Friday, January 28, 2011

Following Others

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Following Others

Matthew 9:. 19: And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.


So many leaders want to be followed.  They are tied to their agendas.  Life is all about what they want to do that day.  Of course, we understand from Jesus’ other communications that He did nothing His Father did not tell Him to do.  But, Jesus and the Father are one.  They move as one, act as one, and decide as one.  He decided to follow this man.  It does not appear His daily calendar was set so strict to His plan and goals and mission statement that He was inflexible.  He could follow another man.


Alongside Jesus’ leadership in following, his disciples learned the lesson. They followed another man as Jesus followed him.  They followed the influence of this man to go and pray for family.  They followed him, this human only man.  They followed the example of Jesus in listening to another man.


They went to a new place and a new home with a new friend.  They followed to a hard and uncomfortable place.  They followed.


A friend recently asked me to help with a project.  Following on this one is hard.  It just doesn’t connect with me.  There is difficulty in seeing a commonality.  Nevertheless, I am working on following.  He is a friend.  He has a need.  How do I follow?  Where are we going?                                                                                                                                                 



ACT!  Ready to follow someone else for a while?  Is there someone who can lead you to a new place?


PRAY!  Father, too often my agenda and purpose is tied up in my ideas.  Others are trying to get my attention and encourage me to follow.  Help me to understand who to follow and when.  Help me to help others in their goals. Help me to drop my driving motivations and purpose and support others for a few moments.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Seventh Annual Legislative Prayer Gathering

On Sunday, Feb. 6th, 2011 — the day before Oklahoma’s 2010 legislative session begins — the seventh annual Legislative Prayer Gathering will be held at the State Capitol.

Prayers will occur on the floor of both the House and Senate Chambers from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Participants will be offered the opportunity to actually sit in the chair of their state representative and/or senator and pray for that office holder (and others) for one hour.

Organizers say the objective is to have each of the 101 seats in the House Chambers as well as each of the 48 seats in the Senate Chambers occupied by citizens in prayer. To fulfill this goal, at least 149 participants are needed. Any participants beyond the 149 will fill a seat upstairs in either the House or Senate gallery.

Organizers encouraged participants to park on the west side of the Capitol and enter the west side of the building. Guides will be present to provide direction.

This annual event is sponsored by, Prayer Force One, Bott Radio Network, the Oklahoma Family Policy Council,, Barnabas Ministries Inc., Reclaim Oklahoma for Christ, and the Oklahoma Conservative PAC.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Irregular Daily Dose - Break Distractions, Evotion

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work


Matthew 9:18: While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. 19: And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.

23: And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise, 24: He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. 25: But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose. 26: And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land.


Daily living can distract us from God's desires.  On His walk to the house, the woman with the issue of blood had come and been healed.  Jesus tended to her and kept going.  When he arrived, people were there with an attitude of death, wanting Him to join them in their dirge.  Jesus had them removed and did what He came to do.  They laughed Him to scorn.  But, He did what He came to do.  He is undistracted.


Breaking distraction takes purposeful action.  Recent studies are showing the amount of online, social media, email, postal mail, images, and information is creating a world of people unable to process completed thoughts.  Our minds are being trained to live in distraction.  Little gets accomplished in a minute.  Most meaningful action takes meaningful thought and thurough discrimination.


ACT!  Got distraction, Evotion?  Put it out and do what God wants you to do.


PRAY!  Father, life distracts me.  Daily, I stretch forth to do Your will and get distracted.  Daily, I hear Your voice, start the journey, and get pulled to the side in a song of death.  Release me, Father, from those distractions.  Release my friend, Evotion.  Help us have wisdom to know what to "put forth" so that we might do Your will and not stop at other's scorn, who do not understand.   They are not evil, just normal.  Cause purposefulness to engage our thoughts and action.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Ever Ready for Evotion

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Ever Ready

Matthew 9:18: While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. 19: And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.

20: And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: 21: For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. 22: But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.


It is nice to know that Jesus is ever ready to heal.  Here we find Him going about big business.  Along the path, He hesitates to take the time to comfort and heal a woman.  It is nice to know Jesus is ever ready to stop and comfort. 


In our rush of life, Evotion, we need an ever ready Jesus.  Contact with Him changes us to be more like Him.  Being more like Him means stopping in the rush of life and tending to others.


ACT!  Slow the rush today, Evotion.  Who is reaching out for a few minutes of your comfort and kind words?


PRAY!  Father of all comfort and healing, show Evotion the way of Jesus.  Reveal Your kindness through Evotion to someone in the path today.  Jesus is ever ready.  Help us be ever ready.  Heal through Evotion.  Comfort through us, today.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mourning And Morning

Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted.

Some people have the natural ability to empathize and sympathize. Empathy opens my heart to feel the feelings of another. Sympathy opens my heart to feel them as if they were mine.

Mourning is a relationship of loss. When one is connected and then disconnects, there is a mourning, a grief. The loss of connection mourns. Sometimes we mourn for ourselves, sometimes for others.

A good friend passed into the next life prematurely. He was only 47 and full of vision. At the oddest times, I mourn his not being available to call and talk.

A congresswoman was shot and her friends murdered. There is a national mourning for someone we did not know. The grief is as much for our loss of safety as it is for the loss of these people we do not know. Compassion engages mourning.

Expressed compassion in mourning brings comfort. Talking to my friend's wife, I have compassion to spend time with his adult son. Why? I am mourning my friend. Maybe engaging some compassion with his son will bring comfort to both of his. His son misses his father. I miss his father. Together we can bring comfort to each other.

In our nation there will be need for comfort as we process these events. It will take people mourning together. They will need empathy and sympathy beyond what they have used before this time. Overall, we will see comfort as a nation.

Deeper wounds come out in mourning. Feelings we did not want to acknowledge or express can come forward. Some days before the Arizona murders and shooting of the congresswoman, a family friend made some comments in my home that greatly mourned me. He referred to the Oklahoma terrorism from many years back and bemoaned that it did not bring attention like it should have to issues. His mourning was either over or never happened. Comfort had never come to his soul. Anger seems to seethe beneath the surface and threaten others. Then that same anger surfaced with a gun in Arizona and killed.

There is a river of anger lurking in our nation and world. It never leaves. Mourning is a healing agent when applied with compassion given in empathy and sympathy. It brings out the wounds, cleanses them and comforts.

Talking with another friend she mentioned how her father would change a simple song to make it funny. Her father would have been someone I could enjoy and relate in life. He is gone from this side. I know him through her laugh. I know him through her joys and sometimes mourning moments. He comes through. She remembers and comfort becomes stronger every moment.

Back to my 47 year old friend. Conversing with another friend of the friend, she commented on how she appreciated the job I did praying at the funeral. It was a hard moment. It was real life. The church was packed with ministers who had been touched by this great man. Praying with a group of ministers could be intimidating. But, we were there to mourn and be comforted, so we just acted like ourselves and walked together in compassion to comfort.

Without the compassion added in the mourning our nation feels, we will not see comfort. Those who do not mourn may feel justification or anger or control or some other emotion that leads to destruction. Some other person will thrust out. Some other angst will reveal itself. The media is already full of it. One points at the other and accuses the other of pointing back. Each justifies their anger and angst. Some of that is part of the mourning. Some of that is a denial of compassion. Some of that is predecessor to the next event to mourn.

Father, will we bring comfort through mourning? Will we understand and engage into a brighter life? Will we handle moments of life with the tools provided in our souls for good?
Help us be like You.
In all the grief we bring to You, Your love continues to cover our mistakes. You process our grievances and continue to love and comfort us and those around us. You are the God of all comfort.
Cause your people to pray and find another solution to our angst. Help us process in mourning and find the place of comfort in place of conflict.
Let the joy of the morning facing the greatest graces of God that offer themselves new replace the angst of mourning disturbing our souls.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Some fresh days ahead, Evotion

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Meet Jesus : New Wine

Matthew 9:16: No man puts a piece of new cloth as a patch on an old garment, otherwise what you use to repair will cause a tear on the garment, and the damage is worse. 17: Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runs out, and the bottles ruin: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.


Ever tried to get something old to do something new, Evotion?  It is tough.  Years ago, I remember working to get an older tractor with a mowing attachment to try and cut a newly sloped and landscaped property.  The job never could get done. It looked like a bad haircut every week.  Eventually, we had to invest in a newer, all terrain tractor/mower.  Then the job got done well and with precision.


Jesus is new wine.  He comes in and changes our very nature to be able to get the new demands met of His new wine.  The option would be for us to crack and break. That would be no fun. 


Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.- Benjamin Franklin


At each juncture of major change in our lives, it takes a refresh of the newness.  Change is tough enough one major time in life, but really it takes major increments of change and newness to get us where we need to go.  Don't settle for just that one fresh and new connection with Christ.  Be ready for Him to come back again and again and make major changes.


ACT!  What does Jesus want you to do that is new?  Do it a new way.  Don't try an old way.  Let Him give you a new one.


PRAY! Father, let us be continually creative in You.  Not just once, but always You are pouring the new wine of Jesus into our life.  Always You are stretching us into new venues and new tasks.  Let Evotion and let me see daily with new eyes.  Help us not rest in old understandings and old ways.  Freshen our skin so that we might receive new wine daily.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .



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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Changing Lives in Matamoros to Oklahoma City

Attached is a report from Matamoros.  The pictures tell a great story.  Two years ago, when Raul first took me to Matamoros to see the people living in dumps and the recovery center of CAREVI, there was a small congregation, a few men being helped, and a dirt lot.  Today many men and families have been restored to hope, over 300 attended Christmas services, and a new church with walls and roof provides hope for the hopeless.  Congregations in OKC made a blessing happen for a city sieged in battle between drug lords and military.  What a blessing this has been.  There is more to do.
Another cooperative outreach is happening.  Tabitha Baptist in Oklahoma City has established a prisoner reentry program named Dorcus.  We've come alongside.  Both men and women will receive training in "Think For A Change" on Wednesday nights and Saturday days.  Eventually, we will be able to sponsor classes inside the prisons and reach many more.  Pastors Jeff and Rhonda Mitchell along with Dian and I, Beatriz, Beverly, LaDonna and others will feed and encourage.  After this class, we plan on building parenting and fathering training. 
You can help with funds to print materials buy food and build buildings.  $5 puts a manual in the hands of a prisoner wanting a change of life through learning how to thing a different way and develop good relationships.  $50 helps feed a group on a Wednesday evening.  $500 supports a trip to Matamoros.  $5000 supports a life changing four months for a man at the recovery center in Matamoros. 
There are many ways to help.  All are risky.
Pray. The enemy is not excited about getting beat.
Donate. You are giving into the kingdom where lives change, but some go back to old ways.  We do it anyway. (We need 200 more chairs.. padded and decent, but don't have to be new.)
Be trained to work in prisons and help drive, teach, encourage.  You might find a change of your own life.
Join on a trip to Matamoros to be an encouragement to the people.  Yes, it is a war zone.  How brave are you?
As always, your brother in Christ, Phil Larson, 508 Tumbleweed Dr., Yukon, Oklahoma 73099  405-388-8037  any gift to PrayerMetro is tax deductable as a charitable donation.
Click here to donate now.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Handsome Bridegroom

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work


Matthew 9:15: And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.


Isaiah 61:10: I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.


Bridegrooms are happy fellows.  Isaiah describes the bridegroom as decked out with ornaments.  His description is of one clothed with salvation and righteousness, ready for the wedding. 


Jesus is the bridegroom.  He decks out with us.  We are the ornaments.  We are the prize He takes forward to the wedding.   Surrounded by us, He is happy.  Our joy is in seeing Him get ready for the wedding.


ACT!  Get happy.  Think about Jesus getting ready for the great wedding feast reserved for that special day.  Think of yourself as alongside Himin the preparation chamber.


PRAY!  Father, I am honored to be in the presence of the groom.  Help me to do my part in getting ready for the wedding.  Enable me to see my role.  Enable me to see salvation and righteousness cloaked over me.  Enable me to see myself as Jesus sees me.  I will be joyful in knowing He is being readied.  I will be joyful in knowing I am being readied with Him.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .

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