1 Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well,19 and keep your faith and a clear conscience.
Fathers Build Skills in Sons and Daughters
Skill building is an heritage of good fathering. Think about your most critical skills? Where did you get them? In a classroom? From an individual? I bet it was an individual. Classroom is good. Hands on over time can be better and longer lasting.
For several years, Dick Webber and I have traveled together. Days of windshield time have taught me what no classroom can teach. His investment in me has developed a keen sense of listening to prospective customers and serving their needs. Dick and his team had worked with me in years past as I was an Operations' Director for a large congregation. Somewhere, he saw something in me worth developing.
Dick has a heart for the church and the effectiveness of the gospel. Genius invention pours from him. A software product for good financial and outreach management birthed from this ingenuity and heart several decades back.
Developing the understanding of the product for congregations at the annual conference of the National Association of Church Business Administrators has been a joint project for us. From Boca Raton, Florida to Nashville, Tennessee to Dallas Texas to Keystone, Colorado to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Chicago, Illinois, Dick and I have driven, flown and spent days on our feet talking to folk. Along the road, we have discussed politics, world issues, bible verses, leadership, salesmanship, hunting dogs, customer service technology and archeology. There is no way to thank him enough for the investment in my life.
Dick has fathered into me critical skills I need today for success. God uses it in working with congregations and in the business arena. My children prosper because I have been changed and can hear their hearts better. His words have become weapons of skill available to me in every endeavor. When we started spending time together, I had no idea where we would end up. I still don't know because the end is far away. We walk together along a path.
: Are you listening? Is there someone in your direct or indirect path asking for your time? Maybe there is a skill to be built in you or for you to build in them.Prayer:
Father, You are the Father from which every father gets his call and name. You place opportunity in our path. You give us vision to see what others do not see. You give us friends who father into us and friends for us to father into them.Open our eyes to follow a path of Your direction that may not be logical, but is surely beneficial.
Open our hearts to engage with those You provide and learn what we do not understand.
Thank You, Father, for being a provider of good men to invest in others.
Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099
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