Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Follow Me.

Follow Me...Matthew 9: 9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

Follow Me.

How absurd to have someone walk up and simply say, "Follow me."

Yet, that is many times how leaders act. They just walk in and make a demand on followers.

Tests of loyalty are like that. A challenge is given. No instructions. Just a challenge. Follow them and life will never be the same.

Some years ago, an executive walked into my office. Before this moment, we had never had as much as five minutes of conversation. Neither did we on this day.

"Phil, I have a problem. I need you to go to Austin and check it out."

"Can you tell me what the problem is?"


Life has never been the same. That trip led to many more problems and many more solutions and a completely different life.

Follow me is a directive that has an undetermined result. Will you?

Action Items: Somewhere there is a simple instruction to begin a journey with an undetermined end. It is full of adventure. Think about a simple request put in front of you. Follow.

Prayer: Father, what is it You have given as a challenge to my life? Do I have enough courage to follow? Do I have enough faith to just start down the path and see what happens? Where will it lead? Where will it go? Will you fill me with confidence in Your provision? Will You build my courage to run the race? I want to follow, Father. Help my unbelief. Help me to just obey and see the results.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099


  1. a friend commented..

    The "seed" had already been planted in Matthew's heart.
    He climbed the tree so as to be able to see Jesus.
    There usually is a predisposition before the call.
    The Lord arranges to have the recipient of the
    call ready to act.


    PS - I, by myself, cannot believe - it is the
    Holy Spirit working in me that enables me
    to believe. (and to act on that belief)

  2. This is so timely in my life. Thank you.

  3. Thank you Phil. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm fighting everyday at the Cspitol. We had a victory yesterday, Gov signed 2 pro life bills into law. God Bless and thank you for the scripture and words you send. They always seem to come at the right time.

  4. Thank you Phil for taking the time to email these out.
    Just want you to know I appreciate it.S.

  5. Yes, that is when I became His sheep! John 10-:27 – In the Spring of 1941!

    What a great, fantastic journey!

    Brother in Christ,
