Sunday, July 29, 2012

“We can do no great things; only small things with great love.” Mother Teresa

We can do no great things; only small things with great love.” Mother Teresa

With that philosophy, she started with only herself.  In 43 years she developed over 4000 colaborers in missions and started over 100 outreaches in 25 nations.


Psalm 92:13-15 New King James Version (NKJV)

Those who are planted in the house of the Lord
Shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bear fruit in old age;
They shall be fresh and flourishing,
To declare that the Lord is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.


Proverbs 12:12b    NIV 1984 but the root of the righteous flourishes (endures, continues to grow and prosper).


The parable of the talent brings fresh revelation to my decisions and moments.  You know the story.  Three men commissioned to produce found joy and pain.  Two find joy by expressing the strength and insight place in them to profit the house of the master. The third finds pain and confusion as he holds back his gift and trust.



Starting in 1980, there has been an emergence of kingdom growth and impact surrounding my efforts combined with the Father's goodness.  The men at Christian Outreach imbedded in me a missionary focus and compassionate touch.  Prison ministry and then small groups increased impact and development of men, women, and children in Christ.  A small mission in El Reno grew among Native Americans.  Over site of over 100 ministries expanded my ability to see and develop.  A mission staffed with 50 volunteers serves 20,000 meals a month to the working poor through betterment of talent.  Team building and joint study with CBMC leadership here in OKC improves my vision for men and impact.  Focusing on the entire metro I have seen the Father bring 150 congregations together for fathering training.  Black, Latino, Aramaic, Orthodox, Baptist, Nazarene or Charismatic independent makes no difference in this work of the Father.  Today some 3200 people worldwide including 1800 legislators in 13 states receive encouragement and are built in kingdom living.


All of this progress and much more happened while working in the business community full time and giving only part-time energy to kingdom growth.  There is value in staying connected to the world's lifeline.  It maintains a sensitivity and practical approach to ministry.


Finish The Course

In the latter stages of my most productive years it behooves me to be like the man with ten talents who produced and then was given more.  A business mentor told me, “Phil, you are in the most productive 20 years of your life.”  A bishop mentor told me, “You need to start now.”



Sun Tzu once wrote, “Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”


During reorganization for the main company I have served for the last 12 years, my wife and I prayed and asked ourselves a piercing question.  What would I do if there were no limitations?  How do we believe God wants me to finish the race in my most productive years? 


First Steps

The answer is simple.  Some 20 years ago in prayer, I concluded at some point I would split  time 50/50 in kingdom building and business activity.  Both should produce an income.  Both should prosper. The activities should be supportive and complementary.


So, we have taken a plunge of abandon to the grace of God.  With a buffer to provide for our needs for a few months, we have set out again in the journey of faith.  Really, we've never faltered in pushing with faith and growing.  Yet, there are moments of stretch that must be engaged with intensity for the largeness of God's response.


Initial contracts are coming together for business productivity.  We shall see how that works.  They are all performance based.  I like that. That is the first of the 50% commitments.


Development of small groups is a personal passion.  Having written over six years of weekly study material on relationships with God and each other and leadership, there is wealth of material.  In our churches on Sunday morning are less than 25% of the population.  Maybe 20% of those are active.  That is only 5% engaged.  The Other 75 may never come to a church building and traditional setting.  I want to go to them with a new fervor.  They are my focus.  I want to teach others to do the same to allow the Holy Spirit to multiply impact.  There will be business, government, education, and neighborhood groups to dispense the energy of Christ. The same energy that raised Him from the dead is available where we live.  This is about going.  There is no need for a building and the supportive costs, just empowered believers reaching neighbors, who become empowered believers reaching neighbors.


Reaching the other 37 state legislatures takes time.  I’d like to be in those private office chambers by November.  What could happen in our nation with our state legislators encouraged by the word of God and empowered with impacting prayer.  Read the full page of notes at the end of this letter and see what is happening.


The work among the churches continues.  Even in August I am assisting with a Racial Reconciliation Summit and Back to School in Matamoros, Mexico and working with helping several church organizations in development activities.  All free of charge.


These are the second of the 50% commitments.


Partners in Fruit Bearing

Paul in his letters notes those that give into the support of a ministry have the fruit of that ministry accounted to them also.  Philippians 4:17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.


In other places in scripture we are advised to not muzzle the ox that treads the grain and to give to those that teach with honor. 


1 Cor. 9: 8-10 Do I say these things as a mere man? Or does not the law say the same also?  For it is written in the law of Moses, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain”. Is it oxen God is concerned about?  Or does He say it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written, that he who plows should plow in hope, and he who threshes in hope should be partaker of his hope.


Galatians 6:6 -8 Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.


It is a joy to give into a fruit bearing work.  God has great plans and activities afoot.  Being a part of that is a phenomenal blessing for those that conjoin in vision, finance, grace, and blessing.  How many opportunities do you have to be a part of something big God is doing.


This week I start three studies.  One is with seven unchurched couples.  Yes, seven couples who asked me to come to them.  People are hungry for the love of Christ outside the buildings.


So here is what the work needs.  You have been receiving.  Many of you for 15 years.  This work of God needs support.


The offer is simple:  All the fruit of the ministry goes to your account in heaven.  You commit to support PrayerMetro for 90 days either $50, $100, or $150 a month or any other amount.  $5 is a blessing.  Give as a joy as your heart leads you.  Just  August, September, October.


Your Brother in Christ and Servant in Ministry,



Phil Larson


508 Tumbleweed Dr.

Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

all gifts to PrayerMetro are tax deductible as an approved 501 C 3 since 2002.



Please excuse me for not writing sooner  Posted on February 24, 2012 

After several weeks of praying for legislators in several states, these notes came in this week.  Healing, peace, comfort, and changed legislative results. Prayer should be effective and make changes.

Below are excerpts from notes received this week:

Please excuse me for not writing sooner. I want you to know how much I appreciate your prayers – I’ve read them all and it is a blessing.

Thank you so much

Thanks, again, Phil, for your many prayers. They certainly helped make our recently-concluded session far less confrontational than previous ones. God bless you for your thoughtfulness

 A month ago, my wife and I had a deep conversation. I confessed some wounds of my past, she prayed over healing for me and confirmed her love. Since then……I have had a freedom I have never known before. So, thank you so much for praying…..I believe they are having deep influence

Thank you Phil for your prayer.

Your prayers continue to encourage me

It’s amazing how appropriate and needed your prayers are. Thank you so very much

This prayer resonates with the Sixth Step work I am doing in ,,,,,, Anonymous currently. It also fits nicely with the reflection I will be offering at my church this Sunday (the first Sunday in Lent). Whatever spiritual path is your own, may the journey from winter to spring bring you many insights and much joy.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support. I have great news—the Lord has healed my cancer and I am in full remission. Just wanted to pass along that huge Amen to you.

Thanks. Your prayers and encouragements have sustained and blessed me.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

In Your Presence is Joy for Friend

Psalm 16:1,11 NKJV

 Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust.

You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

This psalm of David starts with trust and ends in forever pleasures.  The expressions of David’s heart between those two phrases reveal much of a great walk of faith.  In these verses are specific fulfilled prophecies attributed to Jesus’s resurrection.  In these verses are specific fulfilled promises attributable to our daily resurrection and restoration and protection.

Preservation, safety, and protection all appeal to us. 

Trust in Him gives us education in every moment that will repair the present and prepare our pleasures.


Keep me covered in good, preserved in specialness, and restored to rightness, O God, My Father and Friend, for in You and only in You do I fasten my trust and set my expectation moment by moment.

You will show me and make fully known to me the path of life set out for me and destined and designed to lead me to good;
In Your presence in me, around me, and through me is fullness of joy in all aspects of my life, health, welfare, finances, comfort, stability, and expression;
At Your right hand of power and decision are pleasures forevermore.

Father, put light on my path.  Help me avoid the avoidable pains and learn from the needed ones.  You know what I need and how I need and when I need.  I trust You.   I trust Your discipline and direction.  Teach me in Your ways and in the way needed for my path to take me where You want me to go.

Take me, Father, to the place and pleasures for which You have prepared and are preparing me.

Bring to me, Father, the promised place and pleasures for which You have prepared and are preparing both them and me.

Take me to full established thinking.

Take me to stabile and serving emotions.

Enable me to expanded productivity and service to others.

Wash my body with physical and physiological strength and enablement.

Expand my Spirit to understand the power and ability found only in connection close to You and Your Holy Spirit.

Touch my relationships with right words and actions so they may be full of love and expanded engagements that build joy and pleasure forevermore.


Full Lesson Available at....

Enabling Health Through Learned Preservation via @prayermetro


Live Prayer:  Click

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yes, I have a good inheritance, Friend. No matter circumstance.

The Inheritance Heals: Establishing the Presence of God via @prayermetro  Full Lesson
Psalm 16: 5-11 NKJV
O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance.
Yes, I have a good inheritance.  Tell yourself that over and over.  Drop the negative focus of judgment and criticism.  An inspective attitude and propensity for detail is a blessing unless you turn negative.  One can see a picture leaning to the side and straiten it or one can see the picture leaning to the side and complain about how the dry weather is affecting the building foundation.  It is a choice of life or destructiveness in our heart and mouth, Friend, for us and those around us.

Health and healing come with perspective and agreement with God.  Grab positive agreement.  Friend, allow His hand to take your right hand and lead you into greater fullness.
Pray: Oh, Father, what a wonderful God You are.  You do magnificence in all You do.  Teach us to see the blessing in our present situation.  Enliven in us an expectancy to do more, see more, enjoy more and have abundance to bless others.  That brings healing.  That brings life.  That brings You into our life by invitation and open acceptance of Your love and unconditional plan of growth.  Oh, how I love the life You have given.

Reverse the negatives that the world and the enemy and my own stubborn and selfish desires have created.  Let us wander and wonder in You and see what plans exist to build on what is in place in our life today and bring brighter moments in life this day.  Help us to see the opportunities of today and do not worry about tomorrow.
Today there is greatness for Friend and me.
Today there is health for Friend and me.
Today there is life for Friend and me.
Today there is blessing for Friend and me.
Updates in outreach:  Over the last week, we have taken a definitive use of online personal video prayer.  It has enable us to reach another 200 touches. 
Additionally, blog outreach is working well and touching new people.
In the next weeks, we will begin bible studies and work to establish training for study leaders in the community.
You can provide missionary support by direct mail to the address below or go on line at and use the donor link.
All donations are tax deductible.
Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
LinkedIn - Considerwell
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Unchangeable Compassion of Jesus for Friend

The Unchangeable Compassion of Jesus

Read the full lesson at excerpt

1 John 1:9 If we confess and admit and acknowledge our sins and weaknesses and separations and mistakes and failures and diseases, he is faithful and just to forgive us all of these sins and weaknesses and separations and mistakes and failures and diseases , and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness while restoring our position and situation of righteousness and right-standing and connection to the love and power and strength of God the Father.  (Phil’s expounded version)

Sure,Friend,  living can be tough and exhausting but it is not meant to be full of dissing. Any dis in life is not the design of the Creator. He has sent first His Son, Jesus, the Anointed One, and secondly His own Holy Spirit to forgive us and cleanse us.

Forgiveness means we do not owe a debt or curse of disease any longer. Through the poured out blood of Jesus, the debt of separation has been paid and we are meant to be connected to God fully again, even as Creation’s design intended.

Cleansing means when we intersect with the cursed situations in the world that bring on disease and disability and discomfort in our mind, will, emotions, body, relationships, and strengths, we can access a restorative power of the Holy Spirit to knock out the problem and create health and balance fresh and vibrant.

Read the full lesson at

Pray With Me Live at

Father, there is incredible life available in Jesus, the Christ for Friend. Let the healing be available for me and for Friend mentally, emotionally, physically, and in our relationships. Let Your compassion consume us with health and balance.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
LinkedIn - Considerwell
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Friday, July 6, 2012

Righteousness and Justice and Love and Faithfulness for Friend

Read it here or read it online with others at

Living in the Psalms in Days of Determination

Psalm 89: 14 NIV Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Love and faithfulness go before you.

Galatians 3:14 NIV... so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit

5:6 NIV .. the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Life presses. In our present economy we realistically have anywhere from a 10-15% real unemployment situation. Everyone is touched. A neighbor, a family member, and even us. The press to find a way to live a normal lifestyle is tough.

Life presses. Our political climate is challenging and mud is slinging maliciously.

Life presses. Our cultures are clashing and a disruptive dissension brews in our urban neighborhoods.

Life presses, Friend.

The press of life is not new. Economy, politics, and culture are only a few factors. Relationships, government, community morale, work environment, and the premises and promises that comprise our thought life also impact. The press comes from many sources internal to our soul and external in the physical and spiritual worlds.

As I look over the opportunities for life that are mine today, I rejoice in the righteousness and justice of God. I dance with delight in His love and faithfulness.

I am righteous through my faith in Christ and able to stand before the Father as an accepted Son. The is huge and a great blessing undeserved by granted.

Justice provides a protection for me and brings His intervention at most appropriate moments. This justice also provides correction in my life that I might change and grow to conform more to His likeness and mindset and ways. When I stray, He pulls me back through life press.

Love covers the multitude of my mistakes and allows me strength. Love speaks into my heart in the hard moments and tells me I will survive and thrive over time and temptation and testing.

Faithfulness of the Father walks with me in every trial. When the press of life shakes my confidence, He stands with me until I can see again that all that counts is faith expressed in acts of love. When anger and frustration and envy and jealousy and strife and backstabbing and negative presses of life surround, I can find faithfulness in my Father that is stronger than all of these.

Understand that the Father can speak directly to your soul. Understand that He speaks directly through the actions of others.

This week I think of the confident and encouraging words of my mom. As my wife and I face many normal life presses in a compacted number of months, mom just keeps saying, "You will make it together and be stronger for it." Her life testimony of the faithfulness and love of God provides shoulders on which I stand.

This week I remember the beautiful words of encouragement of coworkers. As my life transitions to new opportunities, many have sent thanks for the impact and influence over the years in their personal lives. What a blessing that the acceptance of righteousness, the correct view of justice, the encouragement of love, and the under girding of faithfulness is offered me as a harvest of many years. These words are treasures I will keep in my heart and mind in days ahead.

I pray you find such treasures of the Father, Friend, in your relationships in the days ahead. He is faithful and He will do it. This work He has begun in you, he will bring to full completion that you can be presented with great joy at the day of your appearing before Him. And that is my confession and belief for your life.


Give a gift?  This week, I took a large step of faith in order to dedicate my time more to leading people into grace and peace and helping them live that life.  As a missionary in the beginning, it will take partners in finance and prayer to be able to sustain my family and life.  Consider being a partner and committing to a monthly amount or a large seed amount.  I'll keep you informed through these small blurbs at the end of the thoughts. You can ignore or take advantage of this opportunity to be a part of something great that God is doing in His kingdom through me and others I will train. 
Quick click for an online gift is available at through paypal using your credit card. You receive an immediate donation acknowledgement.  Or you can mail to the below address.  All gifts are tax deductible as a charitable contribution when made out to PrayerMetro.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
LinkedIn - Considerwell
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A celebration of liberty, Friend.

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Liberty is a precious commodity.

Let's celebrate the greatest republic experiment in liberty that has lasted over 200 years, the United States. 13 states have become 50. Many other nations consider us the youngster in the world.

It has been a journey of good and bad. Sometimes, we have behaved atrocious and sometimes we still do. Yet, in all of our faults, we remain the example for nations, the protector of freedom, and the benevolent servant when other nations are under distress.

Let's celebrate our youthful growth and look forward to centuries of development in our experiment.

Most of all, celebrate your freedom in Christ. That is not an experiment. It is close to 2000 years since that liberty was purchased with the blood of the Son of God. It is solid. Celebrate it and keep it precious.

Pray: Father, thanks so much for Your love and life and liberty. In Christ, You have given us power and strength to endure hardship and mistakes. You have given forgiveness for misses and messes. You have given liberty and a freedom to fail and fall and get back up and win the next time. What a God!

Phil Larson 405-388-8037 Add:508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Facebook - PrayerMetro
LinkedIn - Considerwell
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