Sunday, July 31, 2011

Breaking Bows. Snapping Spears. Burning Shields.

Psalm 46:9 He causes wars to end throughout the earth. He breaks the bow and snaps the spear; he burns the shields with fire.

Vary The Distance

Issues, problems, glitches, and obstacles seem to have a distance characteristics. Some come from far away like an arrow from the bow. Some come from a closer source like a spear thrown. Then some run direct to our face with the presence of sword and shield. On the other side of that equation, we need to move into the camp of war of our enemies. They don't come to us. We go to them.

Long Range

God sees it all, Evotion. From a distance the issue with which we struggle is guarded by the archer. We see the problem. It is not close enough to bother us, but we know we need to address it and move closer to deal with it. Letting the problem come close can be exceedingly dangerous. Yet, the arrows of pain come at us as we focus on the issue. It can be more comfortable to leave it at a distance. God can break the bow of the archer. This allows us to move closer. The bow is constructed of fear and intimidation. Those two imposters can be rendered harmless with trust in Him.

Short Range

Move up closer to the issue. Once the bows of fear and intimidation are broken, we expose anger and angst. Any real obstacle will be throwing and thrusting spears of anger and angst toward us. The more determined and closer we chose to deal with the issue, the more these two will rise. They want us to go away. The burning issue wants to stay unresolved. Our internal resistance to change and growth would love to stop us before we get close enough to eliminate the issue and bring peace.

Close Up

Get it? The fear and intimidation and anger and angst are handled. Trust in God is strong. The problem has yet one weapon, the shield of self preservation. No one likes to cut off his own flesh. Most problems lie in that arena. It is our desire to stay in control and do it our way that raises the last shield. It is not some other person or some other entity that resists the most. It is our own desire and resistance to submission and change that poses the greatest battle.


Submit to God, resist the devil of your own desire, and peace will flood. He is able and willing to walk alongside and break the bow that shoots the arrows of fear and intimidation. He is able and willing to run alongside and snap the spears of anger and angst. He is able and willing to fly with us into the fray and see the shield of self preservation burned through amazing grace and mercy.

This Week

This week was an amazing moment. A strong enemy became a strong ally. It is lovely when God works with us to see that. It is beautiful, when we face ourselves and allow Him to turn enemy into friend. Deal with your self and He will shift the others. The teams at work produced at a rate quite possibly out of range of our capability. Really, there is no way they could have done it, but they did. In one week, we out produced our closest competitors best month. Our new client interest in the last ten days exceeds the prior 18 months and we are reeling to meet the demand. We are launching new product at an alarmingly rapid speed. How?

Our enemies are at peace with us. When that condition arrives through determined confrontation and conflict resolution, an amazing door of opportunity opens. The energy being spent staying at a distance is now available to grow and produce. A limitless lifestyle can be engaged.

Yesterday was a good day of great energy. A few times this week I pushed my body to new running distances. It worked. By going past my barriers, a new resiliency and strength entered my legs. It resulted in bounce and vibrancy in my step so I could enjoy my weekend with no tiredness. It took facing the enemy of unbelief.


Father, now, what am I going to do? What is Evotion going to do? You promise to disable the distant and the not so distant and the close up issues that keep us from entering peace. Yet, we would love to stay the same. We would love to let someone else deal with our issues. We would love to avoid the conflict and simply stay out of range living in our fear and intimidation and anger and angst and self preservation. Move us. Bring us to the line of battle. Put strength in our legs and determination in our souls. Let Your love and mercy and grace arise in us and let our enemies be neutered and scattered before us. What do we need to face this week that will bring a peace to one more area and release a new strength? Reveal it, Father. Embrace us and take us into the battle with all comfort and peace.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Evotion, God Can Make Your Wars To Cease..

Psalm 46: He causes wars to end throughout the earth. (makes them cease).


Peace is a fleeting fantasy for most. Peace never comes on the face of the earth. Peace comes in the heart. Man is reconciled to God and that is peace.  Evotion is reconciled to God and that is peace. Relationships reach a point of love and mutual support and that is peace. A person is settled in their thoughts and ways and content with what they have and that is peace. And war rages.


War is the conflict of purposes. One purposes in their heart to do one thing and another purposes to do another. They meet in the field of competition. They meet in the field of battle. Fierceness ensues and fights fly and war starts with the purpose of victor and conquered. Purposes conflict continually.


Seldom does a war resolve the conflict of purposes. It may settle the dispute for a season. It may exhaust one group or discourage the leader. It may destroy so much that there is no reason to go on fighting. Rarely is there a settling and agreement and joining of purposes in war.


God settles wars. He makes them to cease. In His infinite power and wisdom, He will step in to a situation and resolve it. Oh, another conflict of purpose may arise among the hearts and minds of mankind. Creation groans for us to settle our fights. Wars and rumors of wars pervade our cultures. Yet, God can bring about lasting situations of peace where mutual respect can win out for the majority and most can rest in a land of peace.

Peace Brings Prosperity

War is expensive. Resources are consumed in fighting instead of producing. People fear growth because they fear which power will control the harvest of economy. What is gained in months can be lost in a moment in times of war. Peace enables confident action and production to continue. Mankind is well able to build and prosper when living in times of peace.

Bringing It Home

So why do we continue in war in our lands if God can make them stop, Evotion? War starts in the heart of mankind focused on controlling the reality of others. In our limited wisdom and minute scope of vision, we look to force others to live our realities and visions. It is the way of mankind. It is our curse. Christian against Christian bent on being the most right of all or dictator against the world bent on having her way or the economic determination of one nation against the weakness of another all are situations that lead to war.

Next Door

Then there is the way we live. At a restaurant tonight, a waitress had been serving our group of 20+ for an hour. I took the time to ask her if we could pray for her. At first, she hesitated and then stopped and came over beside me. The father of her four year old and one year old had just left them the day before. She really did not know what she was going to do next. War had entered her home, her safe place, her place of sanctity. Our homes should be undisturbed places of rest. It is the promise of Isaiah 32. Yet, war is attacking her family. Prayer is hard. This hurt me as we prayed.


Father, You are the Father of Peace and Comfort and Stability and Life. Today my friend, , and I and all those around us have some war in our zone. Bring peace. Stop the war. Find a comfort and a healing. And Father bless my new friend in the restaurant tonight. We join with her that a hope of salvation would overwhelm her. All of us need the pouring of Your Holy Spirit to bring our homes into the place of being an undisturbed place of rest. Bring that reality and ceasing of war to Evotion. Bring it to me. Bring it to that waitress.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Come, See, Embrace Glory.

Psalm 46:8 Come, behold the works of the LORD,Who has made desolations in the earth. NKJV

Psalm 46:8 8 Come, see the glorious works of the Lord: See how he brings destruction upon the world.

What is the DownLine Impact of This Action?

Perception of the acts of God guides our interpretation. God's works of destruction and desolation are glorious works. When He chooses to act in a situation or an environment, He is fully intentional and focused on the downline impact. What will come of this action? Glory will come always.

Several years ago, Dr. Carillo began working in Matamoros to see men pulled from the pig pens of drugs and alcohol. One of the successes today was literally living in a pig's pen and brought in by his family. Dr. Carillo looked into the eyes of desolation and saw something glorious. Today many families of the men have come into the kingdom, not just the men. Today, children living in the absolute desolation of the dumps get medical attention and food. Desolation has become glory.

Who Else Needs To Know?

The Psalm of Hezekiah pleads with us to come and behold. It is good to look into desolation. Don't avoid it. When desolation exists, glory is eminent. It takes us being in the mix. We need to know. Our friends need to know. Come and behold.

When Raul asked me to go to Matamoros the first time, I expected to just be a helper. We would hand out the toys and pray for the work. Yet, he wanted my heart to see the desolation and see the glory of redemption. Dr. Carillo expected me to speak and encourage and pray with the people. They were in cahoots on what they wanted. Others needed to know. Of course, I had to tell others, who are now supporters of the work in prayer and action and giving.

What is the Best Use of My Time Based on Those Answers?

God and Hezekiah and Raul and Dr. Carillo are fully aware when you point to His glory and point to desolation, action has to be taken. They are aware these two items together will cause us to move.

Such a simple combination of directions. Come behold the glorious works of God. Come and look at the desolations and destructions. You will never be the same.

Take a Closer Look

They may be in your family, your neighborhood, your community, or your business. You don't have to go to another nation to see the glory of God. You don't need to leave your neighborhood to see desolation. Abortion, divorce, drug addiction, alcoholism, panic, depression, and other ills live within the close circle of your friends. They are waiting on the glorious works of God.


Father, let Your glorious works loose in the desolations of our lives. In our own hearts and minds there are possibly desolations that need modified to glory. In our families, there is need. In our neighborhood, there is need. The world looks to resolve desolations with band aids and simple touches. There is a need for strong and definitive action from Your throne. Help us, Lord. Help us to see and tell and act.


Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Monday, July 18, 2011

Are you going with us to Matamoros, Evotion?

Now, that question got your attention.
Through prayer and contemplation of the actions of God, it is my earnest conclusion that a link exists between revival in Oklahoma City and revival in Matamoros.  Our team from OKC is headed again to Matamoros August 12th-14th for Back to School and ministry time.

Revival is a concerted and tangible change in a community to live according to the principles of the kingdom of God in business, community, congregation, government, and personal life.

The environment of Matamoros is violent and hopeful. There are many people looking to God to bring answers to the cartel wars that rage in this border town. A group of congregations is working to see support for an outreach and church led by Dr. Carillo. CAREVI, House of Restoration and Life hosts a men's recovery center alongside a congregation. Over the last few years the congregation has grown significantly from a few people to maximized attendance at over 200. Families are entering into the kingdom, not just individuals. This is the type impact Christianity must see to change a community, to see revival.

Other congregations are gaining interest in joining in the revival. They are not just looking for financial assistance, but spiritual impact.

Raul Machado is a key man in this work. Raul came from Matamoros and lives in Oklahoma City. His an American citizen as was his father. Yet, Mexico is on his heart as his extended family lives there. Over the years, Raul has taken hope and healing into CAREVI through food and clothing and supplies.

Phil Larson and PrayerMetro joined Raul three years ago. This brought a powerful spiritual element to the work of compassion. Miracles are happening deep in the lives of the people.

The congregations of IVVC, Betesda, Antioch, Faith Latino, Eagle's Crest, Tabernaculo de Fe, and Segundo Nazareno have joined to help. Some businessmen have also helped. There is a building support base of prayer and action from Oklahoma City to Matamoros. It is working.

Revival Needs Wood
When a fire starts, it must be fed fresh daily. The fire started in Matamoros and Oklahoma City needs wood added in both areas. In Matamoros, we must add congregations.  They have started coming to us.   In Oklahoma City, we must add spiritual renewal and joint compassionate works. Both cities should be experiencing simultaneous revival.

Are You Going With Us?
You can go with us. 
You can send funds to buy school supplies for the children by going to and using you credit/debit card via PayPal.  It is easier to buy in Mexico and helps the local economy.
You can pray.  We need focused, believing prayer for safety, healing of mind and body and spirit.
You can come.  Yes, you can come.  Only the courageous and called need apply.  Matamoros is not a safe city.  Any place in faith is safe when you are called and confident.  No place is safe when you are out of God's time and call.
Stay in prayer.
Stay tuned for results.

Phil Larson
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Ok 73099

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Evotion, Ride Above The Fight

Psalm 46: 7 The LORD of Hosts, The Lord Almighty, The Lord of the Armies Encamped For War is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

The Lord Almighty

The depth of the Hebrew that we translate Lord Almighty speaks of war. The hosts of God, the angelic powers, are camped for war. They are ready to be dispatched at the command of God. Ministering spirits are these angels set in opposition to the resistive demonic spirits and to physical enemies. God is their God. He is their commander-in-chief. This is the most commonly used name for God by the prophets.


That is quite heady stuff for a Christian. Do I really believe there are angels camped on my behalf to do war with my enemies? Yes. Joshua did and let the Captain of the Hosts lead him in great battles. Hezekiah did and 285,000 of his enemies were struck down in an evening. Jehosaphat did and his praisers unleashed an uprising in the enemy camp. Elisha did and he walked directly into the enemy stronghold though his city was surrounded by the enemy. Jesus did and he was sustained in the desert and during intense preparation prayer. Paul and Silas did and the jail was opened up. How do you believe?

With Us

Now for the real heady stuff. The Lord of Those Armies is with us. He is beside us. He walks the same path we walk. He observes our moments and our days and our challenges and our faults and our failures and our enemies. He is with us. This Lord of amazing actions and world shattering push and access to armies camped for war is with us.

The God of Jacob

Note the reference to Jacob, not Israel. This is not about a covenant with a nation. God covenants directly with men and women. With Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, God promised to individuals. Out of those promises comes blessings to nations and families and companies and organizations. He promises to individuals. He walks with individuals.


A fortress is a safe place in the war. It is a place you can breathe and relax and be assured you will last out the attack. When God is your fortress, you are secure.

Real Days

Over the last two weeks, there have been specific attacks against me and those that walk with me. Intense moments have been too frequent. Lies and innuendo popped up unexpectedly. In truth, some moments I handled with composure and confidence. In truth, some moments I handled badly and gave away my confidence. Against wisdom, I started in a direction to take solutions into my own hands instead of trusting the Lord of Hosts. Against good discretion, I began to fight back, man's way. Yet, in all, I reminded myself of His promises and protection. It kept me in check. That confidence kept me from attacking back. Bunkering into the fortress of His protection allowed me to adjust.

Riding High Above

What brought the adjustment was a simple insight. On Father's Day, my family joined me downtown for lunch and a walk. My granddaughter, Saryn, reached a point where she was tiring some during the walk. Like I have done for decades with kids, I picked her up and set her on my shoulders. There is a joy up there on those shoulders. A child feels above all the world and fully protected. Who can touch her on Poppa's shoulders? That is where I placed myself and my team in my prayers and thoughts. I placed us right on the shoulders of the Lord of Host and the God of Jacob. Capturing that moment in my mind, shifted me back to confident focus and trust.


Lord Almighty, You are the Captain of the Hosts. There are angels camped around us. Together, we walk. Lift me. Lift Evotion. Lift those that walk with us. Place us in your fortress of love and confidence. Dispatch whatever is needed to bring us to good success.



Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Free to Be Evotion.

Free To Be

Someone made a comment to me about a local university being "white". Then they apologized for having to say what they said. She was concerned the Latino community was not taking advantage of a great resource. For a moment I was quizzical about why she apologized. Of course that university is primarily a "white" population and not representative of the community percentages, except in some sports scholarships.   Why did she need to apologize?

Odd Man In

Some years back I was at a meeting of the Concerned Clergy for Spiritual Renewal. There were some tense statements made concerning the "white" community and then the room became quiet. A good friend of mine addressed the group saying, "Phil is just one of us, you are free to say what you want to say." It was a great compliment. The conversation went back into open mode.

Time Will Tell

Over the years I've been called a few names to my face and behind my back, had friends walk away, and been left in embarrassing situations not able to understand the words spoken whether in English or Spanish because I just could not relate. It has taken listening, absorbing and changing.

Process of Freedom

In the process, I believe I have more freedom today through submission than I had through being right. I am free to worship with friends in Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Methodism, Presbyterianism, Baptists, Nazarene, Pentecostals, Full Gospel, Faith, and others. The door and platform of White, Black, Latino, African American, Hispanic American, and others are open and enjoyed.


I am free to not push my race, culture, religion, or sexual status on someone else.

I am free to enjoy another person as a creation of God not a "whatever they are hung up about".

I am free to work and play with babies and octogenarians.

I am free to express my opinions and beliefs and let others decide what to believe and emote and how to respond.

I am free to live in a land that protects me being, well, me.

I am free to make a new friend, who may have radically different background and opinion and not be anxious.

What a blessing of Independence in our great nation. How awful it is to see so many angry about living in a land of such freedom.

The Apology

Well, anyway, it took me a minute to understand she apologized because she thought I might in someway be offended in relation to her reference to White. LOL. I guess I just don't think of myself as being my color or the heritage of my grandparents or in relation to anything other than just me, a reborn creation of God painted by His Spirit to merge more and more into His image. From Him came all creation and every race and He is my ultimate Father.

Free At Last, Thank God, Almighty, Free At Last

Yes, I am free to just be me. And I am free to see those around me as who they are not what they wear for skin or for clothes or where they or their grandparents lived. I have the freedom to live my Christian faith and allow others to live their faith. I have the freedom to not agree, but to respect.

This is freedom for me. It is just hard for me to think of myself in terms of race or color. Anyway, I am an all American mutt of many continents.

I pray with all my inner man that you find a great freedom celebration deep in your soul, Evotion,  this weekend. It is not just about a national birthday, but state of mind that we can be who we are and not be defined by our past or condition of birth. That is freedom.

Phil Larson, 405-388-8037'
508 Tumbleweed Dr.
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099