Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Mighty Fortress is God for Evotion

Psalm 46
God is our shelter and strength, 
      always ready to help in times of trouble.
 2 So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken 
      and mountains fall into the ocean depths;
 3 even if the seas roar and rage, 
      and the hills are shaken by the violence.
While updating "Like None Before",  a devotional book study of Hezekiah's leadership, the present application of ancient words stirred me.
This psalm was written after an army of millions stood at the door of the city and were turned back.  It is one of the greatest miracles of deliverance.
Martin Luther used it as inspiration for "A Mighty Fortress". 
Though the tornadoes crash and waters rise, He is God.
Though the politics confuse and decisions consternate, He is God.
Though life rejects my way and people pursue pain, He is God.
Though economies rattle and companies crumble, He is God.
He is God, Evotion.
He is God in the crashing.
He is God in the rising.
He is God in the confusion.
He is God in the consternation.
He is God in the rejection.
He is God in the pain.
He is God in the rattle.
He is God in the crumble.
He is God.
He is Faithful.
He is Ever Present.
He is Ever Good.
He is Ever Forgiving.
He is Ever Powerful.
He is Ever Knowing.
He is on the side of Evotion.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Has life been delivered into living?

Living Proof

Matthew 9: 10-11 While Jesus was having a meal in Matthew's house, many tax collectors and other outcasts came and joined Jesus and his disciples at the table. Some Pharisees saw this and asked his disciples,

Why does your teacher eat with such people?

Among Us

Life gives up great truths as we embrace great truths. Jesus is here. Jesus is among the living. Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and intercedes for us at the right hand of the Father. Now.

Parallel Worlds

Heaven and earth are intertwined. The will of the Father is to be expressed on earth. The Spirit of Christ lives inside of the believer to express the mind of Christ and power of God.


Jesus engages people. Jesus goes where people live. When His Spirit lives in us, we think and act the same way. Jesus delivers us into power for living so He can deliver us into the issues of others. We don't escape, we engage with Him.

Let's Pray

Father, I am looking for today's engagement. Somewhere in this day is a truth I need to grasp. Somewhere in this day is a person I need to engage. Somewhere in this day is a living of expression of Christ in me, the hope of glory, waiting to be let out so others can see You through me.

Pour into me a spirit of engagement. Assist me to see that I have been delivered into power in order to be delivered into issues. This world groans for the day when the delivered permeate society and there is no safe place for issues to hide from Your love.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It is better to trust in the Lord than.......

It is better to trust in the Lord than to live in disappointment.  When He appoints, no one can disappoint.
It it better to trust in the Lord than to live in discouragement.  When He gives courage, we are as bold as the lion.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to live in disenchantment.  When He enchants, our life is vibrant.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to live disheartened.  When He strengthens our heart, there is no fear.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to live disillusioned.  When He gives vision, our lives are changed and our future is secure.
It is better to trust in the Lord, Evotion.  Always and at all times in all challenges.
Stay strong.
Stay blessed.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Monday, May 9, 2011

The Blessing of Self Control

The pressures of life demand a response. 
A friend once said to me, "Every time you face information, you must respond." 
Another friend once counseled me, "You can either respond or react.  Choose."
Yet another friend advised me, "You have 20 seconds to decide how you will respond to news."
These three wisdoms, Evotion, were delivered over a 20 year period in different settings.
My greatest friend, the Creator, advises me to seek wise counsel and make plans before going out to do great exploits.  He also consoles me that the most circumspect will fall seven times, get back up, and be restored, if they let Him be the one in whom they put their trust.
Respond or react.  Choose.
When we respond to medicine, we improve.
When we react to medicine, life is not good.
We can respond or react by choice to most situations. 
Response breathes life. 
Reaction breathes death.
Isaiah 9:6
..... And he will be our ruler. He will be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
In Christ, I have access to the self-controlled ability to respond and not react.  Sometimes I use it.  Sometimes I don't.  The results usually speak quite quickly as to which I chose.
Let's Pray
Father, Your Holy Spirit offers Himself as a governor of our thoughts and heart and action.  You give us the ability to "put on" Jesus as if He were a suit of clothes covering our humanity and frailty with an armor of protection.  Help us to follow the wisdom of Your Holy Spirit and take on the counsel, the peace, the wisdom, the mercy, the truth, and the strength of heart and mind available in Him.  Surely, this day is full of opportunity to take the wrong path, react and find ourselves in a mess needing cleanup.  The same opportunity under self-controlled response can become a blessing to others and advance our cause and create life.  Touch me.  Touch my friend, Evotion, at those precious moments with strength of heart, stability of mind, and quickness of life-giving spirit to respond.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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