Saturday, April 30, 2011

How may we pray for you? Talk Back, Evotion.

Over the last week, we have received requests for prayer concerning the health of friends, marital situations, and the community mindset.  Jesus once said, "the poor will always be among you."  There will always be issues inherent to our created situation.  Creation groans for full expression of salvation.
Prayer brings God's expression of full salvation (creation acting according to best design and intent with God connected) of soma (body), soul, spirit, and society (relationships) into our individual and corporate lives.   This 5S1F formula helps me focus.  Salvation = (Soma + Soul + Spirit + Society) x Father
Help us pray with wisdom for the Father to intersect with His salvation across all the sectors of your life.
What would you like to see for:
Your world
Your nation
Your state/province/district
Your county/parish
Your city
Your neighborhood
Your home
Your family
Your self
Do you have a scripture that guides your prayer you would like to share?
If you have never talked back to PrayerMetro, this is a good time. 
If you are a regular that communicates, thank you, and this is a good time.
If your heart is being stirred in your personal prayer time and you want to express, this is a good time.
Now is the best time.
The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 5th. 
At 7pm that evening The Cathedral, Integrity Voice of Victory, Tabitha Baptist, Tabernaculo De Fe, Antioch Full Gospel Baptist, and Quail Springs Church of Christ will join for a time of praise and prayer.  Other pastors and leaders will be with us.
We will join together at Integrity Voice of Victory  4501 North Meridian Avenue, Warr Acres, OK 73112-2403   (405) 491-5700
In the past years, we have met at Tabitha Baptist on the east side of the city, Catedral de Adoracion on the south, and Quail Springs Church of Christ on the North.  Now is the year for the west.
These congregations represent several styles of worship, different streams of the Christian faith, cultural variances, and the north, south, east and west of our metro area.
This is not a political event.  It is a time of prayer.
It is neither conservative nor liberal.
I invite you to join or send a prayer to me to be considered in prayer that evening.
Unity is so important.
Prayer changes our world.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A time for prayer not politics... The National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 5th. 
At 7pm that evening The Cathedral, Integrity Voice of Victory, Tabitha Baptist, Tabernaculo De Fe, Antioch Full Gospel Baptist, and Quail Springs Church of Christ will join for a time of praise and prayer.  Other pastors and leaders will be with us.
We will join together at Integrity Voice of Victory  4501 North Meridian Avenue, Warr Acres, OK 73112-2403   (405) 491-5700
In the past years, we have met at Tabitha Baptist on the east side of the city, Catedral de Adoracion on the south, and Quail Springs Church of Christ on the North.  Now is the year for the west.
These congregations represent several styles of worship, different streams of the Christian faith, cultural variances, and the north, south, east and west of our metro area.
This is not a political event.  It is a time of prayer.
It is neither conservative nor liberal.
I invite you to join or send a prayer to me to be considered in prayer that evening.
Unity is so important.
Prayer changes our world.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Breath In New Life, Evotion.

There is no greater set of events in the heritage of Christians than those celebrated in memory over this weekend.  Salvation and escape from punishment for Evotion is secure through the death of Christ for our sins.  New life and hope in eternity for Evotion is opened through His resurrection from the dead.  What a joy our God has provided.
Be blessed with a wonderment and a joy in celebration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord and Lords and Victor of Death, Hell, and the Grave.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Breath of New Life for Evotion.

There is no greater set of events in the heritage of Christians than those celebrated in memory over this weekend.  Our salvation and escape from punishment is secure through the death of Christ for our sins.  Our new life and hope in eternity is opened through His resurrection from the dead.  What a joy our God has provided for us.
Be blessed with a wonderment and a joy in celebration of this season.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

to unsubscribe reply with unsubscribe in the subject line.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Follow Me.

Follow Me...Matthew 9: 9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

Follow Me.

How absurd to have someone walk up and simply say, "Follow me."

Yet, that is many times how leaders act. They just walk in and make a demand on followers.

Tests of loyalty are like that. A challenge is given. No instructions. Just a challenge. Follow them and life will never be the same.

Some years ago, an executive walked into my office. Before this moment, we had never had as much as five minutes of conversation. Neither did we on this day.

"Phil, I have a problem. I need you to go to Austin and check it out."

"Can you tell me what the problem is?"


Life has never been the same. That trip led to many more problems and many more solutions and a completely different life.

Follow me is a directive that has an undetermined result. Will you?

Action Items: Somewhere there is a simple instruction to begin a journey with an undetermined end. It is full of adventure. Think about a simple request put in front of you. Follow.

Prayer: Father, what is it You have given as a challenge to my life? Do I have enough courage to follow? Do I have enough faith to just start down the path and see what happens? Where will it lead? Where will it go? Will you fill me with confidence in Your provision? Will You build my courage to run the race? I want to follow, Father. Help my unbelief. Help me to just obey and see the results.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When you visited me in prison, Evotion.

PrayerMetro is just that .... prayer.
Part of prayer is action.
Action for us is about unity.
Periodically, we will announce an event.  We are asked a lot.
1. It has to have a Christian focus. Make an attracting and consistent sound.  Of course there may be participation by other faiths, as long as the core focus is Christian.  I attend outside the walls of Christianity, but I don't announce those events.
2. It has to be one at which we feel any Christian believer would feel welcome and comfortable.  Pursue the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.   Though I attend many events of different natures (Conservative Christian, Pentecostal, Baptist, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Liberal Christian, etc...)  I don't promote an event is I feel some section of the kingdom would take offense.  You would be surprised how separatist we can be in our approaches.  That is okay when all you have is your homies.  But if you want the whole expression of Christ, there has to be some dial down.  Just sayin'.
3. I need to have personal knowledge of the hosts.  Know those that labor among you.  Surprises are for little girls' birthday parties, not public reputation.
Here is one.  PrayerMetro has been working with the prisoner reentry program of "Think for A Change" alongside Tabitha Baptist and Dorcus Ministries and the Baptist Prison Ministry.
We have worked with Pastor Jemison and many of the churches that will be involved at times in the past in fathering city-wide events both Father-Daughter Summit and
April 16th
All day prison ministry event.
St. John's Missionary Baptist
Yes, you need to call and register so they can feed you.
478-3344  Pastor Barber oversees the prison ministry.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Monday, April 4, 2011

Be blessed with kindness, Evotion.

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness  Jeremiah 3:3

“Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion.”

 Dalai Lama (Head of the Dge-lugs-pa order of Tibetan Buddhists, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize)

Kindness is not a commodity.  It is a rare and exceptional gift.

Too often kindness comes to us in response to some deed.   Another person shows kindness to us because we have done some act on their behalf.

What about kindness that is rooted in common humanity?  That is the kindness I appreciate the most.  A friend or acquaintance shows kindness just because I am human.  A door is opened ahead of me.  Someone lets me pass in a four way stop.  I receive an encouraging word from a total stranger.  Now that is kindness that affects me differently than what I have earned.

Whether I have been angered, mean, sullen, distraught or unkind, an act of kindness can move me to higher ground.  Whether I have been joyful, encouraging, loyal, or thankful, an act of kindness can take me to higher ground.

Prayer:  May your day and week, Evotion, be full of kindness.  May an unknown stranger take notice of you and bless you with a kind word or action.  Evotion, understand through life that God is totally disposed toward you with kindness.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099