Friday, January 28, 2011

Following Others

The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work

Following Others

Matthew 9:. 19: And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.


So many leaders want to be followed.  They are tied to their agendas.  Life is all about what they want to do that day.  Of course, we understand from Jesus’ other communications that He did nothing His Father did not tell Him to do.  But, Jesus and the Father are one.  They move as one, act as one, and decide as one.  He decided to follow this man.  It does not appear His daily calendar was set so strict to His plan and goals and mission statement that He was inflexible.  He could follow another man.


Alongside Jesus’ leadership in following, his disciples learned the lesson. They followed another man as Jesus followed him.  They followed the influence of this man to go and pray for family.  They followed him, this human only man.  They followed the example of Jesus in listening to another man.


They went to a new place and a new home with a new friend.  They followed to a hard and uncomfortable place.  They followed.


A friend recently asked me to help with a project.  Following on this one is hard.  It just doesn’t connect with me.  There is difficulty in seeing a commonality.  Nevertheless, I am working on following.  He is a friend.  He has a need.  How do I follow?  Where are we going?                                                                                                                                                 



ACT!  Ready to follow someone else for a while?  Is there someone who can lead you to a new place?


PRAY!  Father, too often my agenda and purpose is tied up in my ideas.  Others are trying to get my attention and encourage me to follow.  Help me to understand who to follow and when.  Help me to help others in their goals. Help me to drop my driving motivations and purpose and support others for a few moments.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .

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