Friday, August 31, 2012

Near to Friend in Healing.

Psalm 16:8 I am always aware of the Lord's presence;   He is near, and nothing can shake me GNT

Near To Friend In Healing:

How powerful is healing?  A friend described his last three weeks of healing journey.  He had a violent condition that resulted in waking several times a night choking and gasping for air.  The doctors had prescribed major medicines, inhalers, etc… As he said, “I have quarts of medicine.”

Then we prayed in his home one evening.

That night he slept.  Every night since then he has slept.  All the symptoms are gone.  The doctor is puzzled.  His friends are puzzled.  They are so puzzled they are opening up and talking to him about issues in their life that need prayer.

That is God being close to us.  He is so near, others want to touch Him through us.

Near to Friend in Healing:

How powerful is healing?  M came to CAREVI in Matamoros years ago.  It was before Raul and I began working with Dr. Carillo and the team.  M is on the leadership team.  There are many stories to tell.  He and his family are a blessing to watch.  They are busy expanding the kingdom.  M ministers the gospel from the point and testimony of his new life, healed and whole.  Once he was addicted and trapped.  Through scripture and prayer and counsel and love, that is past and he is healed.  When visiting this summer, he showed me an outline he made of Los Siete Secretos de Los Padres (the Seven Secrets of Effective Fathers).  He is teaching 17 men. 10 are in the congregation and 7 in the community.  I gave him the book three years ago.  He has devoured and put the truths to work for his family and others.  That is healing.

When Are You Unshakeable?

Another friend and I talked over lunch.  The press of painful events in my life is enormous these days.  Six family deaths, job change, deep betrayals by trusted friends, near death accidents, and more than I want to mention all occurred in an eight week period.  Wow.  My wife and I should be rattled and locked up under drugs somewhere.  Yet, we pursue peace and continue to live and reach others.  How so?  Why are we not shaken beyond the calm?

Easy.  Prior to the onslaught and while it was happening, I was in a period of reading from Genesis to the Revelation.  In the same eight weeks, in prayer, I felt strongly impressed to make that prayer and reading journey.  That was before the onslaught. That was during the onslaught.  The effect is still flowing.  The words of God can create unshakeable health in us.

These friends to whom I point are living in strong circumstances.  One lives in a war zone city in Mexico.  The other works in law enforcement.  They are bright lights of Jesus in dark circumstances.  They have chosen to allow God’s healing in them to reach others.  They chose to be near to God when others run away.

When Are You Unshakeable?

When you are near to God, you build the unshakeable force of health and healing.

In the scripture

In prayer

In healing

In comfort.

In peace

In living

In pain

In problems

When you allow Him room to show through you to others in all your experiences, you build the unshakeable force of health and healing.

For Tomorrow, Be Healed

Another friend called to cancel an appointment.  It happens often.  She plans to be sick.  Yes, she plans to be sick.  She is sick now and plans for it to continue for a while.  Hmmm

Yesterday, I worked helping some friends move. They are new friends and coworkers.  We started at 8:30am and I finished at 7pm.  Many finished along the way and the friends were still going when I left.  It was a long day of carting and carrying boxes and chairs and desks.  Sleep was sweet.  This is being written in the early morning hours.  I am up and ready for a new day.  No time to plan for sickness.  I went to bed early and planned for a good healthy day.

He is near for healing.

He is near for peace.

He is near for strength.

He is near, now and here.



Father, I’d like my time to be with you now and here.

Fill me with Your presence.

Heal me.

Peace me.

Joy me.

Estoy aqui.  I am here.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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Monday, August 27, 2012

Updates on living, Friend, make living more joyful.

Philippians 4:4-5 JBPhillips  Delight yourselves in God, yes, find your joy in him at all times. Have a reputation for gentleness, and never forget the nearness of your Lord.
Life takes upgrades and updates.  Seems simple.  Seems complicated.  Seems confusing?
What do you mean by upgrades and updates on living?
Each of us is familiar with upgrading our computer or financial investments or golf clubs or some element of life.  Do you upgrade your living?  I'm not talking about the normal items we consider success such as job involvement or dollars in the bank or even hobbies and activities.  I'm talking about your thought life.
Life deals hard blows and happy moments.  When you delight yourself in God, you find that neither of these sways you much.  Upgrading your living can mean building a determined stance of joy in Jesus.  Updating your living can mean deciding on gentleness instead of anger and quietness instead of worry.  You can upgrade through a constant attitude that the Lord is near and listening and ready to answer.
During a recent bible study and prayer time with some new friends, we were exploring the friendship relationship we can have with the Father.  As we stopped to pray and acknowledge His nearness a certain hush engulfed the room.  It was fantastic.  To jointly experience that quiet love of God in a moment was certainly an upgrade to my day that day.  I had been on the run for several days from Mexico to Oklahoma and catching up on phone calls and emails and paying bills.  That nearness of God gave me a respite and joy that had been missing in the crunch.  It was an upgrade to my living this week.
Prayer:  Father, upgrade my living.  Bring me a quiet acknowledgement of how close You are to me right at this moment.  Still my soul.  Be gentle with me that I may repeat Your gentleness to others.  Let me focus on delighting myself in you instead of delighting myself in things and activities.  Upgrade my living experience.  Oh, Father, there are maybe 80 years on this side of living.  Yet, there is eternity offered with You.  Help me to relax and enjoy the moments You provide in all they have to offer.  Maybe some moments don't have much joy to offer, but let me connect with all the joy that is in them.  Help me upgrade my living by seeing the good in each moment.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving.  CEV Philippians 4:17
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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Energy For Your Life and Health | Your promise is that life should be healthy and balanced

Energy For Your Life and Health | Your promise is that life should be healthy and balanced:

'via Blog this'

Psalm 16:7 I praise you, Lord, for being my guide.
Even in the darkest night, your teachings fill my mind.
Psalm 16:7  I praise the Lord, because he guides me, 
      and in the night my conscience warns me.
In the night:
Waking from a fretful rest, this excerpt from the Psalm of healing, breaks through with truth. Over and over my dreams spoke of being robbed of precious items in life.  As I woke and pondered the meaning, it impressed me how often that has happened.
Over life and time all of us build.  We build families.  We build homes.  We build playhouses in the woods.  We build businesses.  We build outreaches.  We build.  It is our nature and commission of God.  When what we build is taken from us due to greed or natural destruction or lack of attention or any other corruption or theft, we grieve the loss.  A good man or woman goes on and builds again.  A wounded soul pulls into them and wonders why they never prosper.
Lesson of Conscience
This is a lesson from the conscience speaking in the night hours.  The conscience is a good source of healing.  God speaks into the depths of our heart and minds goodness for our souls.  Many times, it is in rest that we take down our defenses and let Him speak the loudest.
For this moment, God is instructing me to insure that I enjoy along the path of what I build and not worry too much about the end.  At the same time, He is instructing me to build paths of ownership that allow the prosperity to roll over on my family.  There is healing in those instructions.  There is relief from confusion over past living and loss.  There is hope for the future and there is new strength for today.  What was disturbing as I slept was washed in wisdom and a future hope and understanding.
Darkest Night
The Perseid meteor belt lights up our skies at the lake tonight.  Watching brilliant meteors hit the atmosphere and burn with broad and long tails is soothing.  Not many get to see such life in the night.  Most were asleep.  Many live around so much bright light of the city that they will never see the show of God’s handiwork in such loveliness.  It is there.  We just don’t see it.  It took me 56 years to stop and watch and my memory will never be the same.  There is beauty painted in my mental storage.
A legislator from Louisiana sent me this note.  “I believe that God is always there.  It is me that sometimes is not.”  When He is most brilliant, our busyness and distraction keeps us from seeing Him.  When we are in the darkest parts of life, we most often will stop and see His hand. Why do we wait?
Want to be healed?  Put yourself in quietness and solitude.  Listen to your sleeping moments.  God is speaking loudly with healthy instruction.  You will gain wisdoms to share with your soul and with others.
It is these lessons taught into our conscience and soul that come out when needed in daily living.  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak in confident faith and expectant expression of the goodness of God.  Healing comes from the deep.  It exudes by the touch and hand of the Holy Spirit from vast storehouses into which we plunge our thoughts and pains during the quiet and the dark.
Shortly our lessons will turn to engage power healing.  Please understand the path to power is paved with patience and persistence and perception.  Rushing into power is damaging in the long run and will cause a more fretful life than the one you already have.
Father, talk to me.  Talk to my soul.  Talk to my conscience.
Allow Your words of life and loveliness to imbed deep into my sleeping and waking thoughts.
All Your insights application to my life.
Help me to see You speak in the dark.
Help me to see You always speak.
It is the dark that allows me to discern the subtleties of Your wisdom and counsel and might.
Holy Spirit, guide me.  Speak to me in quietness and solitude as I respect Your gentleness and lovingkindness.  Then empower me as a lion to go forth in victory expanding the kingdom of God within my soul and without the expanse of my called influence in this life.  

May I Bless You, Friend?

Psalm 145:8-9 You are merciful, Lord!  You are kind and patient and always loving
You are good to everyone, and you take care of all your creation.  CEV
There are many things to know about God. 
One thing you need to know.
He is merciful.
He is kind.
He is patient.
He is caring.
He is good to everyone.
Father, bless my friend, Friend.
You are good for Friend
Every moment of every day, You are kind.
Father, I adore you.  I appreciate all Your love and kindness.
Pour it on Friend. 
Pour mercy for madness, kindness for strain, patience for stretch, care for misunderstanding, and goodness for pressure.
Thanks, Father God.
Quick Report For Partners:  Reaching An Other With Grace and Peace.  An Other is one that may never go to a church.  It just does not appeal or fit.  They are the majority of our USA.  They vastly outnumber the church going folk.  Through small groups and integrated cross media touch and inventive methods, we will offer the grace and peace of Christ where people live.  We will go to them.  We will reach An Other.
Some weeks back, I made a decision to take PrayerMetro to an increased level.  That means a greater commitment of time and teambuilding.  No outreach can grow alone.  A few have partnered in finances.  Certainly not enough to make the big difference.  Over time, more will see the vision and connect and give.  Right now, we are working on delivering the message of grace and peace in more places.
1. Added two additional states to pray for legislators.  Now 15 states.
2. Added two bible study groups.  One in a home and one downtown at mission outreach.
3. Headed to Mexico for back to school on Friday.  Continue to pray and support CAREVI.  See
4. Working on an additional book on healing for study groups at
5. Developing a prisoner reentry mentor program with Pastor Jeff and Rhonda Mitchell at Tabitha Baptist
6. Praise Report:  One of hosts of a new group talked about praying in a bar with his friend.  The friend has been closed to sharing any of his life.  With a little grace and peace, he opened up, talked about pains, and let M. pray with him.  An Other was reached where he lived with grace and peace.  Same week, An Other, slept through the night for the first time in months without waking up choking.
God is faithful to perform His blessing. 
PrayerMetro is an authorized 501c3 since 2002 receiving tax deductible charitable contributions at....
Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099 (online giving).
Facebook - PrayerMetro
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Racial Reconciliation Summit

PrayerMetro is committed to the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

You can stay updated with events, outreach and speaking engagements at (you do not need a facebook account to view).

Through support of PrayerMetro and Phil, God adds to your account all the fruit of the ministry. Philippians 4:17 King James Version (KJV) Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.

This month on the 17th Phil and Raul will travel to Matamoros to assist with Back to School in the neighborhood and at CAREVI. Hundreds of children depend on your support for supplies and most of all HOPE. You can be a part.

This month we continue outreach bible studies on Monday night in the home of Manny and Ashley Mendiaz and on Wednesday 11:45am at the Jesus House downtown.

This month Phil will assist and teach at the citywide Racial Reconciliation Summit. (press release below).

This month we will add 500 legislators to our prayer outreach.

God is doing a great thing. How will you be involved?

Phil Larson, PrayerMetro (501c3)
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099
Contact: Larry Colbert                                                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Racial Reconciliation Summit II Scheduled for August 25
A racial reconciliation summit focused on applying God’s solution to racial strife to daily life has been scheduled for 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on August 25 at Metro Technology Center, located at 1900 Springlake Drive in Oklahoma City.
“The presenters at Racial Reconciliation Summit II: “God’s Solution to Racial Strife” will offer practical steps to move people out of racial strife and into racial reconciliation,” said Larry Colbert, who will conduct the Summit. “The steps employed are tried and proven Godly principles.”
Speakers will discuss racism and the church, living biracial and biracial heritage, using Godly wisdom to overcome discrimination, navigating the reconciled environment and functioning as God’s voice of reconciliation when racism emerges.
“This year’s summit is an assemblage of pastors, Bible teachers, counselors and business people with years of practical experience in living the reconciled life and who can impart Godly wisdom,” Colbert said. “Their careers and activities touch the arenas of physical health, manufacturing, athletics, publishing, education, marketing, community relations, corrections and behavioral health, to name a few.”
One goal of Racial Reconciliation Summit II: “God’s Solution to Racial Strife” is to gather in one place Christian leaders—church and ministry, counselors, government officials, educators and others—who have a heart for racial reconciliation.
Colbert, who conducted one of the first Racial Reconciliation Summits in Oklahoma City in 2011, said, “At Summit II, we will apply God’s solution to racial strife.”
Colbert is the award-winning author of “The Cup of Racial Reconciliation,” which reveals the five-step roadmap to vibrant racial unity between American Africans and Caucasians. He is founder and president of The Colbert House LLC, which publishes Christian books and provides services that help others publish as well.
The Summit will end with a period of networking.
More information about Racial Reconciliation Summit II, the presenters and The Colbert House LLC are available at Registration for individuals, groups and exhibit tables and a mail-in registration form can be obtained at as well.
Space for Racial Reconciliation Summit II: “God’s Solution to Racial Strife” is limited and available on a first-come first-served basis.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Keeping Up With Crashing Concerns, Friend?

Philippians 3:7-9

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowledge Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.

Years back we had a team refurbing an old shop to be a mission.  It was a mess.  Ink, chemicals, bad wiring, leaking pipes underground, a leaking roof, and rotting walls and ceiling tiles challenged us.  There was much work to be done to convert this place into an efficient and acceptable mission to serve the gospel, love of God, and food.
As we took trash out in huge dumpsters, the irony of how we came to this place made me laugh. Standing on huge pile of trash six foot tall and 20 feet long, I laughed. How many times have you been in such a place? We had been in three other locations in just a few months to get to this one.  One was a shotgun house.  Food supplies came in the back and out the front as people stood in a yard.  That happened after working with a congregation and refurbing their facility only for people conflicts to sink the partner ship.  Then there was a cleanup of a rented facility.  This was the fourth location and the fourth cleanup.
Yet, the team involved just kept getting bigger and stronger and more people kept helping.  Nothing was going to prevent these folks from succeeding in giving away love and life.
From a front door church operation where we distributed 1500 meals a month to a six day a week mission with 650 people attending weekly and 20,000 meals a month, there had been many trials and defeats and reconstructions.  It took an amazing attitude.  The dumpsters left and reconstruction took over and lives were changed.
Adversity is the fertilizer of my future. How about you, Friend?  I keep a picture of me standing on that trash heap to remind me of God's unrelenting commitment to promise when all we see is trash.  When I look at that verse set in Philippians and when I think of pain and problems it takes to keep moving forward, that is my phrase.  The trash of today is the fertilizer of my attitude, approach, and tenacity.  To let it become bitter and rank and ruin my future is unacceptable.  Sure it is manure.  But a good garden needs good manure to grow well.
Recent rejections and disasters and deaths have certainly shaken my thinking.  And then again, they have centered me on my future with an expectation of a new thrust standing on the heap of ruins.  Based on those happenings and digging into scripture and prayer, I've launched into ministry that seemed unreachable in the past.  These last seven days have seen new people reached through live prayer on youtube, miracle healings in simple prayer, clarity to help other ministries move through mountains, 1688 legislators covered regularly in prayer, and focus coming into view.  It is a cumulation of many years of reaching out while working in the business community.  What is God doing with your troubles, Friend?
Prayer: Father of Love and Life, what a joy you offer us. 
In our troubles and tortures, You are there.
In our pain and problems, You are there.
In our defeats and disasters, You are there.
You are here for Friend  with joy for mourning.
You are here for Friend with dancing for destruction.
You are here for Friend with productivity for defeat.
You are here for Friend with greatness for dung heaps.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
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