The Unchangeable Compassion of Jesus
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1 John 1:9 If we confess and admit and acknowledge our sins and weaknesses and separations and mistakes and failures and diseases, he is faithful and just to forgive us all of these sins and weaknesses and separations and mistakes and failures and diseases , and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness while restoring our position and situation of righteousness and right-standing and connection to the love and power and strength of God the Father. (Phil’s expounded version)
Forgiveness means we do not owe a debt or curse of disease any longer. Through the poured out blood of Jesus, the debt of separation has been paid and we are meant to be connected to God fully again, even as Creation’s design intended.
Cleansing means when we intersect with the cursed situations in the world that bring on disease and disability and discomfort in our mind, will, emotions, body, relationships, and strengths, we can access a restorative power of the Holy Spirit to knock out the problem and create health and balance fresh and vibrant.
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Father, there is incredible life available in Jesus, the Christ for Friend. Let the healing be available for me and for Friend mentally, emotionally, physically, and in our relationships. Let Your compassion consume us with health and balance.
Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
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