Monday, June 27, 2011

Raging Crumblings

Psalm 46:6 The nations are in chaos, and their kingdoms crumble! (NLV)
Psalm 46:6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved (NKJV)
Rage creates chaos.  Movement causes crumbling.  This single verse in different translations show us a deep truth.  When we rage against the designs and principles of our Creator, we end up shifted and eventually crumbling.  What we build comes apart under the heat and shaking of rage and chaos.
Whether we have a business raging against the principles of smart economics or a marriage in chaos due to inappropriate expectations or a thought life full of anger and angst, crumbling will come.  God so loves the systems of the world He created, He sent His Son to restore sensibility and rightness into them and us in them.  Understand, our thrashing against sound wisdom and principles set in motion will cause the ground underneath us to shift and the mountain to fall and crush us.
There is wisdom in this simple sentence.  It is instructive.  Cease the raging and the chaos leaves.  Cease the shifting and avoid the crumbling.
Different organizations for which I have worked come to mind.  In most of them, my task was to work through an overhaul of a portion of the organization and bring it out of chaos.  In retail, healthcare, non-profit, insurance, and discount operations, this core instruction of ordering organization and life applies.  The kingdom had crumbled and my task was to bring it back to stability.  Every time, there was a raging and fighting against normal principle and sensibility.  All it took was discovering the real purpose of the organization, setting it right in principle and focus and the order settled.  That is not easy, but predictable.  It applies to our lives in many ways.
Prayer:  Father, each of us has some portion of life out of line with Your principles.  Each of us has some task ahead that needs ordering according to Your thoughts.  Your word tells us that to that person that orders their way correctly, You will show salvation and fullness of joy and peace.
Father, I want that.  I want that for my friend, Evotion.  Let orderliness envelop all areas of life.  Let joy and peace overwhelm and reverse any anger or chaos in or outside our lives.  Cause the bubbling of Your Holy Spirit from deep inside to order our thoughts and conversation and living aright.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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