Monday, November 1, 2010

On Election Day - Pray for courage to be who you are, Evotion.

 The Irregular Daily Dose

Work Day Devotions That Work - On Election Day


Matthew 9:3: And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.

The amazing truth is that no matter how much good you do, you will be dissed.  Yep, people will dis you.  If you heal, they will dis you. If you touch with care, they will dis you.  If you encourage, they will dis you.  If you slip, they will dis you.  If you stumble, they will dis you.

Someone will always be looking to take you down. Someone will always be ready to accuse you of doing something wrong.  If they can't attack your actions, they will attack your motivations.  Do they know them?  No, but they can make them up for their convenience.

So, remember you are in great company.  Even Jesus was called a blasphemer.  He was accused of not loving His own father and not respecting His own Dad.  How ludicrous, but when did people stop short of ludicrous?

ACT!  Do the right thing.  Say the right words.  Stand by the right friend.  Be the right person.  In spite of the accusations, stay right, do right, say right.

PRAY! Let courage sweep over my friend, Evotion.  Let power to do the right actions and say the right words pour over Evotion.  Yes, Father, You are able to make us able.  Your courage is available to move us into the next courageous act.  Help us to not give up in the face of accusations.  Help us to not fear the face of men and women and be faithful to who we are and what we need to do.

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