Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eye Opener

 Eye Opener

Matthew 9:32: as they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil. 33: And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spoke: and the multitudes marveled, saying,” It was never so seen in Israel.” 34: But the Pharisees said,”He cast out devils through the prince of the devils.”


"It was never so seen in Israel."  Jesus did miracles that were unknown to even the Israelites.  They had seen the waters of the sea parted.  They had seen fire by night and cloud by day.  They had seen the sun stand still for hours.  They had never seen a man with absolute authority over disease, death, and demons.  With all that, some thought His work was the work of devils.  I guess they felt devils could outdo God and do what God could not.


ACT!  Believe Jesus for something unbelievable.


PRAY!  Father, Jesus is able to do what I have never seen.  He can open my eyes to new things every day.  Open my eyes.  Let me see Him act in all His glory.  Let Evotion set hope in a new revelation of Your love and power.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Touch

The Irregular Daily Dose

The Touch

Matthew 9:27 And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us. 28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. 29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. 30 And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it. 31 But they, when they were departed, spread abroad his fame in all that country.

"Then touched He their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you." That sentence ought to lighten your load. Jesus is real. He has a touch. He has a softness. When He touches you, blindness leaves. His touch enables you to see all of life. It may take following Him until you get to the house like these two, but it is worth the touch.

ACT! Let Him touch you today in a blind spot. His touch is soft.

PRAY! Father, let me be touched by Jesus. Open my blind eyes. I too am willing to follow after Jesus until I can be touched by His mercy. I too am willing to keep going until we reach the house and enter into His presence. Let Jesus touch me today, Father.


 If we can pray for you regarding anything in your life, please let us know.  Our greatest blessing is to bless others in prayer. .  www.prayermetro.com   Phil@prayermetro.com 

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037

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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Wisps of snow remain on the ground at my lake cabin. Like all reminders of a big event, they will be gone in a few days. Deep snows over weeks buried winter grass. Cold permeated the air. Now, spring-like warmth jumps and takes the winter grass back full height. The ground will be dry shortly.

But the effect is sure. Dry leaves are now wet and dry and decomposition starts. A process is in motion. It will not be denied. The snow starts a needed process.

Culture is much the same. The process of an healthy or unhealthy change starts with an event. Egypt citizens took charge and snowed on their nation. An event starts a process. A group of Oklahoma citizens took charge and snowed prayer over the legislators.

An event births a chain. The chain can stop as quickly as an event. A soft snow does little. A soft snow every day does much. Every day can build to a big impact event, when consistent and focused.

Whoops, a problem slips. Consistency and focus bring long term results. A group of prayers with many focus lead to nowhere. If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

In the Christian realm, we hardly know where we are going. Oh, we all are going to heaven, the next chapter, a better land, Beulah, Mt. Zion, a great cloud of witnesses, times with our face in the Son. Some C's believe they have arrived. Some look for a thousand years. Some look for pain first. Some look for purgatory purging. They are all C's.

Prayer in a multi-cultural C world means finding agreement. We don't agree on abortion times and methods or levels of tolerance or dunk versus wash or glossalalia or welcoming aliens or deporting them. Those areas are not where I pray.

Pray agreement. A bond of peace. Unity of the Spirit. Strength of heart. Clarity of mind. A sense of justice. Mercy when it works and sometimes not. Benevolence. Caring. Goodness and kindness. Love that desire the best for my enemy. Joy unspeakable in the face of pain. Confidence in Christ. Dignity and honor. Freedom to love and hate God. Long and fulfilling life for all.

For me, I have no stomach to pray my beliefs over others. That would conflict with my belief that all men and women are created equal. They each have a free will choice of options. My beliefs I believe are best. Duh! Why else would I believe them? They are as right as my pea brain and simple heart has seen in my short years. More comes to see and think and change my view.

Pray the indisputable. Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, love, self-control.

Pray the indestructible. Faith, hope, and love.

Pray the limitless. Wisdom, strength, right standing before God, counsel, fear of the Lord, favor with God and mankind.

Let God do the sorting. Seems like Jesus said that. What will it be like in the end, Jesus. Oh, some will think they had it in and find their hearts were all sort of bad. Others will think they are unworthy, but their kind and gentle hearts were right all the time. Mixed with the good will be the bad and my angels will do the sorting. Then I'll do the final sifting of what stays and what goes. And we will have a good laugh and a hard cry and enter the next chapter.

Least ways, that is how I see it.
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Snow Castles 2011

The lake house and property is simple and painted. A downy white coat of glistened snow covers where able. Some sun and wind brushes back the green and brown of rock and leaf and winter grass. Mostly it is white.

Crunch sounds pop up to the ear of any that wander across. The hop prints of a rabbit intrigue. Three feet between landings spark a laugh. Three marks at each hop point to feet and cold bottom intersections with surprise. Gladness for fur and fluffed tail surely are in his heart these last few days.

Weather is good. This morning, no breath can be seen. The air is too warm. The trees hold on to the new color as long as possible. Roots rejoice at slow moisture preparing them for Sprint. Under the blanket it is warm for them. Under the blanket the soft leaf mash gives the ground double cover.

Leaves are hilarious dancers of the denizen of turkey and robin and woodpecker and deer and rabbit and snake. These chameleons of the wood have many expressions. A few escape and flip across the snow pack with a little wind. Most are being transformed from snow cocoon to wet decay. In a few months these will be dirt not leaf. One early escapee now rests on the top, his snow angel around him showing off artistic flair.

The oxygen is fresh. Fresh to nose and lung and eye is this air. Clear lines give visibility untouched by dirt and exhaust of machine. Spring will bring a different fresh. Now there is no dirt. The air has been swept with successive cleansings. Mositure rises from slow melt and nothing is added.

Pile are missing. Dirty piles of man made drifts in parking lots are absent. Hurray! Hurry is not here. No animal hurries to clear a path for his Tonka. Worry is not heard.

Driving down all the pains and problems and worries and pressures popped out of my heart and mind and mouth. It is a shame anyone had to hear that. The snow trapped workers at home and left promises unkept. The snow kept delivery trucks slowed and packages piling on shelves. People collided in stores and internet with frantic indecisiveness.

Countries war. Revolutions boil. Not here. Woodpeckers knock for bugs here. It is a welcome sound. Finches chirp and thrushes sing. The wind wooshes a little with left over leaves that remain on limb til junior pushes them off in a month. All that other stuff does not come here.

My Summer neighbor is building a new house. He loves to build. No saws or hammers today. They will come. Like the beaver at the fishing hole, he will work the nights and build his lair. Then the noise of hammer becomes the laughter of children and smoke of cookout. That is good. That is life.

All of this cleans mind and heart. Someone reminded me I have reached the double nickel. Life is close to halfway lived on this planet. Another home awaits me. That is the plan of which I know. Other plans could change those dates. Snow could come and paint my landscape different. Rabbits might hop across my outlook and leave a different scene. This carbon leaf might mash and wet under the cocoon and flip to dirt earlier than expected.

Okay. Rest is good. Change of venue is welcome but not sought. Yo te busco. Te anehlo. Te amo. You are here. No need to wait to enjoy. The rest is under my feet and in my lungs and before my eyes.

Receive wearied soul. Take. Eat. Commune. Converse. Cleanse deep.
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Snow Castles 2011

The lake house and property is simple and painted. A downy white coat of glistened snow covers where able. Some sun and wind brushes back the green and brown of rock and leaf and winter grass. Mostly it is white.

Crunch sounds pop up to the ear of any that wander across. The hop prints of a rabbit intrigue. Three feet between landings spark a laugh. Three marks at each hop point to feet and cold bottom intersections with surprise. Gladness for fur and fluffed tail surely are in his heart these last few days.

Weather is good. This morning, no breath can be seen. The air is too warm. The trees hold on to the new color as long as possible. Roots rejoice at slow moisture preparing them for Sprint. Under the blanket it is warm for them. Under the blanket the soft leaf mash gives the ground double cover.

Leaves are hilarious dancers of the denizen of turkey and robin and woodpecker and deer and rabbit and snake. These chameleons of the wood have many expressions. A few escape and flip across the snow pack with a little wind. Most are being transformed from snow cocoon to wet decay. In a few months these will be dirt not leaf. One early escapee now rests on the top, his snow angel around him showing off artistic flair.

The oxygen is fresh. Fresh to nose and lung and eye is this air. Clear lines give visibility untouched by dirt and exhaust of machine. Spring will bring a different fresh. Now there is no dirt. The air has been swept with successive cleansings. Mositure rises from slow melt and nothing is added.

Pile are missing. Dirty piles of man made drifts in parking lots are absent. Hurray! Hurry is not here. No animal hurries to clear a path for his Tonka. Worry is not heard.

Driving down all the pains and problems and worries and pressures popped out of my heart and mind and mouth. It is a shame anyone had to hear that. The snow trapped workers at home and left promises unkept. The snow kept delivery trucks slowed and packages piling on shelves. People collided in stores and internet with frantic indecisiveness.

Countries war. Revolutions boil. Not here. Woodpeckers knock for bugs here. It is a welcome sound. Finches chirp and thrushes sing. The wind wooshes a little with left over leaves that remain on limb til junior pushes them off in a month. All that other stuff does not come here.

My Summer neighbor is building a new house. He loves to build. No saws or hammers today. They will come. Like the beaver at the fishing hole, he will work the nights and build his lair. Then the noise of hammer becomes the laughter of children and smoke of cookout. That is good. That is life.

All of this cleans mind and heart. Someone reminded me I have reached the double nickel. Life is close to halfway lived on this planet. Another home awaits me. That is the plan of which I know. Other plans could change those dates. Snow could come and paint my landscape different. Rabbits might hop across my outlook and leave a different scene. This carbon leaf might mash and wet under the cocoon and flip to dirt earlier than expected.

Okay. Rest is good. Change of venue is welcome but not sought. Yo te busco. Te anehlo. Te amo. You are here. No need to wait to enjoy. The rest is under my feet and in my lungs and before my eyes.

Receive wearied soul. Take. Eat. Commune. Converse. Cleanse deep.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Psalm 118 Let me say and all that are with me, the mercy of the Father endures forever.

It is not a fleeting wind or blush of the Summer heat that supports me. It is the God of all comfort and strength that comes up under me and causes me to succeed. Here He is beside me. Here He is touching those that touch me and support me.

Let the businesses to which I am attached say, 'He is with us and He is gracious and He is merciful. My mistakes are covered in his mercy. My fortune is secured in his mercy. I am not strong or valiant of myself. With him I can do all things. Because his love covers a multitude of my mistakes and misses and learning and groaning, I can be confident he will stay with me and guide my steps."

Let the ministries to which I am attached declare along with the businesses his goodness and kindness and patient endurance. Let him be praised and him alone. It not by works of perfection and righteousness that my horn in exalted. My horn is exalted because he loves me and has set his kind face on me for favor and progress.

Let the people that are attached to me in all endeavors declare the goodness and mercy and power of the Father on our behalf. Let us declare we are healed. Let us declare we are forgiven. Let us declare we are full of his benefits. Let us declare we are redeemed from destruction and covered with kindness. Let us declare our strength is renewed as the eagle on a hot and sultry and draining day. Let us declare all that is against us will not consume us. The water will rise and fall and we will stand. The fire will rage and burn and we will walk away with no smell of smoke even on our clothing.

Father has set me in a broad place. There are many directions that will prosper all at once. I am not dependent on any one item in any one venture. Each has many roads that will lead prosperity to our doorstep and favor on our actions.

Father is on our side. I will not fear. Men cannot harm or stop me for any length of time or any degree worth noting.

Father is for me along with others. He is for them that are for me. They are covered with health and strength and insight and joy and peace and provision in all ways.

Those that compete will lose in the competition. Let them find others with whom they will compete for they will lose against us.

My trust is in the Father. Men and women will fail and fall. He will stand and defend and prosper my hand. Experts will falter and not understand. We will succeed when all others fail. Our confidence is in him.

All businesses and competing agendas surround to put me out of mind of those that would favor me. It will not work. We will prevail in our actions. Like buzzing bees they come from all directions and find themselves put out quickly like a fire consuming a bush in a moment. By the Father of my Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, will we prevail. They push violently and forcefully and even invent lies. They will not prevail. The Father is our help. He is my strength and my song all the day and our salvation from defeat.

Let the shouting begin and never end. The power of the Lord is on our side. Courage and victory come in every step and venture.
His name will be raised.

I shall not die.
I shall not fall.
I shall not be defeated.
I shall not be deterred.
I will live and those that bind themselves to me will live.
We will live out the declaration of victory of God and give him all honor and recognition.

There is rejoicing as we prosper.
There is goodness as we grow strong.
There is kindness as we benefit.
Our ways are known and discussed in the meetings in our cities.
There is abundance to share as we expand.
This is life.
This is joy.
This is love.
This is laughter.
I will live and love and laugh.
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Friday, February 4, 2011

Legislative Prayer on Super Sunday... Take time to support our state

On Sunday, Feb. 6th, 2011 — the day before Oklahoma’s 2010 legislative session begins — the seventh annual Legislative Prayer Gathering will be held at the State Capitol.

Prayers will occur on the floor of both the House and Senate Chambers from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Evotion, you can take the opportunity to actually sit in the chair of your state representative and/or senator and pray for that office holder (and others) for one hour.

One objective is to have each of the 101 seats in the House Chambers as well as each of the 48 seats in the Senate Chambers occupied by citizens in prayer. To fulfill this goal, at least 149 participants are needed. Any participants beyond the 149 will fill a seat upstairs in either the House or Senate gallery.

This is a come and go time.  You can come for 30 minutes and support your state and those that serve.
If you can't join in person, you can send a prayer in reply here.  If you have a particular legislator in mind, include their name.

If you wish to pray for another state and that legislative body, please take the time.
Park on the west side of the Capitol and enter the west side of the building. Guides will be present to provide direction.

This annual event is sponsored by, Prayer Force One, Bott Radio Network, the Oklahoma Family Policy Council, www.PrayerMetro.com, Barnabas Ministries Inc., Reclaim Oklahoma for Christ, and the Oklahoma Conservative PAC.

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