Saturday, September 22, 2012

Anticipate The Greatness of God, Friend.

Anticipate the Greatness of God

Psalm 103:21 Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, You ministers of His, who do His pleasure

A young man queried me, “What is my purpose?  How do I fulfill my destiny?”

Another young man quizzed me, “What is God’s will for my life”

Ephesians 1:9 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,

The second question comes closer to God’s desire for us, Friend.  Our lives are not about our purpose or destiny being fulfilled, but the will of God and the purpose of God being fulfilled.  Too often our concern is for our accomplishment.

Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure

Any Christian ministry of goodness should be the ministry of Jesus.  For each of us is given a portion to manage and express.  It is His ministry assigned to us for a season.  What a privilege to be used of God in the walking out of His plan and purpose and will.  Friend, you and I are created for His pleasure.

2 Thessalonians 1:11  Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power,

The last few weeks, I have visited with bishops and business leaders concerning next steps in my walk with God.  There is wisdom in the multitude of wise counsel.  God has place in my stewardship a significant blessing for our nation.  How will I administrate this blessing God intends for us?  Who will come alongside and assist?  These are questions we all ask.

Each of us has differing skills and abilities assigned of God to walk out His good pleasure.  I encourage you to connect with God in motion and attach your availability to His good pleasure and purpose.  Surely, you are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has preordained in your path.


Father of Light and Joy, we anticipate a display of  Your Greatness in our lives and under our care.  It is not our purpose or destiny, but Your purpose and destined will that we desire.  Bring Friend closer to You.  That is Your primary will.

Bend us.  Mold us.  Shape us.  Correct us.  Discipline our lives.  Get Friend and me prepared to be instruments of Your will and plan and purpose.  You desire only good.  You plan only blessing.

Today, Precious Father, allow us to see clearly Your hand in our lives.  Show us the impact of Your action in and through us.

And we will be filled with Your glory.  And we will be filled with Your purpose.  And Friend and I will see Jesus in our lives.

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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Friday, September 14, 2012

God says, "Yes". I hear, "No". What do I do about that?

Powerful Healing: Glad Heart | Energy For Your Life and Health

Short version....
Psalm 16:9 My heart is glad and celebrates in great joy.  With my whole being inside and out, I am excited and alive; my tongue must shout and declare this joy.  It cannot be contained or restrained.  A great sense of peace and restfulness and security envelops my body and mind and spirit.  Phil’s version
Rested Health
Now, that is a picture of great health and well being.  That is a picture of restful trust in God and God alone.  That is a picture of one that has wrestled with God and found Him to be more interested in securing our hearts that controlling our actions.  That is a picture of one, who has encountered fierce angers and pains and problems and illness and has come through to a new realization that the presence and leading of the Father brings us to refreshing and rest.  That is a wonderful picture.
Entering In
Entering in to health many times is preceded by great struggle and pain.  Our habits become acclimated to the struggle.  Our daily routines become expectant of the pain.  A friend going through back surgery shared some of her story.  The doctors instructed her that ghost pain would continue for some time.  Though the surgery is successful and removes even some nerve endings, our minds are trained to find pain at times of day and particular motions.  The pain is not there physiologically.  Yet, the pain is there in our minds.  The conditioning of ill health forms a barrier even when we are healed to enjoying the new freedom.
Breaking Conditional Barriers
In my own experience, I find it difficult to rest after an intense time of development of a business thrust or a strained season with a client.  Though the situation is ended and the issues are resolved, my daily expectation of another problem wrestles with my restfulness.  A wise executive once commented to me, “Even when we receive a new and different and positive answer, we hear the old negative one that is so common.”  He did not say it just like that, but you get the point.
There must be a time of “glory rejoicing” to break the conditional barriers of ill health and negative situations.  Celebrate.  This unspeakable joy works internally for us to remove scar tissues and sensitive nerves of mind and will and emotion and body.  Then we can receive the new and positive situation and answer.  This transition must happen.  It is a barrier breaker.
Father, there is a great life available through You and Your presence and Your word. 
You are life.
You are healing.
You are “Yes” to all Your promises.
You are “Amen” to all Your commitments.
Cause rejoicing to resound in the camp of my heart.  Let me release the joy of the moment that heals and conditions me to hear, “Yes, you are healed.”
Walk with me today, Father, as You heal negative expectation built on real experience with tough living. Let joys restore a new hearing and receptivity to my full health

Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Powerful Healing: A testimony via @prayermetro

Psalm 16: 7-8

 I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;
My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.

 I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. NKJ

I praise the Lord, because he guides me,
    and in the night my conscience warns me.

 I am always aware of the Lord's presence;
    he is near, and nothing can shake me. GNT

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
    even at night my heart instructs me.
 I have set the Lord always before me.
    Because he is at my right hand,
    I will not be shaken. NIV



Some Years of Miracles

God works a tremendous miracle in my body. Pray to change me and bless others became my regimen for years of ill health. These two activities brought me to the place of total healing and keep me there.

For years I suffered from immense depression and unstable emotional upheaval and physical exhaustion.  The root of this was a surgery to remove my thyroid glands.  They were swollen, wrapped around my vocal nerves, and had growths.  The thyroids had to be removed.

The day before surgery, I ran 3.5 miles at 7.5 minutes a mile in 102 degree Oklahoma summer.  The day after surgery, I could not walk across the room.  Two weeks after surgery, I could not walk a block.  A year after surgery, I could not run a mile.  Five years after surgery I had lost all my physical stamina and gained 60lbs.  My system simply would not stabilize.  My emotions were strained and tested.

Daily Prayer

In 1997, one year after the surgery, I committed myself to daily prayer for the first hour of my day.  I would rise, shower, put on my best clothes and sit with God and a bible and some motivational book and a notepad.  This has been my habit since.  It is now 15 years of living this way.

These morning times became my solace and healing.  Of course, my body was deteriorating, my emotions were rent, and my strength was waning.  Ministry and career grew and exploded and my personal health and welfare was struggled horribly.

The Three Women

In the time of change, there were three praying women who would call me at exactly the most strenuous moments.  In my office at the church, I would be exhausted and received a call.  “Pastor Phil I have been praying for you for two days.  How are you?”  These women did not know each other.  They did not know the others were calling.  They did not know their exact timings delivered of God.  I would weep and be strengthened by the prayers of three sensitive saints and maybe countless others that just prayed and never called.  I would continue to grow weaker and more strained.  Daily saints kept me alive.

Then It Happened

Something painful and wonderful transpired.  After all these years of doctor visits and hours in the gym fighting for a body that worked and prayer for others, my condition reached the worst point ever.  What a great result to such dedication and commitment.  I finally reached total chaos and breakdown.

Four Day Waves

Every fourth day for a month, I found myself exhausted.  Then after a month, something happened.  All the hormones and chemicals balanced.  That is more than 10 years past.  Every time I am tested today, all hormones and chemicals are perfect.

There is no thyroid.  There is no synthetic hormone.  I take no pills or medicines.  Every test for ten years shows perfect balance.  Last week, I ran over 30 miles.  All I have to battle for weight now is middle age spread and a love for grease and pastries.


Truly, I am sustained by the same habits that brought restoration.  Continual focus on God changing me first and blessing those around me opens health.


Maybe this story can encourage you.  You can get more details and scriptures that apply

Powerful Healing:  A testimony

 via @prayermetro


Father, You are amazing.  I am wonderfully reminded every moment of my day that You are the God of healing and love.  Who else would take me from my places of pain and put me in solid and broad ground of joy?

Father, bless the reader of these notes.  There is no way to give you all the praise You deserve.  You are amazing.

Bring health for my friend.

Bring stability of mind and heart.

Bring grace and mercy.

Bring strength and verve.

Bring vitality and vision.

Bring joy and hope.

Let my friend see Your face this morning and be enlivened.



Phil Larson 405-388-8037
to support financially:
PrayerMetro, Inc. 501c3 508 Tumbleweed Dr. Yukon, Ok 73099
Share every good thing you have with anyone who teaches you what God has said (CEV) Galatians 6:6
I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving. Philippians 4:17
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