Sunday, November 27, 2011

Enjoy the present moment.

Matthew 6:30
God clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today but tomorrow is thrown into the fire. So you can be even more sure that God will clothe you. Don't have so little faith!
There is certainly room for improvement in our world behavior these days.  Always has been.  Always will be as long as humans are in charge.  It is a fountain of life to realize our God is able to tend to our needs.
In this present moment I pray you find:
Lasting hope to replace any disenchantment
Enduring love to replace sometimes disappointment
Empowering faith to replace wandering discouragement
Exceeding joy to replace temporary disillusionment

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
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This Present Moment

Be blessed.
Be full of God's love.
Take joy as a selection on life's menu.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Sunday, November 20, 2011

ThanksLiving Week

Isaiah 44:23 Skies, sing for joy because the Lord did great things! Earth, shout for joy, even in your deepest parts! Sing, you mountains, with thanks to God. Sing, too, you trees in the forest!

As you navigate through this week of family gatherings, work luncheons, services, and community gatherings I pray you remember why our nation declares this week.

Thanksgiving has become a national time of taking time away from the daily grind and the mundane.

Has it become a time of real reflection on that for which we are thankful?

Has it become a time of centering decisions and actions on a life of being thankful?

May your many blessings consume your thoughts this week.

May your many accomplishments in life come to mind and stir your confidence.

May God's hand that has brought you thus far be on you in real and tangible ways.

May the grace that has brought you thus far be extended another season.

May you sing and shout and sing and sing so that any and all my see and say, "What a good thing, God has done."

Stay blessed and have a great week of ThanksLiving.

Drugs, lotteries, and prayer

Miracles of drugs, chance, and prayer do little good in reversing deliberate patterns of destructive lifestyle.

They may jumpstart the process, but seven more deadly demons will disrupt and dilute any lasting results should we not transform our thoughts and behavior to a new and living pattern.

Prayer can change our patterns of thought and behavior and miraculously interrupt to take down the strong man should he be too strong for discipline.

At times the strong mountain must be crushed in God's intervention so we may see with hope and faith. At that moment we must rush with diligence to be transformed and cover ourselves in study and prayer.
Matt 12:22-45

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dissing Dragons

But the dragon was not strong enough, and he and his messengers lost their place in heaven. Revelation 12:8

“Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizard's rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment - a little makes the way of the best happiness.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Whether dragon or lizard is a matter of perception. A dragon is a large lizard with bad breath. A lizard is a small dragon with whimsical appeal.

Every issue in life can appear as a dragon. Every issue in life can appear as a lizard. The size and impact is in perception and reception.

Unless of course the dragon is really a dragon. Then you cannot perceive him into a lizard. He must be faced, fought, and conquered or caged.

Some seasons the lizards slip from every crack and crook. They are amazing, light creatures and a delight to watch. Many come with colors and shapes that are simply delightful. As Nietzsche points out, it takes but simple littles to make us smile. They never stay for more than a flash.

Some seasons the dragons crash through from every open path. It seems there is no journey safe. Yet, really, most of them are lizards with a big shadow. When faced, they shrink to normal delightful size and rustle away giving comic relief to a frightful first pounce. In retreat, they will remove all enchantment from life.

In reality, some dragons are dragons. Afflictions of the soul that roar from within are the toughest to tie down. Their firey breath breaks our courage into small and ineffective pieces. The weight of their tromping across our heart pushes breath away from our lungs. Such can take away your heart to fight.

Some dragons drop from the sky. Friends and family take on new visage. Competitors in the field swoop away clients. Disease strikes hard blows and finishes off with a slicing tail thumping our last resolve. They are real and must be engaged with what is left in our reservoir. A shield of faith and a helmet of salvation come in mighty handy in such encounters but they are only effective head on. From the back we are toast. Our courage can retreat after several engagements.

When dragons leave the lair and land in your road, remember the encouragement of John in the Revelation. They are not strong enough.

Whether you face lizards or dragons today, I ask the Father to encourage your courage to face the discouragement.

May He enchant your view to face the disenchantment.

May He bring new appointments to face the disappointment.

May He strengthen your confidence and connection to face the disconnect.

May He give you a vibrant heart to face the disheartenment.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

So, what is it like to read my mail....?

Prayer really works. Below are some quotes over the last three days. Business professionals, lawyers, legislators and pastors. The pastors are from Church of Christ, Baptist, and Pentecostal. God has no bounds.

Thank you so very very much. That came at a good time. it really did. Kansas

Thank you so much for your words of inspiration and inclusion of me in your prayers. The
Lord works through all of us, and you my friend just gave me a great boost! Thank you so very much, and may our Heavenly Father bless and keep you all the days of your life. Montana

Thank you Phil, prayers so needed with all that is occurring in this life Kansas

Mr. Larson: I agree totally with your observations about the way our Father blesses, most often in ways we had not anticipated, much less requested. We move and have our being drenched in the sunlight of his love. Thanks for your prayers. New Mexico

All I can say is you made my day! Arkansas

Oh how I needed this on this day at this time! My finger is wet w/my tears of release - comfort - peace & hope! Oklahoma

Bro. Phil so nice to get such an uplifting email. I trust that your day be blessed and all your family as well. Oklahoma

You are the best Phil. May our Lord continue to bless you and your family. Oklahoma

Thanks a bunch, Bro! I needed that. Blessing back to you! Oklahoma

Thank you for lifting me up in prayer and through you God has blessed me and this day that
He has made. Montana

Thank you so much, Phil. I appreciate prayers more than financial contributions to my campaign, and sometimes they come together. I appreciate your remembering me. New Mexico

Thanks for the prayer support. It is appreciated. Arizona

Thank you Phil. Prayer warriors are essential and very much appreciated! Kansas

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Royal Retching?

Royal Retching?

more from Hezekiah's researchers

Proverbs 25:16 If you find honey, don't eat too much, or it will make you throw up.

Sweet = Not So Sweet

When does sweet not seem so sweet? When it becomes our ruler. Any great enjoyment in life can become the source of pain and rejection. Candy and cakes can bring illness. A little wine can turn into a full time habit. Fun on the boat fishing can become an obsession. Surfing the net can become a life robbing addiction. What started sweet can ruin your life.


There is ability in Christ to break the not so sweet addictions into which we place ourselves, You. Some don't believe it. Some find it too magical for the Creator to involve Himself again with a creation's decision. He does. Of course, He would rather we not get into a trap of sweetness. But, He is determined to get our lives into the right motion and the right groove.


Much of the royal living instructions of Proverbs lean to balance. Enjoy life. Don't let it rule you. Be faithful to your commitments. Don't overcommit. Life is meant to be good and enjoyable and considerate of others around us. Too much of any one thing means leaving out something else that is probably more important to a friend or family member who gets shorted.


Father, pour balance over my life and the life of You.

When life is enjoyable give us discretion to enjoy just the right amount.

When life is painful give us relief that we don't look for the wrong answer or easy escape.

Bless You with a good day and a good way.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Good Plan for You.

"When the effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally." Lao Tzu

I Kings 6: 37-38 Work began on the Temple in Ziv, the second month, during the fourth year Solomon was king over Israel. The Temple was finished during the eleventh year he was king, in the eighth month, the month of Bul. It was built exactly as it was planned. Solomon had spent seven years building it.

Clyde's Plan

Clyde's life was spent. After 45 years of construction, he looked for days at the lake. Fishing had always been relaxing for him. Now he could relax the rest of his years.

Enterprise Construction kept Clyde on the go. Sometimes he worked 60 hours a week on the new apartments and houses. There would be plenty of projects at the lake. But he liked to tinker. Now, he could finish out those cabinets for his wife. Their home had been the last to be tended. Cobbler's shoes, right?

Jake's Plan

Jake, the owner, pleaded with Clyde to build just one more house before he retired. This was a special favor. Clyde resisted. He really was spent. He really looked to quit the hard stuff. It was a big house with lots of special details for aesthetics. Plenty of stone and brick.

Overseeing the workers was the hardest part. They always wanted to cut corners and get the jobs done faster. Clyde loved quality construction. Okay. He agreed. One more house. Then goodbye long hours and hello rocking chair on the porch at the lake.

As the days moved slowly, Clyde began to cut corners. What the heck. This was his last job. Why wait for the right lumber to come in for the flooring. The leftover pressboard from the last house was good enough. This job became all about good enough. Get it over. No one would notice. It all gets covered in sheet rock anyway. People don't keep houses like they used to. Shoot, Clyde and his wife lived in the same house for all those 45 years. They had put up with cramped rooms when the kids were growing. They had patched and repaired and made it work.

Finally, the home was finished. It certainly was not Clyde quality behind the scenes, but it looked okay on the outside. Interior attic work had been complicated. They rigged some fixes that should hold at least ten years. That was enough to get past the five year homeowners warranty. Time for the lake.

Final Plan

The final walkthrough was on target to get Clyde to the lake before Spring crappie started biting. He was anxious to finish the inspection and turnover to Enterprise. Jake seemed to be taking longer than usual checking every detail to ensure satisfaction. Finally, he was done.

"Clyde, you've been a faithful worker and good friend." Jake started what sounded like it would be a speech. All of the principal partners had come out for this house. Clyde was stymied as to why it was so special. Sure, it was on a double lot and had beautiful landscaping scheduled. Sure, it was a big house with great interior detail. What is the big deal?

"So, Clyde, we've all agreed this is your house. It is our gift to you for your years of service."

Clyde's heart sunk. He began to think of all the problems skipped over in building this house. Now it was his home. He had built his own home. Bittersweet. Fractured joy.

A Plan for You

Every day we are building our house. Of course this story is constructed; hopefully, with a little more care and craft than Clyde's house.

Every day in your business and personal and community life you are building the environment in which you will live the next day.

You can build a great life, a great business, and a great community. Build the one in which you will be ecstatic to live every day.

God's Plan

Jeremiah 29:11b I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.

Father bring joy and reward to my friend, You.

Let them live in the good fruit of their labor. End any delay. Bless them.

Cause good results in their building for family, friends and person.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Have some shine in the darkness, You.

II Corinthians 4:6 God once said, "Let the light shine out of the darkness!" This is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts by letting us know the glory of God that is in the face of Christ.

You, I pray you find the light of God shining into your heart this week.

I pray you find moments of His glory that are irrefutably His intervention in your minutes.

I pray your heart finds warmness amid the stretch and press of living.

I pray you look into the face of a friend and see Jesus smiling back.

You, I pray you rest at night with  good memories of God's touch.

Sometimes we just need a little touch of confirmation of His love.

Have some shine in the darkness this week.

Shine in the darkness!

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
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Choosing #the.glory.of.the.Lord

Renewed Every Day.... musings on II Corinthians

There is a curtain that separates us from #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
Which side we see is a choice.
Which side becomes our present residence is a decision.
Which side affects us is a matter of engagement.

For those of us who believe - renewal of the Spirit.
For those of us who believe - #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
For those of us who believe - love unlimited.
For those of us who believe.

What about those of us who don't believe?
You get to have what you have.
You get to keep what you keep.
You get to save what you save.
You get to hide what you hide.
You get to look at the curtain and wonder what is on the other side.
You get to stay outside and ponder.
You get to peek around the corner and see a glimpse.
For those of us who don't believe.

For those of us who believe
Life is never dull.
A new story of grace comes every week.
A fresh moment of awe is just a step away.
For those of us who believe.

Moment by moment we choose which side of the curtain we will occupy.

The Choosing of Recent Friends
At Prinsipe de Paz they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
At Iglesia de Nazareno they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
At Fe Agrada A Dios they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
At Faith Latino they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
At CAREVI they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
At PrayerMetro they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
In Montana they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
In Arkansas they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
In Oklahoma they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
In Kansas they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
In Arizona they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
In New Mexico they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.
In Matamoros, Mexico they chose #the.glory.of.the.Lord.


How do I choose? That is the subject of more. Keep checking back.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why not have a bright moment, You?

There is a brightness in my heart today that brings to my remembrance the encouragements of Isaiah. Isaiah was a high ranking government counselor to six kings. His adaptability under that many administrations is an amazing testimony of itself. The influence of his life and insights gave leadership over six decades. Today, his writings guide millions in encouragement.

Part of Isaiah was an abiding hope in the future and a tenacity to stand under struggle. These two perform a synergy that reaches into our soul and produces positive results in action and thought. In war times he could declare, "Speak comfort to my people." In times of apathy, he could declare a need for righteousness and justice. In times of waste of prosperity, he could declare a commitment to feed the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul. In times of disunion, he could declare a removal of the pointing finger and malicious talk.

For over 2700 years his words have stood tested and true and continue to encourage and support nations.

So why is today bright? Fingers are being pointed. Hunger is too rampant. Injustice comes too frequently. Peace is fragile. Apathy is evident. Afflicted souls gather in the streets. The choice is bright. Hope, tenacity, comfort, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and mercy are all available.

Let's Pray

Father, I speak a blessing of brightness for my friend, You, this morning. These troubles we face are common to nations and generations. Others have survived and thrived and left encouragement for us to grasp.

Let hope come where vision is dim.

Let peace reign in our minds while bullets fly.

Let comfort encompass our hearts and minds when confusion shows face.

Let kindness guide our actions when rudeness interrupts.

Let forgiveness find a home as we forgive others even as we accept our own forgiveness.

Let mercy rule and allow others to recover their lives.

Bring brightness to our day.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bring the Rain For Someone Today, You

Royal Living - Bring The Rain

More from the search of Hezekiah's men.

Proverbs 25:14 A person who promises a gift but doesn’t give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain

New Living Translation

Getting The Message: You, everyday there are lessons from friends that escape our attention. How do we hear beyond the message at hand?

Frustrations: "Some folks just don't get it." Barbara used to say that to me a lot. It made me laugh. She is a precious sister and friend. When I would get frustrated over the lack of response from a coworker or someone in the community, she would look at me, smile, and say, "Some folks just don't get it."  She brings me rain.

Gettin' It: Budget time is always a real pain. Somebody loves budgets. Somebody thinks it is great fun. The process of reducing your plans and expectations for the next year or more into a spreadsheet of numbers is not my favorite task. Yet, it must be done. Serving large corporations means getting all the ducks lined up and communicated so cash flow works and profits are made and money is maximized. Every dollar among the millions needs right accounting and allocation. It is a complicated task of equipment leases, people costs, benefits, supplies, revenue projections, software licensing, and predicting the unknown.

Delivering an effective and flexible budget for millions of dollars that provides for plans and hedges against unseen events is an art, a skill, and a craft. Renee get's it. She delivers a beautiful package matched to plans that is easy to understand and has all the details included for review. Wow. How many years have I labored in budget meetings with cryptic charts and run on spreadsheets and noxious chatter that make sense to no one except the person, who built them? She delivers.  She brings the rain.

Mirrors: It is common to talk to ourselves in languages we understand. It is common to talk to others in languages we understand. It is uncommon to adapt to the language of the other person through listening and reflection. That is the work of multiculturalism. A techno networker can speak to an executive as long as she adapts and translates technobabble into business speak. A financial wizard can transition to managing people through engaging emotions through sensitivity and patience. A second generation suburbanite can adapt to friendly conversation with a third generation urbanite through dropping masks and looking beyond skin to heart and soul. We don't have to be clouds without rain speaking personal babble.  You can bring the rain.

Engaged: In the last week, life has led me into conversations with eight pastors and six different congregations. Faith, Nazarene, Pentecostal, Independent, and Baptist. White, Black, Latino, Multicultural. English y Espanol. In the same week, I've lost count of the legislators with whom I've conversed in Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Montana. Simple conversations focused on the blessings of God. If you just have one subject, you can translate through actions, words, illustrations, stories, and silence. You can bring the rain.


God of Answers, God of Life and Joy, God of Peace and Strength, God of Engagement, You speak to all of us in all of our variety with the same voice of love and acceptance. You offer an open door and a sensitive response to our every need. You always deliver. You always bring the rain.

Bring rain for You today. Bring heavy rain that refreshes. Let us declare among the people, "Our God Reigns and Rains."

Enable us to be Rain Makers bringing the right word and right result in season and out of season. Help us to live Royal.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
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