the business of tax collecting, and Jesus calls for a change.  All of us face life changes at times.  The change of call is enormous in comparison to most. Matthew responds.  Matthew allows the call to change.  What will you do when Jesus calls?


ACT!  Examine your call from Jesus.  Write down a one sentence charter that explains what He wants you to do.


PRAY!  Father, am I following the call You designed for my life?  Am I collecting taxes, and you want me to be writing a gospel?  Am I going through the motions, and You want me fishing for men?  Can I do both?  Answer me, Lord, and I will follow.  Open my understanding and I will flow with Your will.  Call, and I am willing and ready.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Power to Evotion

The Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Power To Us

Matthew 9: 8: But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.


You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do.
— Eleanor Roosevelt


Not many are astounded when an NFL defensive lineman sacks the quarterback.  Impressed, but not astounded.  It is explained as a matter of play and expertise and passion and execution.  Everyone is aware that on the next play the same lineman could be on the ground writhing in pain from a twisted knee or pounded shoulder.


Not many are astounded when a business takes off making large profits.  Number crunchers and marketers can explain.  Passion, play, expertise and execution again explain the situation.  It is not a phenomenon, but a plotted course of action and results.


Then there are moments when God steps up, steps in, and does something none of us can explain.  Then we become astounded.  Well, some do.   Others begin to explain the interplay of passion, play, expertise and execution.  Others start to find ways to explain away the intervention of God and take credit to men.  We fear what we do not understand.  Explanations give us a way to rationalize away fear instead of facing what is bigger than us.


Society has become overly desensitized.  Science seems to have all the answers.  Media portrays scientific investigation as an all powerful means coupled with mental acuity to solve any dilemma on our crime shows.  Aberrant social thinking and action of deviants is equalized with the crime solvers as a yin and yang balance.  Powerful images bombard our psyche until we can’t see the difference between normal and abnormal.  Our fear of the unknown is assuaged by scientific explanation and hope in something we can touch and see and feel.


Take time to experience some wonder this Christmas season.  Look at some beauty and thank God for the experience.  Be amazed that He entrusted men with such abilities.  Be awed with a light display.  It can be fearful to admit we do not know.  It is frightening to not understand.  But, when we face our fear and admit our powerlessness and lack of understanding, a world of wonder is opened to enjoy.  Thank God, He exposed an distributes such power to men and women that it cannot be explained.


You might find yourself catching a moment that is unexplainable other than the fact that He just stepped into your life for a moment and performed a special act.


ACT!  Where is that moment?  Give God a chance to reverse a medical issue through prayer that seems intractable by science.  Let God find a job for a friend instead of the job search agency.  Face a fear and allow God to intervene.


PRAY! Father, it is comforting to be afraid.  My fears only open doors of opportunity for You to intervene.  Why should I be afraid if You are on my side?  Why would I ever stop at fear?  Fear only opens the door for You to step in and amaze me.  Build confident trust in me and in Evotion.  Let us look into the eyes of the unexplainable and say, “Fear, I see you.  I face you.  I allow God to deal with you.  I will be amazed that God gives such power into the lives of men and women.”

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Evotion, Go Home.


The Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Go Home

Matthew 9: 6: But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.  7: And he arose, and departed to his house.

"It is not what you say, it’s what they hear" Red Auerbach

Restoration is a subject of wide berth. Jesus was focused on restoration of this man’s life. The last instruction is the one he heard. Go home. Get back to living. Go find some good family time. Live your life. Get on with enjoying why you are on planet earth.

ACT!  So take a moment to find some area of life and living you are missing because of a pain or problem. Press through. Rise up and just walk away from the pain and go on with living. 

PRAY! Father, life presses. Pains persist. Problems pursue. You are here. You are crying out, "Get up and go home. Get back to getting on with life." Let Evotion hear those words today.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Arise Forgiven


The Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Arise Forgiven

Matthew 9: 5 So, what do you think? Is it easier to say, "Your sins are forgiven or arise and walk?"

What do you think? What is the difference? If both result in the same freedom, is there a difference? If the effect is the same is the difference important to anyone?

Someone made a comment in jest about sitting in the front of the room like at church. I jested back about he must have a Pentecostal background because Catholics and Baptists sit in the back. It was good fun. Does it make a difference whether you sit in the front or the back or in the pew purchased by your great grandfather?

Does it make a difference whether you dance or sing or clap or use instruments or sit quietly?

If in doing what you do you are fully engaged in worshipping and communing with God, does it matter?

If in doing what you do you are fully engaged in religious expression and have no idea what communing with God is all about, does it matter?

You decide. You know what I think? If you say to me, "Arise and walk", and I get up free and forgiven, I will rejoice. If you say to me, "Your sins are forgiven", and I rise up and walk, I will rejoice.

ACT!  Have some fun worshipping God in a way unfamiliar. Go to a full gospel service and sit in the back. Go to a Baptist service and sit in the front. Go to a group of Brethren and just sit quietly. Take your bible to Starbucks, have a cup of coffee, read and pray quietly. Get up at 2am and walk the floor while talking to God. Do something that is not your norm. Then write me and tell me if it makes a difference. Maybe it will, just because it is different and you are more attentive when doing something outside your norm.


PRAY! Father, somedays I think You enjoy having so much variety. Some days You enjoy helping us understand the strength of results versus actions. Some days You just love us. In fact, every day You just love us. You love us into being free and happy and whole in thought and heart and body. Take us to that place of enjoying being Yours.



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