But the dragon was not strong enough, and he and his messengers lost their place in heaven. Revelation 12:8
“Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizard's rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment - a little makes the way of the best happiness.” Friedrich Nietzsche
Whether dragon or lizard is a matter of perception. A dragon is a large lizard with bad breath. A lizard is a small dragon with whimsical appeal.
Every issue in life can appear as a dragon. Every issue in life can appear as a lizard. The size and impact is in perception and reception.
Unless of course the dragon is really a dragon. Then you cannot perceive him into a lizard. He must be faced, fought, and conquered or caged.
Some seasons the lizards slip from every crack and crook. They are amazing, light creatures and a delight to watch. Many come with colors and shapes that are simply delightful. As Nietzsche points out, it takes but simple littles to make us smile. They never stay for more than a flash.
Some seasons the dragons crash through from every open path. It seems there is no journey safe. Yet, really, most of them are lizards with a big shadow. When faced, they shrink to normal delightful size and rustle away giving comic relief to a frightful first pounce. In retreat, they will remove all enchantment from life.
In reality, some dragons are dragons. Afflictions of the soul that roar from within are the toughest to tie down. Their firey breath breaks our courage into small and ineffective pieces. The weight of their tromping across our heart pushes breath away from our lungs. Such can take away your heart to fight.
Some dragons drop from the sky. Friends and family take on new visage. Competitors in the field swoop away clients. Disease strikes hard blows and finishes off with a slicing tail thumping our last resolve. They are real and must be engaged with what is left in our reservoir. A shield of faith and a helmet of salvation come in mighty handy in such encounters but they are only effective head on. From the back we are toast. Our courage can retreat after several engagements.
When dragons leave the lair and land in your road, remember the encouragement of John in the Revelation. They are not strong enough.
Whether you face lizards or dragons today, I ask the Father to encourage your courage to face the discouragement.
May He enchant your view to face the disenchantment.
May He bring new appointments to face the disappointment.
May He strengthen your confidence and connection to face the disconnect.
May He give you a vibrant heart to face the disheartenment.
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