Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A prayer for peace and restoration, Friend, in a time of destruction and loss.

As our nation reels from the destructive force of natural disaster, the words of Esther come to mind. "For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?" Esther 8:6

Our nation has suffered an enormous loss of property, life, and safety during this battering. How can I endure seeing the destruction that has come to friends, Friend? How can I endure the destruction of my countrymen?

Esther received a solution and a hope in her situation. She received a reversal of the situation for others and a plan to continue in blessing.

So I pray today and ask you to join with me, Friend,for:

A hope and a peace for all those affected in the aftermath of this disaster.

A strength and an endurance for all pummeled in this storm.

A restoration of property and a sense of security to all those uprooted and whose lives will never be the same.

A reestablishment of life and business and community and neighborhood as quickly as possible.

A sure faith in the future for all that this too will pass and a new day will dawn with new solutions for these communities.

Wisdom and decisiveness for leaders and rescue workers and engineers and those looking to reconstruct and replace and secure.

In Him,

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Be a God Follower, prayermetro.grace@blogger.com.

In May of 2011, a group of legislators challenged me to finish a book on Hezekiah.  In 30 days, the 120 page book was completed.  This is a small excerpt relative to our day.  Even this excerpt has had 50% of the text of the chapter deleted to allow for a quick read of the high points.  As we prepare for elections, it seems relevant. 


Hezekiah was a God-Follower – It Rerouted His Life from Bad Example


II Kings 18: 5: He trusted in the LORD God of Israel; so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor any that were before him.


“Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”  St. Francis of Assisi


Trust In God

…...  Here is a man, who with little resource, pulled off the greatest upset against the giant of his day.  His strongest resource was trust of God. 


Common Creation

……Here is a man like us.  Young, ambitious, and filled with a life of bad examples, he chose to set a different path.  ……..


Greatness Enjoined Willingly By Others

…, he saw accomplished through leadership first in example and second in commanding action that so impressed others they left their commonness and joined him in greatness.


Cultural Imperatives

Our nation of the United States is under testing.  Other nations have similar challenges.  There is nothing new about the tests before us.  Trials come in waves over the centuries.  Equality is always questioned by some group and requires a constant adjustment as a nation of ever new citizens grows.  Racial barriers rise in differing manners, but they will never totally subside.  Poverty will always be with us and require constant adjustment and compassion to address.  Distribution of wealth through taxation and business legal edicts will never be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.  Governance issues of when and how much to restrict use of common resources and contain greed through legislative restraint remain.  Freedoms of speech, religion, and self-assertion need protecting. 


How we act today as states and nations leaves the next generation a different set of symptoms of problems than ours.  The issues are the same at the core.  Leadership cannot rest once an issue is significantly addressed.  Leadership is required for continuance of peace and community stability and economic prosperity.  Hezekiah had been left with pain and bad example.  He left a better line to follow.


Action:  Take time to remember a good example left you from the last generation.  Too often we focus on the bad and miss the good. There is blessing you can carry forward stronger than the last generation.


Prayer:  Father, pull from our heritage goodness.  Yes, You placed goodness in our heritage from which we can grow.  There is a path in our past meant to be stronger.  Help us to sort through the bad and find the good.  Help us to pass it on stronger and better.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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Friday, October 26, 2012

The mercies of the Lord are new every morning and Friend, you should enjoy them!

When Jeremiah declared how good the mercies of God were in his life, he was in a mess.  His life was pitiful. 
Well, my life is not pitiful.  So I guess I can declare the goodness of God and not be so strained as he might have been.
Here is the shortest newsletter you might ever get.
The mercies of the Lord are new every morning.
1. We are working with the National Center For Fathering to expand training for men and parents in Oklahoma.. interested in helping?  Let me know.
-Next year we want citywide events in the North, East, West, and South of OKC - in English y en Espanol.
2. We are now sending scripture, encouragement, and prayer to 3242 legislators in 26 states....interested in helping?  Let me know.
- This week we prayed specifically with legislators in Alaska, Tennessee, Oklahoma and elsewhere concerning life issues.
3. Small group studies are started in OKC weekly.....interested in coming?  Let me know.
- Lives are being changed.
4. Matamoros Mission Update by @prayermetro on @slideshare http://www.slideshare.net/palarson2010/matamoros-mission-update
Here is the link to our latest update on Matamoros.  My wife, Dian, and I will travel down next week. 
We can use all the financial, prayer, and hands on support you can muster.
First, let me pray for you.
Father, let Your mercies overwhelm, Friend, today, tomorrow and all week next week.
You are full of mercy and life and love and living.
There is no God like You.
There is no love greater than Your love.
There is no joy stronger than Your joy.
Pour out with abundance love and joy over my friend, Friend.
Make a fast donation Click Here
Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:  Make a fast donation Click Here
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/PrayerMetro
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/prayermetro
Blog: http://prayermetrodevotion.blogspot.com
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Sunday, October 21, 2012

A forecast of joy and gladness for Friend.

Psalm 90:14-15 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble.

It is common to check the weather forecast before going to bed. When you rise, don't you look out the door to see how it looks?  This psalmist decided to write his own forecast.

This morning I rose to pray, Friend, the first thoughts were about my situation.  How sad.  How often have I begun in prayer in my issues.  Our forecast for the day lies in the choices of the prior night and the early morning.

The psalmist in the prior text writes about his issues.  But he started by acknowledging the greatness and goodness of God.  He closes with a prayer of hope and healing.  His pains are framed in power and praise and potential.  What a great way to frame the day.  Satisfy me in the morning and the rest of the day can have joy and gladness.  Sure there are pains and problems.  The touch of the Father is bigger than all my problems and greater than all my fears and more abundant than all my losses.

The forecast for our day lies in the choices of the day. 

This psalmist and I have a similar prayer for you, Friend. 
Prayer: Father, what a sweetness You bring this morning.  We can think of a thousand blessings you have brought.  We can conjure in our minds an hundred great acts we know of Your love.  This week, I saw Your hand of physical healing touch a friend.  This week, I saw Your hand of hopeful continuance touch a friend. This week, I saw Your hand of understanding compassion touch a friend.  This week, I saw Your hand of salvation bring a new friend into the family.  This week, I saw Your lesson of friendship touch a friend a world away. 
So, Father, satisfy my friend, Friend, this morning with Your unfailing love and acceptance.
Satisfy with a glad expectation
Whatever has been a trouble,
Whatever time has been expended in pain,
Whatever loss has been experienced
Bring fresh satisfaction in larger measure
Bring joy bigger than trouble
Bring healing longer than pain
Bring fresh sources that overwhelm the loss
Let the forecast for us all be joy in the morning and gladness through the day.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Many places to live and minister, Friend.

John 14:1-2 Don't fret. Don't let your heart be anxious and troubled. Trust in the Lord God, the Creator. Trust in me for We are One. In my Father's house there are many places. Each of you has room to spare. There is a place for you. Were it not so, I would have told you. Yet, now I go to prepare a place for each of you. (Phil's version)

Now, Friend, there are few ways you can look at this paragraph. Of course the intent is to let us know that we should not worry about the troubles we encounter. They will be handled by the power and grace of God. Trust Him. Again, there is the intent to let us know there will never be a lack of room for us with God. He always has room for us. Yet, there is another message in here, I believe.

The concept of room or dwelling place or abode or mansion as some interpreters explain can easily be applied to our course in this life. There are many places and portions of ministry and involvement available for us right now in this life. Has not Jesus gone to the Father to make intercession continually? Has not the blood of the Christ opened a blessing for us to access Him? Has not the going of Jesus not opened a pouring of the Holy Spirit to empower us for service and dispense gifts on and through us?

Of course all of this and more is available. There are many opportunities for us to serve and be of great value in this life in the family. There is room enough for all of us to share in serving fruitfully and respectfully in Christ.

As we studied the word at Starbucks, a young gentleman shared his joy. He only recently received Christ. I don't know the whole story, but he was headed from North Carolina to Seattle and became delayed in Oklahoma City. In that delay, he met a member of our small study. In the course of a few weeks, his conversion and involvement with Christ impressed his cousin in Seattle. She wanted to know what had happened and told him she wanted whatever it was that he had. Here we were on the patio of Starbucks studying scripture with a laptop on a table as he unfolded this incredible story. Luckily, I had put the lessons out on slideshare (www.slideshare.net/palarson2010). Now he could share them directly with his cousin in Seattle. He immediately put the lessons as favorites on his phone so he could review them multiple times and share with others.  A new believer is now teaching the word to others.

There are many places of ministry in Christ for each of us. A home, a patio at Starbucks, an email, a slideshare site, facebook, a phone call, or whatever suits the need becomes a room for Jesus to occupy. A note, a lesson, a conversation, a visit, or just listening all become room enough for Jesus to move. Here, two people from North Carolina and Seattle are receiving Christ through a small group in Oklahoma. There is room enough for His miracles when we trust and obey.

Prayer: Father, I pray for room enough for Friend. Yes, Jesus is preparing places for us right now, not just in the future. There are open patios of opportunity to share the gospel when we believe there are many places not just one. When we open to see all the availability of gift and grace in time and space, we can see Jesus alive in so many new ways. Teach us, Father, the principles of the kingdom. You are full of more than enough supply of resources to see the kingdom expanded in new and beautiful ways. Help us to trust that others might live and love in Jesus as part of our wonderful and growing family.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:  online www.prayermetro.com or mail...
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17

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Blog: http://prayermetro.wordpress.com
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Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Blessing of Hope for Friend

A Blessing of Hope for Friend.


Friend, these last few weeks have brought much hope.


New International Version (©1984)
And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward."


My wife works as a counselor with depressed senior adults and also works with an urban mission assisting elementary children in learning.  Of course, her conversations are in strictest confidence, but she can relay to me to depth of struggle she sees every day.  We hold each other up in prayer and she goes daily into the face of strain to bring hope and healing with the love of Christ.


One of my daughters works with development of the largest suicide hotline in our state.  Yes, she hears and sees much pain.  We pray and she goes daily into the face of strain to bring hope and healing with the love of Christ.


My other daughter and her husband are emergency foster parents.  That means my wife and I are emergency foster grandparents.  The strain of a drug impacted infant and young children forced to undergo abrupt life changes is daily faced with hope and healing with the love of Christ.


Each week, I work to make time to pray with business and community leaders at the Jesus House, a homeless recovery center and outreach to the working poor in our city.  We face our times together with hope and healing in the love of Christ.


So many I know take time to reach out and give that hope and healing of Christ on a personal and face to face basis.  It is tough to look into the eyes of strain and struggle and offer hope, but it is right and good and just.  It is good to be surrounded with givers of hope.


So where is the hope?  In such days of need in our communities, there is always hope and healing in Christ.  I get to see it every day as family and friends take personal time to impact someone in need.  I get to see the face of Christ shining in their faces. That is a beautiful hope.



Father, I pray for Friend this week.  Allow Friend to see the face of Christ in a friend or family member and even in the mirror as the hope of Christ is offered to such as these.  It is our privilege to offer love in tangible action and goods and in words of strong encouragement and love.  Grow in us, Father, that our nation would be exploded with action from individuals and blessed in our communities.  May we never forget that our hands and our face and our actions are a powerful source of hope and healing for many that no other source can provide.  When we are unable to go, give us strength to send hope and healing through encouraging those that can.  When we are faced with the strain and struggle ourselves, send a face of hope and healing to bless us.  Let the peace of God that passes all understanding engage us in Christ Jesus and bring grace sufficient for every situation.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/PrayerMetro
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/prayermetro
Blog: http://prayermetrodevotion.blogspot.com
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Monday, October 1, 2012

A National Prayer, Friend.

Over the weekend, I decided to attend one of the thousands of outdoor gatherings for groups working on the political landscape. This one was in Kansas, some 130 miles away, but close enough to go. My interest was in the state senator and state representative and the house member and the people who attended the event. Yes, it helps me pray when I see first hand the toils of a legislator and the concerns of citizens. Visiting another state increases my perspective.

There were four conversations that play over and over in my mind. I asked the same question of each person. Some folks began with political platitudes and issues and I won't repeat those. These four gave me deep and honest answers that I believe define our national landscape.

The question? "What is impacting your life in our nation?"

One retired gentleman talked about going the the grocery store and checking out with the few items he could afford. After 44 years of working for the same company, his returns from the social security system were just not enough. The family in front of him checked out with a loaded basket. They paid with a "food stamp" card. Let's call this story injustice and indignity. The injustice and indignity of giving a life of contribution to the community and receiving a paltry return while a non-working family seems to be receiving more from his taxes than he is from his contributions. There was no complaint. Just a sadness at the state of injustice and indignity.

Another retired gentleman talked about a grocery store outing. The family at the counter pulled four successive "food stamp" cards before one worked. Hmmmm, where did they get four cards? Was the system being cheated? Did the clerk care? Did anyone care? Let's call this story, "Cheating is okay."

Another story told about a shopping expedition to Lowe's. At the counter, a driver's license was requested for some reason. The man pulled one out. Oh, that is not you. Okay, try this one. Oh, okay, we can use that one. Again, no response by the clerk to what looked to be an illegal situation carrying multiple IDs. Just check out and go forward. Let's call this story, "Stealing is okay."

Another man told of working off and on for the last five years. More off than on, he told me. He had his wife and four children with him munching hot dogs. He came for a little free food and some time away from the drudge. Sure, he told me, he worked at whatever work he could get, but had not had a real job for five years. Let's call this story, "Where is the chance to work?"

An assistant to one of the politicians told me how he was going to work on his masters in public administration. However, at his twenty-something age, he had given up on being a politician. The stress he witnessed on the man he served was horrendous. The media and others seemed to continually challenge and accuse in personal manners every time a bill was put forward or a statement made. Let's call this story, "Where is civility?"

Then a few minutes ago, I read a monologue of a bitter teacher in our school system. Seems she was confident parents, politicians, administrators, ministers, et al.. were putting undue pressures on teachers to perform miracles with undisciplined children. The stress was tiring. Let's call this story, "Where is responsibility?"

When you lay aside the "issues" and listen to the impact of our cultural landscape, a disturbing tale unfolds of a society struggling with moral and ethical belief and behavior. Qualities like thankfulness and responsibility and honesty and graciousness and just reward and self control and lawful respect seem to be hidden. They exist. Every person to whom I talked could describe what it feels like when it is going right and when it is going wrong. We know these qualities. We just forget them at appropriate moments and allow them to slide in favor of personal gain.

My Prayer?

Father, how far we have come from where we started in our nation. Painful moments seem to be the norm and not the exception. In such a blessed nation with incredible resources, we struggle with simple human qualities of thankfulness and gratitude and responsible behavior and commitment. Bring honesty to our hearts and actions. Help us to engage graciousness and right living in our daily moments. Give us leaders to demonstrate moral and ethical living. Give us wisdom to look into the mirror and adjust our own life to what we know is right and just and fair and gracious and peaceful and joyful.

Guide us, Father, into a new reality of strengthened living full of moral and ethical stability. Let each of us fully live what we know to live even in the most tempting moments. Fill us with good personal discretion in our choices.

Father, surely I admit I slip and fall and give in to selfish ambition and selfish fulfillment when I could choose to give and be grateful. Heal me, Father, and those that walk with me. Bring a giving heart of serving each other into our national consciousness. Let us lead and walk daily with service in mind. Let service to family and friend and community and business begin in each of our hearts and take priority over serving self.


Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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