Sunday, February 13, 2011


Wisps of snow remain on the ground at my lake cabin. Like all reminders of a big event, they will be gone in a few days. Deep snows over weeks buried winter grass. Cold permeated the air. Now, spring-like warmth jumps and takes the winter grass back full height. The ground will be dry shortly.

But the effect is sure. Dry leaves are now wet and dry and decomposition starts. A process is in motion. It will not be denied. The snow starts a needed process.

Culture is much the same. The process of an healthy or unhealthy change starts with an event. Egypt citizens took charge and snowed on their nation. An event starts a process. A group of Oklahoma citizens took charge and snowed prayer over the legislators.

An event births a chain. The chain can stop as quickly as an event. A soft snow does little. A soft snow every day does much. Every day can build to a big impact event, when consistent and focused.

Whoops, a problem slips. Consistency and focus bring long term results. A group of prayers with many focus lead to nowhere. If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

In the Christian realm, we hardly know where we are going. Oh, we all are going to heaven, the next chapter, a better land, Beulah, Mt. Zion, a great cloud of witnesses, times with our face in the Son. Some C's believe they have arrived. Some look for a thousand years. Some look for pain first. Some look for purgatory purging. They are all C's.

Prayer in a multi-cultural C world means finding agreement. We don't agree on abortion times and methods or levels of tolerance or dunk versus wash or glossalalia or welcoming aliens or deporting them. Those areas are not where I pray.

Pray agreement. A bond of peace. Unity of the Spirit. Strength of heart. Clarity of mind. A sense of justice. Mercy when it works and sometimes not. Benevolence. Caring. Goodness and kindness. Love that desire the best for my enemy. Joy unspeakable in the face of pain. Confidence in Christ. Dignity and honor. Freedom to love and hate God. Long and fulfilling life for all.

For me, I have no stomach to pray my beliefs over others. That would conflict with my belief that all men and women are created equal. They each have a free will choice of options. My beliefs I believe are best. Duh! Why else would I believe them? They are as right as my pea brain and simple heart has seen in my short years. More comes to see and think and change my view.

Pray the indisputable. Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, love, self-control.

Pray the indestructible. Faith, hope, and love.

Pray the limitless. Wisdom, strength, right standing before God, counsel, fear of the Lord, favor with God and mankind.

Let God do the sorting. Seems like Jesus said that. What will it be like in the end, Jesus. Oh, some will think they had it in and find their hearts were all sort of bad. Others will think they are unworthy, but their kind and gentle hearts were right all the time. Mixed with the good will be the bad and my angels will do the sorting. Then I'll do the final sifting of what stays and what goes. And we will have a good laugh and a hard cry and enter the next chapter.

Least ways, that is how I see it.
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