Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This Beauty Dissolved.

Psalm 46:6 God thunders, and the earth dissolves GNT

Psalm 46:6 He uttered His voice, the earth melted. NKJV

This Beauty.

One beauty of our world is the intricate design of God underlying the visible surface.

How purposeful is His handiwork.

How powerful is His creation.

Pieced and Patterned.

The whole of creation is pieced and patterned from the sounds of God's voice. He spoke and the stars appeared. He spoke and the earth formed. He spoke and the animals crawled into existence and flew into the air.


By His thundering voice, He can take the components of this world apart, dissolve the connections, and melt the created substance. The hills are His. The cattle are His. The building are His. The creation is His.


Our raging and fighting and anger against the design of God can result in Him taking it apart. How it must pain His soul to see His creation abused against design. It is enough to result in Him returning a creation of His hand to nothing. To see His creation abused so pricks His heart He would rather remove it from the visible design.


To honor Him is to honor His creation. To honor His creation is to honor Him.

Prayer: Precious Father, God of Creation, Breather of Life, touch our hearts. Let us find Your design in all Your handiwork. Show us the inner beauty fashioned with the kindness of Your words. Prevent us from wasting the outflow of Your words. Pour gentleness into our spirit by Your Spirit and let us rest in Your provision.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Monday, June 27, 2011

Raging Crumblings

Psalm 46:6 The nations are in chaos, and their kingdoms crumble! (NLV)
Psalm 46:6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved (NKJV)
Rage creates chaos.  Movement causes crumbling.  This single verse in different translations show us a deep truth.  When we rage against the designs and principles of our Creator, we end up shifted and eventually crumbling.  What we build comes apart under the heat and shaking of rage and chaos.
Whether we have a business raging against the principles of smart economics or a marriage in chaos due to inappropriate expectations or a thought life full of anger and angst, crumbling will come.  God so loves the systems of the world He created, He sent His Son to restore sensibility and rightness into them and us in them.  Understand, our thrashing against sound wisdom and principles set in motion will cause the ground underneath us to shift and the mountain to fall and crush us.
There is wisdom in this simple sentence.  It is instructive.  Cease the raging and the chaos leaves.  Cease the shifting and avoid the crumbling.
Different organizations for which I have worked come to mind.  In most of them, my task was to work through an overhaul of a portion of the organization and bring it out of chaos.  In retail, healthcare, non-profit, insurance, and discount operations, this core instruction of ordering organization and life applies.  The kingdom had crumbled and my task was to bring it back to stability.  Every time, there was a raging and fighting against normal principle and sensibility.  All it took was discovering the real purpose of the organization, setting it right in principle and focus and the order settled.  That is not easy, but predictable.  It applies to our lives in many ways.
Prayer:  Father, each of us has some portion of life out of line with Your principles.  Each of us has some task ahead that needs ordering according to Your thoughts.  Your word tells us that to that person that orders their way correctly, You will show salvation and fullness of joy and peace.
Father, I want that.  I want that for my friend, Evotion.  Let orderliness envelop all areas of life.  Let joy and peace overwhelm and reverse any anger or chaos in or outside our lives.  Cause the bubbling of Your Holy Spirit from deep inside to order our thoughts and conversation and living aright.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Help, right early...

Psalm 46:5 God is in the middle of us; we shall not be moved: God shall help us, and that right early. (modified a little).
So, trust in God is not so tricky.
Or is it?
Trust brings God into our situations.  Maybe we don't really want Him there.  Recently, when working through some frustrations, it was in prayer I could see part of my life bred in fear.  That fear was not something I wanted to address.  Why not leave it alone?
God is in the middle.
After a mid-day run in the neighborhood to clear my mind, I opened facebook on my smartphone.  Pastor Charles had left a posting noting pain is a good place to look for energy and motivation to address undercurrents.  Ouch.  "God, why not just stay out of my situation?  I like my hidden pain."  It took some doing, but I faced it and moved on to higher ground in my thinking and heart.
God is in the middle.  We shall not be moved.
Working through updating my business plan, I found great progress.  How did He get it done?  Surely, my efforts are not what did it.  We are progressing in areas not planned while struggling in some others.  In the balance, we are ahead of plan.
God is in the middle.  We shall not be moved.  God shall help
Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce,
              6    Or a trouble is what you make it,
              7And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts,
              8    But only how did you take it?
Edmund Vance Cooke - How Did You Die?
The result of trouble can be resolution.  There is plenty of trouble to be shared.  God helps.  He intervenes. 
Right now, a friend and I are working to help men and families in Matamoros.  The results are incredible.  Many congregations in OKC have come alongside.  A dirt floor is now a finished church.  When we go in August, we expect 500 kids at back to school.  The first time a few years ago was less than 100.  Somehow, God will help and get it done, just like every year.
God is in the middle. We shall not be moved.  God shall help us.  And that right early. 
What a laugh.  Right early means expressly in the nick of time.  Rarely is He earlier than we need.  Always is He on time.
In our business, we are working on a planned revenue growth.  We have hit it surprisingly exactly on the day need it.  It can be stressful and joyful and stirs my thankfulness. 
In the outreach to Matamoros, we have always had exactly what we needed.
On a lighter note, I am back running.  It is hot.  My feet hurt.  I am struggling.  For Father's Day, I received a gift of a pair of UKGEAR running shoes.  They are incredible.  Six miles later, my feet don't hurt and I am running with much better endurance.  The heat was just about to do me under and the foot pain was working to stop me totally.  Just right early.
So, Father, trusting You brings You into my situation.  So often, I would like to handle my situations without You.  But You come in response to my trust.  You come at just the right turn.  You come and make our efforts in what we consider small and in what we consider big to work at just the right time.  Pain can be erased.  Progress can be encouraged.  Joy can be exploded.  All because You are You.  Thanks, Father.
ps.  All the lessons on fathering can be found at  
Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why I love being Dad.

Why I love being Dad.

There are so many men that walk away from the task of fathering.  Many reasons drive them.  Bad fathering may have left a strange taste in their mouth.  Conflicts with the mother become more than they want to overcome.  Feelings of inadequacy plague their thoughts.  Most just don't know what else to do.  They have come to the end of the road in their knowledge of fathering and just walk away confused.  Some have made mistakes they don't feel can be corrected or forgiven.

Any of these situations can be resolved. In fact, every father has to deal with each of these situations in some measure during his time as a father.  Any of these fathers can be positive influences in the lives of their children.  It may not be easy.  It may not be quick.  But it can move to a better place than where it is today with knowledge and with work.

So, why do I love being Dad?

Dad is not a name.  Dad is a title.  Dad is an appelation given from children with love.  Dad is a honor and calling greater than all given of God.

First, Dad is a calling of God.  The Father calls Himself Father.  Then he calls men to be fathers and carry His highest calling.  That is some calling.  Dads give children their first and many times most influential impression of the Father.  That is a huge responsibility and privilege.  It is the highest honor a person can be given.  I get to carry the Father's primary call and name.

Second, Dad is a solution.  At the close of the Old Testament, we are told that unless the heart of the father is turned to the child and the heart of the child is turned to the father, our land is cursed.  At the opening of the New Testament, we are told that John would come to again call the heart of the father to the child as an opening to the ministry of Jesus.  The curse of fatherlessness is abortion, divorce, broken families, drug abuse, and other social ills tied to the lack of a father's heart being for his child enough to make a difference.  Being a dad with a heart for his children is preventative maintenance to stop a curse.  Being a dad when the going gets rough is a solution to quicker life repair for a child.

Third, Dad is an honor earned.  When a child calls you Dad from deep in their heart of love, how can an honor be greater.  When they are young, they believe you are super man and can do no wrong.  Then they come of reasonable age and see your faults.  That can be a hard time to be a dad.  But, if you hold through and continue to love, they will come to a knowledgeable love for you that is stronger than that of the young.  As the children reach their own adult life, you continue to be Dad, but also get to be a friend and have a dual relationship.  Dad is an honor earned.

Fourth, Dad is a commission to the community.  A real Dad can take on a place in the community as a coach, mentor, and helper.  In my case, I have four adult children that have adopted me to serve them as Dad.  Every Dad has more capacity to love and nuture and care than he can ever give away.  The love of children restokes his capacity every day.  A real Dad can take time to influence through being a visible volunteer in some capacity.

Fifth, Dad is a lifetime.  A dad is a dad until he passes from this life to the next.  You never quit being a dad.  On your deathbed, you will still be Dad to your children.

Sixth, Dad leaves a legacy.  The Father tells us that the blessings of a father go four generations.  Wow.  Think of the power of being a dad.  Your blessings of love and care and creativity will persist into the future after you die.

So, this Father's Day, if you are a Dad, enjoy it.  If your Dad is still around, thank him and honor him.

I love being Dad.

Finally, Evotion, How To Pray For Fathers

Excerpted From The Book, Ephesians:  Praying For The Saints

Ephesians Praying For The Saints: Pray For Fathers:

Ephesians 3: 13: Wherefore we desire that we faint not at tribulations for the saints, which is our glory. 14: For this cause we bow our knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15: Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16: That he would grant us, according to the riches of his glory (expressed divine image, will, and presence), to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17: That Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith; that we, being rooted and grounded in love, 18: May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19: And to know the love of Christ, which passed knowledge, that we might be filled with all the fullness of God.

Paul was a praying man. In many of his letters, he would shift into prayer from teaching. "Pray without ceasing," he wrote. Here is insight into prayer for fathers and what they father out of the heart of the Father.

The Deepest Heart

Fathering is at the deepest heart of God. Jesus started His teaching on prayer, "Our Father." Jesus said, "..., if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." John the Baptist was to be one in the Spirit of Elijah to turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. This was the opening of the new covenant. 400 years earlier, Malachi closed the old covenant. His last words told us the spirit of Elijah must come to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers for cursing to leave the land.

Fathered Groups

This word, translated fathers or families in the letter to the Ephesians, literally means "fathered groups." Our prayer is for the fathers, the ones who bring life to and protect over and build.

What We Need

In this prayer, there are four keys to effective prayer for those that father.

Power to Endure

In the life of every father, there will come times when our strength begins to wane. We want to give up. We want to give in. We want to run and hide. A father must stand tall and strong in days of adversity and success. Both need strength to endure.

Compassion to Motivate

No father works for himself. Every father gives for those being fathered. In recent interviews with men for Father of the Year, each responded the same way to the same question. Each was asked about sacrifices they had made for their families. Each responded there was no sacrifice. Everything they did was simply a part of living as a father. It is just what you do.

Presence of God to Energize

In the mornings, it is time to get up. There are times we do not feel like getting up to battle another day. A father must rise with energy every morning to the war. His energy comes from the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the task ahead. He needs refreshing for energy. He needs the energy bar of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Faith to Appropriate

Getting the job done, means getting results for those fathered. A man recounted how he was working six 12 hour days for his family and another. The father of the other family was in jail. The kids needed a dad. He was willing to take all he had and appropriate extra work to bless them. We need to pray for fathers to take out of the treasures of heaven and apply to those fathered.

Taking Inventory on Prayer for Fathers

What has God called you to father?

Are you being faithful every day to encourage growth and blessing?

Who has fathered into your life?

Taking Action on Prayer for Fathers

Make a list of fathers around you. List those that have influenced some area of your life. Get ready to pray for them specifically. Out of the four needs above, what does each of them need most right now?

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fathers stir the inner spirit.

2 Timothy 1:6-7 For this reason I remind you to keep alive the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control.

"One of my favorite quotes by Albert Schweitzer:"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." Has someone rekindled your fire? Have you been that rekindling for someone else?" Stephen Covey

Fathers stir the inner spirit.

Three men come to mind when I contemplate this verse and thought. Bishop Frank Tunstall of the Pentecostal Holiness Church and Abuna Constantine Nasr of the Antiochan Orthodox Church and Dale Gentry, a prophetic evangelist. All have spent time with me in hard moments and stirred up the gift in me.

Bishop Tunstall has been a great friend at hard moments. When I need a counselor and friend, he is always there. He has been a promoter of the work of fathering and unity in the city. No one believes in me more than Dr. Tunstall. At times of dealing with grief and loss, he has been there. At times of sorting in our city, he has been there. That special touch of a man dedicated to growing others is rare and much appreciated. Thanks, Dr. Frank.

Abuna Nasr is a ninth generation priest. Born in Jerusalem and Palestinian in heritage, he is a rare blessing. He is full of wisdom in all things dealing with family and the ministry. Growing up with over 400 years of priestly heritage in the Holy Land is a gift. I pray my children will be able to look back in 400 years and discover the lineage of Christian service unbroken. Abuna is one of the three Aramaic words for father. One stands for "Divine Father". None of us can call any but God that title. Another stands for earthly father or biological father. Abuna is for spiritual father. Fr. Nasr is Abuna to me. He has spoken spiritual blessing and wisdom into my life and I hold that gift and relationship in utmost respect. Thanks, Abuna Nasr.

Dale has been sensitive to watch over my life for decades. His prayers and encouragements are many times received at just the right moment. Those words reveal his personal attention to my life. As he travels the world on a regular basis, he takes time at the right time to encourage. Thanks, Dale.

These men from what some might think are polar ends of the Christian spectrum have similar wisdom and encouragement for me and take time for me. It is amazing how consistent their words are. They do not just speak.  They speak from a heart of prayer and life lived in communication with the Holy Spirit.  What a blessing to have such men be fathers that breath life into my spirit and stir up gifts. Without them, I doubt I would have stood when I needed to stand many times in the journey.

Action: So back to Covey's questions: Has someone rekindled your fire? Tell them thank you. Have you been one to rekindle the fire in another? Do it again.


Father, I speak life into the fire in my friend, Evotion.
Let a stirring in the belly be instigated and inspired by Your Holy Spirit inside.
He is a well of joy in desert of despair.
He is a voice of courage in a maelstrom of mistakes.
He is a foundation of strength in our waffling weakness.
He is our teacher and comforter and encourager and friend.
Help us to receive His help in the words and hands of others.
Help us to allow Him to move through us into the life of another.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Fathers Build Skills in Sons and Daughters

1 Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well,19 and keep your faith and a clear conscience.

Fathers Build Skills in Sons and Daughters

Skill building is an heritage of good fathering. Think about your most critical skills? Where did you get them? In a classroom? From an individual? I bet it was an individual. Classroom is good. Hands on over time can be better and longer lasting.

For several years, Dick Webber and I have traveled together. Days of windshield time have taught me what no classroom can teach. His investment in me has developed a keen sense of listening to prospective customers and serving their needs. Dick and his team had worked with me in years past as I was an Operations' Director for a large congregation. Somewhere, he saw something in me worth developing.

Dick has a heart for the church and the effectiveness of the gospel. Genius invention pours from him. A software product for good financial and outreach management birthed from this ingenuity and heart several decades back.

Developing the understanding of the product for congregations at the annual conference of the National Association of Church Business Administrators has been a joint project for us. From Boca Raton, Florida to Nashville, Tennessee to Dallas Texas to Keystone, Colorado to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Chicago, Illinois, Dick and I have driven, flown and spent days on our feet talking to folk. Along the road, we have discussed politics, world issues, bible verses, leadership, salesmanship, hunting dogs, customer service technology and archeology. There is no way to thank him enough for the investment in my life.

Dick has fathered into me critical skills I need today for success. God uses it in working with congregations and in the business arena. My children prosper because I have been changed and can hear their hearts better. His words have become weapons of skill available to me in every endeavor. When we started spending time together, I had no idea where we would end up. I still don't know because the end is far away. We walk together along a path.

Action: Are you listening? Is there someone in your direct or indirect path asking for your time? Maybe there is a skill to be built in you or for you to build in them.

Prayer: Father, You are the Father from which every father gets his call and name. You place opportunity in our path. You give us vision to see what others do not see. You give us friends who father into us and friends for us to father into them.

Open our eyes to follow a path of Your direction that may not be logical, but is surely beneficial.

Open our hearts to engage with those You provide and learn what we do not understand.

Thank You, Father, for being a provider of good men to invest in others.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fathers Give Good Gifts

Luke 11:10-12 Good News Translation (GNT) For those who ask will receive, and those who seek will find, and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks.Would any of you who are fathers give your son a snake when he asks for fish?12 Or would you give him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?

This weekend I get to enjoy the cabin and property.  The lake is calm.  My wife and I took a long cruise and ate on the drive-in bar and grill over at Arrowhead.  The temp is good.  The grass is green and looks great after cutting this morning.  An acre of woods is actually fun to cut if you like to do donuts through the trees.
Years of weekends have been spent rebuilding the house floors and walls and roof and thinning trees and building native stone patios.  The electric car and boat and outbuilding and hammocks and bb gun and other amenities make it a fun place for the kids to come and hang out.  Some day their children's children's children will be playing here and talking excitedly about riding a go-cart or killing some harmless snake or catching a lizard or flying high on a tree swing.
One of my brothers commented how our dad had a similar vision.   He bought some property and set to work.   We would go pick blueberries and blackberries along the side of the road.  It never reached the place where we could do anything but work.  He sold it.  This spot is a little bit of his heart lived out.
Fathers have goodness in their heart.  They have dreams for their children.  Not all the dreams happen.  Not all the happenings are good. Evil can interrupt.  Tragedy can take away resource.  But the goodness is there to be given.
Many of the men that have fathered into me are still alive.  In fact, most are still alive.  One of those men is Dr. Herman Reece.  He has fathered into many in different ways.  For me, it has taken the shape of small group studies in his home with other couples.  Over 15 years ago, my wife and I participated in a small group "Living Proof" bible study with Dr. Herman and his wife.  Those weeks stirred up and confirmed and affirmed some decisions we had made and continue to make about reaching others for Christ.  Herman fathered it.  He taught, nurtured, and continues to speak affirmation.  It is a gift that keeps giving through the lives of my children as they walk the same way in reaching others.
Thanks, Herman.  A little bit of your dream lives on in me and my children.
Action:  Fathering is not a one time act.  For a moment, I want to speak to the men.  You don't have to be a biological dad to father goodness.  Seriously consider a long term action plan for taking of a dream that is inside you and sharing it with another generation.
Prayer:  Father, I am blessed.  My friend, Evotion, is blessed.  You have set goodness and giving the heart of men to be fathers in our world through having dreams, living them, and passing them on for others to enjoy as children.  Continue.  Turn the hearts of fathers to the children for whom they have been called.  We need it.  Our nation needs it.  Our families need it.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Evotion, Bring Joy To Your Fathers

Proverbs 15:20
Wise children make their fathers happy
All of us have had more than one "boss".  A good boss can be a good father.  A bad boss can be a bad father.  Every boss has the opportunity to nurture and develop those in their care.
One of my bosses was an old style New York Italian.  G watched over me.  At times he was hard, cussed, and demanding.  Always, he cared.  Always, he took time to drill into me key lessons that have served me for decades.
One lesson came tough.  It had been my demeanor to be poised and easy even under pressure.  One afternoon, G came in my office, closed the door and confronted me.  "Larson you need to know when to overreact.  Don't do it when you are angry.  Don't do it out of fear.  Do it when you need to get attention on a key item.  Be purposeful."  That lesson has served me many times.
G took care of me.  Though I was not eligible for bonus payout, for two years, I received significant bonuses.  He made it happen because I made it happen for him in the department.
A wise employee can make a boss happy and reap good reward.
Action:  Think about your work situation.  Can you find a way to make a superior happen?  What can you do to advance the vision?
Pray:  Father, You are the Father of all Bosses.  They get their authority and placement from You. Watch over us.  Watch over those that watch over us.  Help us to be faithful so they can be blessors of our lives.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Father Can Separate You, Evotion.


Set Apart By  A Father


Bob Heil was my teacher for two years.  His example and investment fathered a separation into me and a commitment to work with all expressions of Christianity.  He spoke over and over and over from the scripture as his reference.  It became my life.


Excerpt from the book, "No Leader Before"


Leadership Locale

In the woods of Missouri, the Christian Outreach Center was started with a vision of sanctification.  The place was determined and developed to be a spot where saints and sinners could gather and spend time developing relationship with God.  In the early 1980’s my wife and I spent two years at the Center.  Later we would take our young children for a week at a time as a family.  One time, I just camped out on the grounds for a few days recovering my thoughts and dedication.


Bob Heil, a worldwide leader in the days of the Charismatic Renewal, was the visionary leader.  Others came alongside, but Bob was the force and face of leadership.  Bob was sanctified.  I don’t mean some religious status.  I mean he was a man of continual reflection and commitment to the assignment given him of God.


Along with developing a school of ministry and missions, Bob worked to develop theologically sound materials that were being used behind the Iron Curtain before it fell.  He would travel with bibles and materials and commitment to believers, who had little freedom.


Other leaders gathered around Bob.  That separation to do the work assigned was evident and contagious.  Sanctification means separation from what is not a part to only what is a part.  Sanctification is tough leadership.  It works.


RESPOND WITH ACTION: Sanctify?  What does it mean?  It means to take away what is not holy.  Take away what is not the Father's will.  Take away our way and our thoughts and take on His.


PRAY WITH FAITH: Lord of Love, through the interaction of the Holy Spirit, allow sanctification in us.  He is the "Holy" Spirit.  He is the essence of sanctification.  He is the one that will lead and guide us to know what to take away.  It is through His voice that we know how to prepare ourselves for the journey even when we do not know where the journey will take us.  It is through His gentle leading that we know what vestments will be necessary for the services of this day. 

Do we need the vestment of joy?  We put it on.

Do we need the vestment of faith?  We put it on.

Do we need the vestment of praise?  We put it on.

Do we need the vestment of righteousness?  We put it on.

Do we need the vestment of the Christ?  We put Him on.


Announcement: Multi-Congregation Celebration of Pentecost ...June 12th at the Cathedral. Go to for a list of congregations participating and more information.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Evotion, a Fr. that Fathered.

Another excerpt on a father in my life from the book, "Like No Other Before".

There are many that have fathered different characteristics into my life.  In my early years, I was raised in a Roman Catholic congregation and private school.  While I am no longer a member of that denomination, as I live and work throughout the Body of Christ and the many expressions, the planting of this priest grew me and still helps me understand and support others.

Fr. Charles

As a child, one of my most influential counselors was Fr. Charles.  Folks told me he had lived a successful life in family, professional sports, and business before becoming a priest.  His family had died in a tragic accident.  At that point, late in life, he dedicated himself fully to others.
For some reason, he would invest in me.  Somehow, he saw a spark.  He gave me books on missionaries.  My soul was fed with a book on saints and their miracles.  Those early years in elementary school became years of encouraging greatness in the kingdom in me.
One of the special moments in my memory was on the playground.  The boys were playing.  Five of us that had grown together, played basketball together, and live together for years.  Somewhere in the play, I placed my foot over the neck of one with whom I was wrestling.  It was play.  There was no anger or malice, just play.
From a distance, it must have not looked so playful.  From the parsonage doorstep I heard the voice of wisdom and counsel call my name.  Fear never entered my mind from Fr. Charles.  He was tough, but I never doubted his love for me.  His words struck deep into my heart.  Admonishment for putting a friend in a position where he might be hurt even in play lodged in my soul. 
Today, as a businessman and pastor and friend to the fatherless and fathers, I understand how his words and counsels of example seeped into my thoughts and plans.  That priest still speaks to young men and daughters and fathers through me.  Our wondersome God placed wisdom in my path.  How thankful I am for the open heart to receive.
RESPOND WITH ACTION: Who in your circle has greatness accumulated?  Seek their counsel this week.  Find a way to tap into what is in them and use it.
PRAY WITH FAITH: This is the day You have made for us.  This is the world You have skillfully carved for us.  This is the destiny for which you have wonderfully made us.  Mold us, Lord of Creation. Meticulously mold our makeup.  Modify to fit the standards and requirements of Your determined destination for our lives. 
In this world You have an ultimate design.  Around us You have set wise counsel.  Allow us to see.  Open the eyes of our understanding.  Cause us to value that in which You have consistently invested wisdom and truth and honor, Your longtime servants.
Announcement:  Multi-Congregation Celebration of Pentecost ...June 12th at the Cathedral.  Go to for a list of congregations participating and more information.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fathers' Day is coming, Evotion.

Eleven years past, my life took a determined direction to help fathers.
Through working with the National Center for Fathering and congregations in the OKC area and CBMC and The Oklahoma Family Policy Council, we have seen thousands of families blessed.
Many years of early morning prayer vigils predate that thrust.  Grasping how important fathering is to the Father impassioned that thrust.
Through speaking to minister conferences, service worker events, foster parents, men's weekend retreats, Sunday morning services, radio, and television and hosting multi-church events for fathers, parents, and fathers and daughters - fathers and families have been built.  Many devotions have been targeted across the world promoting the love of fathers for their children.
Over the next two weeks, I'd like to share some anecdotes of men, who have fathered into my life.  Some fathered for a season, some for a lifetime.  The Father has blessed my life with greatness through the blessing of receiving from many fathers.
First, let me share an anecdote from my just published book, "No Leader Before".  One lesson from the life of Hezekiah is illustrated by my dad.  He taught me how to face the wall.
II Kings 20:1: In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death.  And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. 2: Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying, 3: I beseech thee, O LORD, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight.  And Hezekiah wept sore. 4: And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him, saying, 5: Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LORD. 6: And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake.


Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense”

 Winston Churchill quotes (British Orator, Author and Prime Minister during World War II. 1874-1965)



Testing times tell the tale of tenacity or terror.  Hezekiah chose tenacity.  Hezekiah again appealed to God's anointed for prayer and counsel.  Hezekiah again trusted in God.  Hezekiah turned his face to the wall.


No Distractions

When we face the wall, there are no distractions. 

When we face the wall, we allow nothing else to influence our thoughts and prayers.  When we face the wall, nothing matters but our relationship to God.

When we face the wall, we have decided to trust God and God alone. 

When we face the wall, we lay down our ways and imaginations and ideas and thoughts and give God room to do whatever. 

When we face the wall, we allow God to set the course. 

When we face the wall we close all the doors of our ideas and present an open heart and mind in which He can work. 

When we face the wall, we give all the options of who, what, where, when, and how to God's preference and choice.



My dad taught me to face the wall.  Over life, he reached top certifications as a financial examiner and a public accountant without a college degree.  Today, you can only take the test after you have a degree.  He beat the odds.  I am confident there were many nights of frustrated facing of walls that wanted to stop him.  He faced the wall with determination.


During WWII, he was placed in charge of interrogating German prisoners.  He had no knowledge of the German language.  Given a French/German dictionary, he took what he knew of Spanish, applied it to the French and began conversing with the German soldiers.  Over time, he became an effective interrogator.  He faced the wall with determination.


There were plenty of times we gave him opportunity to face the wall with our problems.  Each of my brothers and my sister have had events that would test the courage of any father.  He stood ground, supported, faced the wall alongside, and saw us through.



RESPOND WITH ACTION: Ready to face the wall?  Ready to quit trying to make it happen your way?  Ready to all God all the options of space and time?  Face the wall.  Give Him the challenge.


PRAY WITH FAITH: Lord of Life, Father of Love, God of my Salvation, we face the wall.  You know our frame.  You know our circumstance.  You know our heart. We face the wall.


God, we lay down our might.  God, we lay down our ideas.  God, we lay down our preferences and right.


God, we face the wall.  God, we open the ears of our heart to hear.  Speak what we do not know.  Our knowledge is too limited.  Shout what we cannot imagine.  Our creativity is stunted.  We face the wall.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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