Monday, March 28, 2011

Matthew Got It.

Matthew Got It.

Matthew 9: 9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

There is a time that the call from Jesus on our life is undeniable.  It is our journey and requirement of service to be ready and responsive at that moment.  Matthew got it.  He received the call from Jesus.  He received the call in his heart.  He received the call in his actions.  Matthew got it.

How do we know we get it?   Well, the story of Matthew is as much lesson as story.  You get it when you get it in all three manners.  Jesus calls through the voice of His Holy Spirit.  You hear deep in the heart of your spirit.  There is a strong compunction to move and take action.  There.  Got it?

For Matthew life would never follow the same pattern.  That is a sign of a real call.  Calls don’t leave us, we leave them. 

All around in the community I am witnessing men giving up the call.  They are so focused on a small portion of the original call.  Now they have not seen the full fruit and are ready to retire.  Where does retirement come in a call?  Ask Moses and he would answer, “At death.”  Ask David and Isaiah and Jeremiah and Paul and they would answer the same.  When you and done with the call, you are done with life on this planet earth.

That is the type of call you should seek.  It is not a call to do something.  It is a call to be someone.  How can you quit being someone?

Action Items:  Have you listened closely enough to hear the call?  One three year period I sought the call.  It is simple for me.  Pray-er.  That is who I am.  A pray-er.  There are assignments along the journey of being.  Who does God call you to be?

Prayer:  Father, this is an amazing time.  During times of stress in families and world and community, we most are pressed to listen.  You have our attention.  Am I living the call or avoiding it.  Have I given up growing to be more of who You want me to be?  Release me into the fullness of the call.  I want to get like Matthew got it.  I want to move forward in simplicity and obedience, guided by the core call to be.
Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Look for acts of faithfulness to the unfaithful as an opportunity, Evotion.

Join us in committed prayer on Tuesday for world leadership. I am calling you to prayer.  I am compelling you to prayer. 

In an uncertain time where Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Korea, Israel, Japan, the United States and other nations have such daily turmoil, leadership must rule with wisdom. 

I will be personally in prayer with many legislators here in Oklahoma during the noon hour. 
During the day, I plan to be in prayer for hours for leadership across the world.  
This is a wonderful time to show forth the glory of God.
Faithful Son
Matthew 10:2: Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; 3: Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; 4: Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. 5: These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: 6: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Knowing that Judas would betray Him, knowing that Israel would reject Him for thousands of years, and knowing that these men would weaken at important moments, Jesus committed His future works into their hands.  Being faithful even when we know people will not act according to our desire is important.  When you connect with Jesus, you connect with a faithful Son.  He is faithful to us when we are faithless.   He is faithful to His people, when they reject Him.  He is faithful to all who come to Him.
Some years back, I had a staff member that looked to be nothing but problematic.  His prior manager had huge and continuous problems with his work quality.  Other workers did not like to work with him.  He was belligerent.
Working with his immediate team leader, we came up with a plan.  As we began to speak confidence to him in his abilities and his future, his work changed.  After a few years, he became a stellar staff member and was promoted to an advanced standing.  It all started with being faithful to him, when he wasn't faithful to us. 
ACT!  Pick an unlikely person today on whom you rely and speak a word of  confidence in them.
PRAY!  Father of my Lord, Christ, build in me this unwavering faithfulness.  Help me to be faithful to those who rely on me and on whom I rely.  Show me specific ways to build and encourage and show them there is trust even though they may fail at times.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Other Centric Citizenship

Let mercy and truth (justice) hang as ornaments around your neck and you will find favor with God and with men.

A pastor weeps for his people. A mother cries for the children. A legislator claims his faith should not affect his decisions. A businessman prospers with illegal workers. A child stays home from school in fear the government will steal his parents if he leaves to be educated.

This is Oklahoma City. This is the United States. This is not the turmoil of the Middle East. It is the turmoil of my neighbors. This is not last decade. This is today.

Citizens are those that live in a city. Aliens denotes others. In fact, the word alien means other. We are only aliens until we settle and become known as citizens. Citizenship comes from spending time together in a community. It comes from legal wrangling and permission and agreements.

Most nations, the United States included, form from people deciding to move from one spot to another and settle. Wars breakout. Feuds ensue. Tempers settle. Wiser minds prevail. A new citizenry develops out of the groups of others.

Our nation has struggled with allowing certain citizen rights to non-landowners, women, former slaves, and the next wave of others many times. It will never end. It is the way of things.

Struggle is good. It opens our minds to think new thoughts and discover next truths. Every one of us wants to defend what was placed in us as children as absolute. Giving that up is tough. Determining the difference between absolute truth and circumstantial truth is a painful process. Through that process we must travel.

The guiding tome of Christians is the 66 collected writings from Moses through the first century disciples of Christ. These are called "the Bible" or scripture. Bible simply mean a collection of writings. Scripture means writings. Every brand of Christianity then has an interpretive stance toward this collection of history, poetry, laws, and letters. A systematic theology fifty to a thousand times bigger than the original interprets what the writers really meant.

Two other powerhouse religions of Middle Eastern descent as Christianity use selected portions of that work along with additions. Judaism looks to the writings before Christ along with the interpretive torah and again branded views. Islam uses portions of the pre-Christ writings along with the four historical accounts of Christ and the Koran and other interpretive views.

The view of those writers who wrote on aliens and citizenship is something I would like to explore.

For Moses and the prophets before Christ, citizenship was a covenant. It involved even a physical event for the men. It was a commitment to live together under a common understanding of laws as dispensed by interpreters of God. If you commit to those laws and the God of those laws, you become a citizen. Birth was an important introduction to the citizenry, but choice was allowed. An other can become a citizen.

There was tribe and nation. Tribe was birth line only. Tribes certainly were mixed. Christ had a huge mix and was considered of the tribe of Judah of the line of the kings. Yet, his birth line included many non-tribal influences that entered by choice through marriage. Marriage is covenant enough to bring citizenship.

Those that followed Christ are the most inclusive. Writers point to choice as the prime act of citizenry into the kingdom of Christ. The Greco-Roman influence of reason points to choice and choice alone. Once conquered by Christ and submitted to Him and His ways, you are in forever. It is an irrevocable citizenship opened by sacrifice and kept open by choice. Everyone is an other, so everyone can join. Later, Christians formed cities or denominations that have specific rules and laws. So you have to go through classes and commit to that set of laws to be a citizen of that group, but you are a citizen of the larger nation by choice first.

Our laws in the US are similar to all of these structures. Birth counts. Marriage counts. Classes count. Choice counts. We have eliminated gender and racial origin. Those were dark days. At one point, we disallowed the very natives of the land from citizenship. We have grown as a people in our short duration as a nation.

Now we struggle again.

For decades, we make it easy to come and visit and add to the economy for our neighbors to the south. Our construction and farming and service industries prosper with other workers. We offer medical benefits, education, and citizenship for children. Our open heart continues to cry out for the wanderers looking for a place to call home. It is a mutually beneficial relationship.

One law says you have to have papers. Many laws and most practices of the community say you just need a strong back, a serving smile, presence, and persistence. Our struggle today is between status quo law and book law. They conflict. Many practices reward the efforts that the book prevents.

So I call for choice. I am not a politician, so I do not propose the laws. I am a prayer and I do propose that path of eternal wisdom for all.

Repentance of the citizens for offering a beneficial situation of healthcare, education, employment, livelihood, and community that was conflicting with the book law. As citizens we covenant with the law. We have been unfaithful and should receive the justice of fines and jail, but we plead for mercy.

Repentance of the others who freely took advantage of the situation knowing it was illegal. They have been unfaithful to the standards and community they so much want to enjoy and join. They have been unfaithful and should receive the justice of fines and deportation, but we plead for mercy.

Mercy for all.

God give us mercy. None of us are without guilt under the law. All of us have benefited from our disobedience.

Show us a way of mercy that will bring us back to justice. Restore each of us to a place of acceptable citizenship according to mercy. Justice would surely condemn us all.

Help us to establish just laws that are enforceable and consistent with the heart of the people. Surely the laws we have are unjust in our own hearts. Let us not create more unjust laws for which we have no heart. Our blood guiltiness should not cause us to dig deeper holes from which we cannot retreat. Our lack of repentance should certainly not cause evil to prevail.

Purge us of our sin and set us on a straight course. Surely, we are weak and human and will sin again. Today we are before You pleading for mercy and truth to come forward and give us wisdom.

Father, grant peace to the hearts that are full of fear. You hear the cry of the widow, the single mom, the child, and the alien. Blood is on our hands. We are guilty and thy cry out for Your justice and mercy. As always, You hear them. Let us find a cup of cold water and give it. Touch their hearts. Sooth their minds. Grant us peace.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What can I learn by listening?


It is increasingly important to understand how people feel and how they think. Marketers push the envelope of humor, emotion, and logic.  Is it working?


People learn by listening. What you feel and what you think counts.  Can you help us dig through some clutter?


In return, we will send you a beautiful goal acceleration calendar for second quarter crafted by our organizational experts. You will also receive fully analyzed survey results. 


Interested?   We could use your help.


Choose a survey below.


No marketers will call, email, or flood your mail due to this participation.



#1 How much savings on insurance will cause you to look? 

Two questions. 30 seconds of thought. A few demographics. Three to five minutes online.


#2 As an organizational buyer of services-How do I like to shop? 

Five Questions. 1 minute of thought. A few demographics. Five to seven minutes online total.


Phil Larson



Thursday, March 3, 2011

For All. For Evotion.

Matthew 9:35: And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.


One characteristic of Jesus is His all inclusiveness.  He went about "all" the cities and villages.  Size of village or population of city did not deter Him.  Our propensity is to go to the "big".  Jesus is not an entertainer looking for a fee or a crowd.  His consideration is for the individual, who might be found in the remotest village in the poorest section of town.  The search of His soul is for one life that will respond and receive full life in Him, and He will go wherever it takes to see that happen.


A quiet meeting in our city joins an Orthodox minister of Palestinian birth and heritage, a Methodist businessman, an Assembly of God businessman, a Christian journalist, a Christian filmmaker, an Islamic Imam of Jordanian heritage, an architect of Syrian heritage, and me, an all American mutt of Italian, Swedish, English, German, Creek origin, a businessman/pastor.  Quite a mix.   Not everything is known about the participants by the others.  A certain awe and respect permeates the room.  One thing is certain.  Each owns in their faith and personal life a belief and experience of Jesus.  He is here for all of us.  He looks for each of us to respond to Him.


ACT! To whom can you reach out with love today that seems remote?


PRAY! Holy Father of Comfort and Love, I admit I look for response out of my world first before giving.  Jesus gives when there is no response.  Let me be like Him.  Let me give to the areas where there is the least opportunity for them to give back.  Expand my vision to reach out and love to the remotest with no consideration of what can be given back or how much.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What can I learn by listening?


It is increasingly important to understand how people feel and how they think. Marketers push the envelope of humor, emotion, and logic.  Is it working?


People learn by listening. What you feel and what you think counts.  Can you help us dig through some clutter?


In return, we will send you a beautiful goal acceleration calendar for second quarter crafted by our organizational experts. You will also receive fully analyzed survey results. 


Interested?   We could use your help.


Choose a survey below.


No marketers will call, email, or flood your mail due to this participation.



#1 How much savings on insurance will cause you to look? 

Two questions. 30 seconds of thought. A few demographics. Three to five minutes online.


#2 As an organizational buyer of services-How do I like to shop? 

Five Questions. 1 minute of thought. A few demographics. Five to seven minutes online total.


Phil Larson
