Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Ready Blessing

Ps 86:5 the Lord is good and ready to forgive

Talking to a friend today the focus was so much on the law versus the gospel.  Both are needed for salvation.  Salvation is a work of a moment and every moment thereafter.  We need forgiveness and goodness momentarily.  Maybe not this particular one, but the next moment is coming shortly.

What a joy to walk with a God of good and ready forgiveness.

Never assume you are in a position of not needing grace.  A blogger friend pointed to God as the source of all grace.  He is the giver.  She was the dispenser used of His Spirit at the moment I needed grace to fail and still be valued.  Her poetry spoke the word of grace that inspired me at the moment.

What a joy to walk with a God of good and ready forgiveness.

Another friend took me to lunch.  Searching my eyes, he quizzed me on my standing in hope.  Wow, I needed the ready blessing of a faithful friend..

What a joy to walk with a God of good and ready forgiveness.

Then a pastor friend of mine just hung up the phone.  He spoke of a season of allowing God to overflow.  The seasons in the world have been of loss and vaporous prosperity.  Now, this saint declared to us all and my soul a season of God's provision.  Over the hands free phone in my truck I took all I could.  My heart united with his vision in receiving.

What a joy to walk with a God of good and ready forgiveness.

Another friend and I are headed to Mexico with backpacks and school supplies.  Our destination is the dumps.  Thousands live there.  Dr Carrillo and a local congregation choose to go and offer good and ready forgiveness to these loved and precious of God.  They are there all the time, we have the privilege to come and go.

What a joy to walk with a God of good and ready forgiveness.

How does this all add to prayer?

Meeting with a group working on a citywide fathering focus, this scripture came to mind.  Isn't this what we need in broken and struggling relationships?  We need goodness, ready forgiveness, and a spirit of overwhelming loving-kindness.   That is worthy of the focus of your prayer.  In our relationships with others and with God, we need all three directed from and to us.

Let's Pray:

Father, this is a wonderful day.  So many opportunities in front of us come in the form of problems and pains.  Yet, they are people looking for a little goodness.  These situations lead to the grace of forgiveness.  In all a spirit of loving-kindness can turn pains away for the season and restore hope.

Let us be the hands of goodness.  Let us be the hope of a ready forgiveness.  Let us be the dispensers of a spirit of loving-kindness.  

When our world experiences such moments of momentary grace and mercy, it will move closer to Your heart and kingdom principles in action.  Let us take dominion with goodness, forgiveness, and loving-kindness.  Let us be Your dispensers in a struggling world.

Father, enter into my world.  Enter into the spots I have hidden that need Your forgiveness.  Take dominion in the dreams that are slowed for the moment and pour goodness into them for energy.  Allow Your loving-kindness to permeate my thoughts and expectations so hope will always be with me and available for those around me.

Thanks, Father.  Thanks for being the God You always are.  



  1. Phil, thanks for that word of encouragement. Have a great day!

  2. Thank you! I feel you praying for me. You are in my prayers today for the loving-kindness and blessings you need from a friend.

  3. Phil,

    Keep the faith! You are delivering and ministering the message of the era; Unity! It is so timely and true to the Word.
