Saturday, September 17, 2011

Find The Right Fit, You.

Royal Living - Speaking and Listening In Right Time

More from the search of Hezekiah's men to enable a royal society.

Proverbs 25:11 To speak a word in due time, is like apples of gold on beds of silver Douay-Rheims Bible

Discerning Delivery

The following present week stories example rightly delivered words of truth in right time and demonstrate the power of this principle. A team is defended through integrity and timing. A mentor empowers through method and environs.

Bites Out of the Apple

A negative word at the right time bites. It pierces sensibility and stirs dissension. While promoting a new client, someone took offense. Actually, they created their own offense. There was no offense to be taken. Yet, some hidden anger or jealously or pain of their soul caused them to stab out at the faith of the client. Their venue was anonymous. Anonymous attacks come from people who lack integrity and courage. How sadly they live!

Salves of Silver

The venue they chose was an open online forum. Several people rose to the defense of the client and their right to express their faith, the business in serving the client, and the people involved. In the end, all but the anonymous attacker were defended both by people in name and other anonymous open forum responders.

Timing was everything. To have addressed the issue of client promotion in public as a client not as the philosophy of our business-to-business services would be out-of-time. No one is listening. Since an attacker opened the door, we were able to make some friends and promote the client. The attack allowed a setting of silver for apples of gold.

Mail of Truth

The epic tale of Beowulf includes a focus on his armor of mail shirt. In the end, it protects him from the claws of the monster and he triumphs in his quest. Truth rightly delivered can do the same for us. It can fit us for our tasks.

Over two days, a team of sales professionals dissected a book on approaching a certain prospect/client type. Each took time to read aloud and the discussion was open. The teacher/mentor pressed pertinent points at appropriate openings. The relaxed atmosphere in the country allowed disconnect from pressures. The method moved the material from printed page to mental melded metal.

Apples of truth entwined with filigree silver links producing a jewelry to be worn in the market. Ideas behind words can be worn and used like a piece of fine jewelry once integrated in right fashion and right time. The jewelry forms a belt of mail woven of elves silver to be worn in daily use. Truth becomes a belt that is useful for common and uncommon times. The individuals in the team have been truthfully equipped to serve both prospect and client.

Finding Time

Ideas are precious, You. Rightly presented at the right time and right setting, they become useful truths. Consideration every day has to be given in how we distribute information and discussion. Wisdom allows the negative to become strength and the strength to become useful power.


Wisdom cries out in the streets, Father of Love and Light. Pour wisdom over You. Enable You to see when timing is right and minds are open. Enable us all to be wise stewards of timing and setting to present truth and ideas and receive the rewards in this life as useful progress

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You, Live Royal. Live as a Faithful Friend.

Royal Living - Tight Lipped and Faithful

Remember, these proverbs are the selection of Hezekiah's men to help establish a royal and confident nation. 

Proverbs 25: 9-10 If you have an argument with your neighbor, don't tell other people what was said. Whoever hears it might shame you, and you might not ever be respected again.

Tight Lipped

As a leader with a lot of connections, I get lots of questions. People are always wanting to know about other people. They may only know the public reputation, but they want any insider information they can get that is negative.

How do you feel about what they did? Did something else go on? How are they doing since........ happened?

My principle follows the advice of my mother. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.

Brokers of Sales

Another question I get asked is to introduce sales people. Now if you have a great product or service that will help a friend, I enjoy helping two friends meet and communicate. But, if I don't really believe there is a smart deal for both, I steer clear. Why create a breach in a good relationship? Why take too much advantage of a friendship? It has to promise good value for both.

Gossip On Grand Ave

Many large companies provide a forum for staff to air questions and comments. Most are negative in nature. Most are anonymous jibes at someone or some department the person does not like. It does provide a tap into the grumble and does provide some outlet. Yet, it is always full of acid. The words of a talebearer go down into the belly and cause a breach in the spirit, a leakage of courage, and a disruption of confidence and collaboration. It is a spillage of argument and to my knowledge has never resulted in any positive change or action on the part of the company.


Live royal. Live confident.

Living royal means living above the acid line of conversation. It means avoiding repeat of negative you know. It means staying tight lipped and confidential. Think about that word. Confidential comes from confident. When I am confident in who and whose I am, there is no need to leak negative on others. True or false, the acid does no good for anyone.

Living royal means protecting relationships from constant intrusion and invasion. Whew, don't you hate it when a friend has such little value for your relationship that they will sell access just to please someone else or make a deal for themselves? I introduce many people to each other when there is a value after much prayer and understanding both parties. Protect your friends. Live royal.

Coffee Klatch

Some years ago at a lunch table, some rude jokes were being told. Conversation had little value. People were being slaughtered in their absence. You've walked into such conversations. You don't need to hear a word. The winking eye and shuffling feet tell it all. From my table I could not hear the words, but I could see the furtive faces.

A young man walked into the snake nest unaware. He was looking for a little luncheon friendship. As the ringleader of rumor prepared to launch into another raunchy tale, he looked down the table and made a statement. This one I heard.

"I can tell this here. There is no one too good to hear it."

Another person at the table motioned to the young man and said, "Jack is good. He doesn't need to hear it."

The table went quiet. Someone finally had the courage to stand up with a comment to stop the slurs. I bet they were wanting the junk to stop and just did not know how to make it happen.  For the rest of lunch, the tone of the table shifted to normal conversation and the most negative sitting at the table left the lunch room.

Be a Jack, who lives in such a way others appeal to goodness in your soul.


Father, our days are full of decisions regarding what we know. Teach us to wash from our minds and hearts the negative normalcy of friends and acquaintances. Each of us has faults. Teach us to cover faults with love and mercy. Teach us to be mindful that all of us have access to life changing power in You and the right to recover in privacy and permission to grow.

It is hard enough, Father, when we fail this call to confidence and our anger and hurt cause us to repeat hurtful information. Snag it and cause the spread to be stopped rapidly. Show us mercy in our mistakes. Teach us strength and goodness of speech.

Let our ears be stopped to the noise of accusation and repetition of rumors and finger pointing that accompanies life. There is no positive value. No one will be encouraged. No positive change will come of such chatter. Give us courage to speak good when ill is spoken.

Give us presence that stops the mouth of accusation.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Finding Rest, my Friend.

Proverbs 16:20 Whoever listens to what is taught will succeed, and whoever trusts the Lord will be happy

My Friend, each of us has a litany of undone tasks. Leaders just can't avoid it. People come to us for answers. We see undone opportunities and tend to take them on ourselves. It happens. The list gets longer than we can ever address. Those tasks can have as much pressure as a hurricane bearing down on the coast of our rest. They just never seem to go away. Something always needs to be done next.

Trust enables rest. Trust enables us to step away from the pressure and believe we will be able to face it when the time is right. This is a confidence available in a successful relationship with Christ that I pray for you.

Our journeys are meant to bring us to places of rest and relaxation and at times do the opposite. In the struggle to find peace and rest, we become caught in the wrestling and miss the purpose for which we entered the fray.

As you work to strengthen family and community and personal living, I pray for your mental, physical, and spiritual stamina and rest.

Father, give my friend a restful moment from the pressures of life and responsibility.
Teach my friend how to enter a new season and level of confident rest that acts with decisiveness.
Affect hope with a promise of a brighter day ahead.
Affect faith that You come alongside and bring victory in tough spots.
Affect love that releases kindness and gentleness even when internal battles rage.
Let a confident, restful repose come up underneath my friend and paint a smile so family and friends would be blessed and life would stay fun and fulfilling.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Royal Living - Discretion Before Decisions

Royal Living - Discretion Before Decisions

All these scriptures: New Century Version

Proverbs 25:9b-8 Because of something you have seen (and judged to represent a certain situation), do not quickly take someone to court (push for a decision). What will you do later when your neighbor proves you wrong? (and the final answer is totally different than you thought)

Proverbs 19:2-3 Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good. If you act too quickly, you might make a mistake.

People's own foolishness ruins their lives, but in their minds they blame the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding.

Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success

Email Hell

This week, there have been two streams of emails that demonstrated the wisdom of royal living. Several participants in the one are frustrated over a troublesome situation. It is not an easy fix. The issues are complicated and not understood to any significant level by any of the people in the discussion. All want it resolved. Many are ready to take action just to get the pain off of their list of things to do. The stream of vitriolic back and forth blame shifting is embarrassing.

Every person sees the situation from their pain point. It has been taken for decision without true consultation with all the neighbors. Now the person who posed a solution is seen as the cause of the situation not just a helper to resolve.

Expensive Chaos

A second situation demonstrates again how conclusion jumping can go awry. One jumped into the middle of a situation and demanded a solution. A partial solution was brought forward that was not reasonable to implement in a timely manner. It lags and lags and gets caught on other snags. A new solution will be drafted, surely. Yet no one will be happy. The root causes will still plague the situation and cause further consternation.

Wise Resolve

A client has issue with a coworker who is married to a worker. Whew! It affects business decisions and is costing the client mistakes and money. Through patience and listening and looking to the hearts of those involved, our team came up with a face-saving plan to address. Late Friday a communication came to me telling me the plan can be a big win for all. Instead of pushing for a decision, we found a way to encourage and promote friendship. Whew! Thanks, God.

Every Day Justice

There are many situations that come to mind this week alone. Each took key people discussing and some time cussing to come to joint vision. We don't like to listen, do we? We like to be right. We like to make decisions for others and then have them tell us we are right. It is not royal living. It is petty living. It is wasteful living, burns up internal energy, and isolates needed friends.

Sitting and Ducking

Just as many issues end up with analysis paralysis. Some folks don't know when to call the hand and get a decision made. That can be terminably frustrating for all. A conversation with a business partner against whom others brought accusations brought out an indecisiveness on the part of another involved. Their fence sitting and ducking of responsibility is causing all to struggle and the end client to suffer.

Royal Insight

To see into a matter before making a decision or calling for a decision brings long term resolution and productivity that lasts. It might take ten minutes or ten days or even ten months or ten years. Discretion knows when to congeal information and move. Discretion is part of royal living. To gather the facts, listen to others, make a decision, and trust the Lord to work it through to good completion is the heart of royalty.

There is no simple answer or formula to apply here. Discretion plus insight plus wisdom plus patience plus action plus trust wins the day for the royal. We will make mistakes and God will cover. Our true friends will know our heart and abide. All will prosper.


Father, life is so full of decisions. Situations jump in front of us all day and every day. Equip our eyes to see true. Equip our minds to think clear and with best heart to support others. Let trust of You come through as increased trust of others. Show us prosperous paths for decisions. Breed royal insight and timing into us that we might move with productive decisiveness.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099