Thursday, November 17, 2011

So, what is it like to read my mail....?

Prayer really works. Below are some quotes over the last three days. Business professionals, lawyers, legislators and pastors. The pastors are from Church of Christ, Baptist, and Pentecostal. God has no bounds.

Thank you so very very much. That came at a good time. it really did. Kansas

Thank you so much for your words of inspiration and inclusion of me in your prayers. The
Lord works through all of us, and you my friend just gave me a great boost! Thank you so very much, and may our Heavenly Father bless and keep you all the days of your life. Montana

Thank you Phil, prayers so needed with all that is occurring in this life Kansas

Mr. Larson: I agree totally with your observations about the way our Father blesses, most often in ways we had not anticipated, much less requested. We move and have our being drenched in the sunlight of his love. Thanks for your prayers. New Mexico

All I can say is you made my day! Arkansas

Oh how I needed this on this day at this time! My finger is wet w/my tears of release - comfort - peace & hope! Oklahoma

Bro. Phil so nice to get such an uplifting email. I trust that your day be blessed and all your family as well. Oklahoma

You are the best Phil. May our Lord continue to bless you and your family. Oklahoma

Thanks a bunch, Bro! I needed that. Blessing back to you! Oklahoma

Thank you for lifting me up in prayer and through you God has blessed me and this day that
He has made. Montana

Thank you so much, Phil. I appreciate prayers more than financial contributions to my campaign, and sometimes they come together. I appreciate your remembering me. New Mexico

Thanks for the prayer support. It is appreciated. Arizona

Thank you Phil. Prayer warriors are essential and very much appreciated! Kansas

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