Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rapid Re-Vision

Matthew 4:20 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

This man Jesus can make you jump in a moment.  He can make you leave all and follow Him.  He can make you look again at the same opportunity and redo your vision.  The re-vision can cause us to move more quickly.

That has become a foreign idea in the minds of present Christians.  Sacrifice means not watching a movie.  Sacrifice means giving one night a week to choir practice so we can be in front of others.  Sacrifice means reading our bible five minutes a day. 


How weak have we become?  Our definition of temptation is a bag of chips sitting on the counter.  Lives have been anesthetized to real challenge and real sacrifice. 


A friend constantly was working with prostitutes.  One day he showed me the bullet holes in his car.  A pimp was upset at him for taking a woman off the street so he could talk to her.  It was cutting into profits.  The bullets never exited the inside of the door.  The bullets were never found.  Somewhere between the point blank shot coming at him and the realization that God had protected, I bet he thought about sacrifice.  His life was on the line every evening he went to reach those beaten women.  His time was robbed from family and friend to give to someone who might never listen. 


Sitting in a corporate executive office, we talked with a national community leader about the situation with fathering and fatherlessness plaguing our nation.  Somewhere someone mentioned one of the participants’ giving levels to the cause.  It was a large sum for the person.  The company matched the gift.  It was a stretch gift.  It was sacrificial giving.  It was beyond the reach of their income level.  But then Jesus can make you jump to a higher level when He calls.


This week, I am meeting with three pastors and a friend for lunch.  We are talking about sending backpacks and school supplies to Matamoros.  Raul and I will travel and deliver.  It is a long drive for just a few days of giving.  It means taking time off work using vacation leave.  Those days are costly.  But the joy of a child to be able to attend school and learn?  How much is that worth?  The pride of a child who has never had a backpack?  How much is that worth?  These children live and die in the dumps.  Maybe a day of dignity is worth the time and costs?


You see.  You see.  You see.  Sometimes we need our vision redone.  We see one way today.  Jesus helps redo our vision.  He rapidly can cause us to see what we did not see a moment ago.  When that happens our world of opportunity looks different and needs a more immediate response.


ACT!   What really is sacrifice?     How rapid does God want us to respond?  How willing are we to do it?  What is left undone that He has asked you to do?


PRAY!  Father, I believe.  Help my unbelief.   There is a part of me that loves big screen television and stereo sound.  There is a part of me that is more desperate for the easy chair and a great video experience that for loving others.  I love my diversions.  Yank me from my diversions.  Jolt me into a place of immediate obedience.  I repent.  Help me to disconnect from diversions to hear Your voice and respond.


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